Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
日本語 | English
- 所属
- 大阪教育大学 総合教育系 准教授
- 学位
- 修士(教育学)(2009年3月 京都大学)
- 連絡先
- 201401094968172720
- researchmap会員ID
- 7000009486
2024年4月 - 現在
2021年4月 - 2024年3月
2018年4月 - 2024年3月
2018年3月 - 2021年3月
2017年4月 - 2018年3月
2008年4月 - 2012年3月
2006年4月 - 2008年3月
2002年4月 - 2006年3月
1999年4月 - 2002年3月
2022年11月 - 現在
2022年6月 - 現在
2022年3月 - 2024年2月
2022年11月 - 2023年9月
2012年4月 - 2013年3月
International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning (ICEPL2017) 81-89 2017年8月 査読有り
International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning (ICEPL2017) 74-80 2017年8月 査読有り
Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI); 2017 6th IIAI International Congress on. IEEE 192-197 2017年7月 査読有り
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (10) 13-22 2017年 査読有り昨今、教育界においてエビデンス論が勢いを増している。その象徴に、中室牧子の著書『「学力」の経済学』のベストセラー現象がある。小論は、ガバナンス論の観点からエビデンス論を検討することにより中室が提起するエビデンス論の脆弱性を示す。結果、同論はその前にも後にも現場に生きるローカルノレッジとの対話の余地はなく、上から目線の啓蒙者に坐してしまっている点に問題がある。教育現場にとって研究が坐しうる位置を考えると、一方では啓蒙者の位置を得ようとする論があり、他方では教育現場にとって研究は無益であるという声もある。前者は解体したところであるが、では解は後者に収斂するのだろうか。小論は、その前者でも後者でもないメタガバナンスという位置に可能性を見出すべく、進化生物学の知見を借りながら論を展開した。真っ暗闇の適応度地形を可能な限りよりなだらかにし、また案内役を買って出ることが、その役割としてありうるだろう。|This paper examines the truth or falsehood of Makiko Nakamuro's theory of evidence-based education. In the discussion, this paper reveals the frailty of the theory, for it has no room for dialogue with local knowledge form the field. On the one hand, it is said that educational research or researchers play an instructional and enlightening role in the educational field, while on the other hand, it is said that they are not useful. Though it is suggested that the former line of thought is wrong, this paper asks if the latter is generally applicable. This paper provides another possibility, of meta-governance, which leads the progresses under the fitness landscape.
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (10) 23-32 2017年 査読有り筆頭著者大学改革待ったなしの状況であり、その中で教職協働の必要性に対する認識が広まっている。今回、教職協働の取り組みを通じて本学の教学マネジメント改革の理念構築を行った。その結果、本学の建学の精神と「理性と感性を兼ね備えた専門職業人の育成」という言葉を核としながら「ときわ教育目標」を作成し、またそれをもとに「アドミッション・ポリシー」「カリキュラム・ポリシー」「ディプロマ・ポリシー」の3つのポリシーに加え、「アセスメント・ポリシー」ならびに我が国で初めて提唱することになった「ステューデント・サポート・ポリシー」を含めた5つのポリシー、さらには本学の学修全体をとおして獲得すべき力を具体的に列挙した「ときわコンピテンシー」からなる【まなびのre:デザイン】を構築するに至った。|This paper discusses idea-building through collaboration amongst faculty at institutions of learning. Particularly, as a case study, and in an effort to improve the management at our own university, we attempted to conceptualize this topic from the perspective of collaboration between academic faculty and administrative staff. We were able to evaluate the school's management in its entirety, and developed a system of exercises to determine how management can improve with greater collaboration between academic faculty and administrative staff. This idea comprises of five policies, along with competency-based educational goals. The five policies are: the diploma policy, the admission policy, the curriculum policy, the assessment policy, and the student support policy. The student support policy is a novel and remarkable concept in the universities of Japan.
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (10) 51-60 2017年 査読有り知の創造プロセスに関する先行研究では、これまでいくつかのモデルが提唱されてきた。先に我々は、知の創造理論について、数学の一分野であるノード(点)とエッジ(線)で結ばれた「グラフ」を用いたグラフ理論や、ライフサイエンスの分野である「タンパク質相互作用ネットワーク(PPI: Protein-Protein Interaction)」などを援用して、知の創造プロセスについて「増殖段階」「混在段階」「創造段階」の3段階からなる【知のネットワーク成長モデル】を提唱した。本稿では、従来モデルにさらにタグという概念を援用し、新たに【知のタグネットワーク・タグモデル】を提唱する。| Research on the knowledge-creation process has yielded several models of knowledge-creation. By applying the notion of "tags" to existing knowledge-creation models, and inspired by protein-protein interaction networks and graph theory, we propose a novel knowledge-creation model, which we term "tag-based knowledge networks."
