
富永 雅

トミナガ マサル  (Masaru Tominaga)


大阪教育大学 理数情報教育系 准教授
博士(理学)(新潟大学 大学院 自然科学研究科)
修士(教育学)(大阪教育大学 大学院 教育学研究科)



  • M Tominaga
    JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS 7(5) 633-645 2002年10月  査読有り
    In our previous paper, we obtained a reverse Holder's type inequality which gives an upper bound of the difference: (Sigma a(k)(p))(1/p)(Sigma b(k)(q))(1/q) - lambdaSigma a(k)b(k) with a parameter lambda > 0, for n-tuples a = (a(1),..,a(n)) and b = (b(1),....b(n)) of positive numbers and for p > 1, q > 1 satisfying 1/p + 1/q = 1. In this paper for commutative positive operators A and B on a Hilbert space H and a unit vector x is an element of H, we give an upper bound of the difference <A(p)x, x>(1/p)<B(q)x, x>(1/q) - lambda<ABx, x>. As applications, considering special cases, we induce some difference and ratio operator inequalities. Finally, using the geometric mean in the Kubo-Ando theory we shall give a reverse Holder's type operator inequality for noncommutative operators.
  • Masatoshi Fujii, Young Ok Kim, Masaru Tominaga
    Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 6(3) 225-238 2002年9月  査読有り
  • M Fujii, Y Seo, M Tominaga
    We prove a Golden-Thompson type inequality via Specht's ratio: Let H and K be selfadjoint operators on a Hilbert space H satisfying M1 greater than or equal to H, K greater than or equal to mI for some scalar M > m. Then M-h(1) (1 - lambda)e(tH) + lambdae(tK))(1/l) greater than or equal toe((1-lambda)H+lambdaK) greater than or equal to M-h(1)M--1(h)(t)(-1/l) ((1 - lambda)e(tH) + lambdae(tK))(1/l) holds for all t > 0 and 0 less than or equal to lambda less than or equal to 1, where h = e(M-m) and (generalized) Specht's ratio M-h(t) is defined for h > 0 as [GRAPHICS] (h not equal 1) and M1(1) = 1.
  • Masaru Tominaga
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 55(3) 583-588 2002年5月  査読有り
  • 瀬尾祐貴, 富永雅, 藤井淳一, 藤井正俊, 松本明美
    大阪教育大学数学教室編 数学教育研究 (32) 43-52 2002年  査読有り
  • Masatoshi Fujii, Young Ok Kim, Masaru Tominaga
    Nihonkai Mathematical Journal 12(1) 59-70 2001年6月  査読有り
  • S Izumino, M Tominaga
    Using a technique due to Ozeki, we give an upper bound of (Sigmaa(k)(p))(1/p) (Sigmab(k)(q))(1/q) - lambda Sigmaa(k)b(k) for lambda > 0, for p > 1, q > 1 satisfying 1/p + 1/q = 1, and for n - tuples a = (a(1),...,a(n),) and b = (b(1),..., b(n)) of positive numbers under certain conditions. This yields a complement of Holder's inequality. The estimation with a parameter lambda enables us to unify the discussions on difference and ratio inequalities derived from Holders inequality.
  • 瀬尾祐貴, 富永雅, 藤井淳一, 藤井正俊, 松本明美
    大阪教育大学数学教室編 数学教育研究 (31) 63-70 2001年  査読有り
  • J Micic, J Pecaric, Y Seo, M Tominaga
    MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS 3(4) 559-591 2000年10月  査読有り
    The aim of this work is to generalize the main inequalities in [9] as follows: Let A be a Hermitian matrix, let Phi be a normalized positive linear map, let f and g be real valued continuous functions and let F(u, v) be a real valued function matrix non-decreasing in its first variable. Real constants alpha and beta such that alpha1 less than or equal to F[Phi>(*) over bar * (f(A)),g(Phi>(*) over bar * (A))] less than or equal to beta1 are determined. If f is a concave (resp. convex) function then the determination of beta (resp. alpha) is reduced to solving a single variable maximization (resp. minimization) problem. Some applications of these results to the power function, the means and the Hadamard product are also given.
  • 瀬尾祐貴, 富永雅, 藤井淳一, 藤井正俊, 松本明美
    大阪教育大学数学教室編 数学教育研究 (30) 1-14 2000年  査読有り
  • Jadranka Mi\'ci\'c Hot, Yuki Seo, Sin-ei Takahasi, Masaru Tominaga
    Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 2(1) 83-111 1999年1月  査読有り