PROCEEDINGS 2016 5TH IIAI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS IIAI-AAI 2016 1188-1189 2016年 査読有りThis article examines the improvement in collaboration between faculty and staff at the Kobe Tokiwa University using SWOT analysis and complex network analysis. The Kobe Tokiwa University established the Research Cooperative Division (RCD). RCD has faculty and staff, and two members that are both faculty and staff. In the last decade, the Japanese Government and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) highlighted the importance of collaborative work between faculty and staff to improve governance at universities. We focus on collaborative work between faculty and staff and identify strengths and weaknesses of our university using a SWOT analysis and complex network analysis.
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (9) 71-78 2016年 査読有り筆頭著者昨今の大学運営において、教職協働の必要性に対する認識が広まっている。今回、本学の教学マネジメントの改善に資するため、教職協働によりその課題の可視化に取り組んだ。その結果、本学の教学マネジメントの全体を俯瞰することができ、なおかつその課題を可視化することができる活動システムを描くに至った。教職協働を「知」の観点から捉えるとき、その取り組みは異なる専門知同士の相互交流とみることができる。とはいえ、知の相互交流は決して容易なことではない。「専門家/非専門家」の境界線を固定的に捉える限り、知の流れは一方向的にしかならない。知の交流が促進されるためには、パラレルな知性が駆使されるよう環境を整備することが求められる。サロンのような場の設定、ファシリテーターの役割を担う人材の配置がその例である。このような環境があってこそ、セレンディピティの可能性が高まり、知の交流に留まらず新たな知の創造に至るのである。
神戸常盤大学紀要 = Bulletin of Kobe Tokiwa University (9) 79-86 2016年 査読有り筆頭著者知の創造プロセスに関する先行研究では、これまでいくつかのモデルが提唱されてきた。本稿で我々は、知の創造プロセスについて「増殖段階」「混在段階」「創造段階」の3段階からなる【知のネットワーク成長モデル】を新たに提唱する。本モデルが従来のモデルと異なる点は、知の創造理論について、数学の一分野であるノード(点)とエッジ(線)で結ばれた「グラフ」を用いたグラフ理論や、ライフサイエンスの分野である「タンパク質相互作用ネットワーク(PPI: Protein-Protein Interaction)」などを援用して、知の創造プロセスを提唱している点にある。さらに「混在段階」と「創造段階」の溝(キャズム)を越え、混在させた知に新しい価値を付加するためのセレンディピティの必要性についても言及している点にある。
日本教育行政学会年報 39 97-114 2013年10月 査読有り筆頭著者In the United States, many efforts to develop educational programs based on research results have been made by universities and private sector organizations. By adopting these programs, school districts and schools receive support from the universities and organizations. This article discusses one of these educational programs, "Success for All" (SFA), a schoolwide program for students in Grades pre-K to 6 which organizes resources to ensure that every student will reach the third grade on time with adequate basic skills and build on this basis throughout the elementary grades, with no student being allowed to fall between the cracks. Efforts of this kind include an issue raised from the point of view of administration: governance. In efforts of this kind, meta-governance is set properly for governance to function more effectively. Governance is always open to the possibility of failure. Meta-governance is widely defined as the "governing of governing", and is to govern the network properly in order to avoid the possibility of failure of governance, or to cope with the difficulty of governance. Then, what meta-governance would be required in order to ensure effective governance? This article analyzes the form of meta-governance that aim to effectively govern the governance in the SFA program. The points that should be noted in terms of capturing the meta-governance are (a) to take into account the self-organization of the network without relying on the linear model "those who control/ who are controlled", and (b) to capture the meta-governance functionally, rather than substantively. Given these two points, meta-governance refers to (the infrastructure for organizing and encouraging the dynamic mechanism) the self-organization of the network. The analytical challenges to be addressed in this article are (1) to capture the infrastructure needed for a self-organizing network in SFA, and (2) to explore the reason why the SFA Foundation could function as meta-governor. The issue to be addressed first as meta-governance in SFA, is to incorporate the research knowledge into practice, because research knowledge is heterologous for education governance. However, research knowledge cannot be incorporated directly into practice in its raw form: it must first be translated into a practicable form (e.g. lesson plan, teacher manual). And in order to enhance the practicability, training for teachers is also required. However, since the teachers could rebel against unilateral impositions of research knowledge, it is necessary to employ additional measures to alleviate the psychological resistance of the teachers. In order to solve this problem, (a) the SFA Foundation requires the schools to hold in-school votes before adopting the SFA program, and (b) the foundation permits the teachers to adapt it. The foundation will approve a adaptation as long as it is intended to respond to school goals and is intended to improve the learning outcomes of students. Further, in order to maintain a proper balance between adaptation and fidelity, the SFA Foundation devises methods by which the facilitators attempt to keep the teachers on pace and limit the number of adaptations. Then, why could the SFA Foundation function as meta-governor? In order for the foundation to function as meta-governor, the presence of the code <effective / not effective> is required, and by this code, all the meta-governance organized under this code is meaningful. But more important and fundamental is that the position of meta-governor is not given from the outside, but that the function is held barely in the dynamic process on self-reference.
未来教育研究所紀要 1(1) 127-132 2013年6月 筆頭著者
教育行財政論叢 = Reviews in Educational Administration and Finance 12(12) 69-86 2013年3月31日 筆頭著者Now "evidence" is required even in education. In the United States, the discussions around what is "scientific educational research" have been notable since 2000. This paper discusses epistemological and methodological positions from which one investigates and examines the effectiveness of the interventions, what works on the outcome interested, or causation between the variables. On the methodological positions, Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) is especially important element to decide the position because quantitative researchers often regard RCT as a determinate means to discover the causation. The purpose of this paper is to show the diversity and disparity on the epistemological and methodological positions. This paper examine the five actors, (i) U.S. Department of Education、(ii) SRE、(iii) Pierre、(iv) Howe、(v) Maxwell. First, Department of Education takes a stance of positivism and regard RCT as 'gold standard' for evaluating an intervention' s effectiveness. Second, SRE takes a stance of postpositivism whose difference from positivism is accepting the incompleteness of human. postpositivism is that SRE gives qualitative method the role in the scientific research, although it remains limited to the auxiliary role. Third, Pierre takes a stance of postpositivism and makes a critical attack on SRE in the terms of not accepting the diversity of epistemology and methodology. Fourth, Howe exposes the problem of black-box about RCT. Finally, Maxwell takes "realist approaches in philosophy that see causation as fundamentally a matter of processes and mechanisms rather than observed regularities."
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (59) 151-173 2013年3月 査読有り筆頭著者In this article, it is attempted to deconstruct the schema with which we hunt causation which is labeled the regularity approach, and to replace it with the realist approach that sees causality as fundamentally referring to the actual causal mechanisms and processes that are involved in particular events and situations. In the regularity approach, the actual process of causality is treated as unobservable a, "black box, " and discovering whether there is a systematic relationship between inputs and outputs is focused on. This conception of causality leads to quantitative research that we need comparison in order to establish causality. In the realist approach, it is argued that causation can be identified in a single case and qualitative research is given the priority over quantitative research. Realist researchers place considerable emphasis on the context dependence of causal explanation. In the 3rd chapter, the effectiveness of Success for All is to be reconstructed into this schema.
研究開発コロキアム : 平成23年度 成果報告書 (Colloquium for Educational Research and Development) 4-5 2012年3月
アジア教育研究会 (11) 71-84 2012年3月 査読有り筆頭著者
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (58) 101-113 2012年 査読有り筆頭著者It may be true that improving student outcomes is the ultimate purpose of all educational policymakers and educational researchers. Improving the effectiveness of the intervention, which involves an educational program, a product, a practice, or a policy aimed at improving student outcomes is a typical purpose to be accomplished. However, it should be noted that this study addressed the question "how and why can you say that intervention X caused the outcome Y?" or "what gives assurance that intervention X caused the outcome Y?" and not "did intervention X cause the outcome Y?" That is, the purpose of this study was not to discuss the effectiveness itself but pave the way for discussing the effectiveness. The target of this paper is the methodology used in the Comprehensive School Reform Quality Center report, which evaluated and rated the effectiveness of models used by the schools in the Comprehensive School Reform program. The characteristic of the methodology is a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), which is the "gold standard" for evidence-based policies in the USA. This paper demonstrates why the methodology is superior to the econometric methodology based on the theory of Cartwright.
日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録 (64) 8-9 2012年 筆頭著者
研究開発コロキアム : 平成21年度 成果報告書 (Colloquium for Educational Research and Development) 10-11 2010年3月31日 筆頭著者責任著者
研究開発コロキアム : 平成21年度 成果報告書 (Colloquium for Educational Research and Development) 76-85 2010年3月31日 責任著者
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (56) 29-41 2010年 査読有り筆頭著者The purpose of this paper is to examine the legitimacy of the standard of "scientifically based research". The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act seeks to improve the quality of public education by requiring educators to use programs and practices that are based on scientific research. The term "scientifically based research" appears 111 times in the NCLB Act. For all other programs under NCLB except for the Reading First program and the Comprehensive School Reform program, the law contains a highly specific definition of scientifically based research. The term "scientifically based research" includes research that is evaluated using experimental or quasi-experimental designs in which individuals, entities, programs, or activities are assigned to different conditions and with appropriate controls to evaluate the effects of the condition of interest, with a preference for random-assignment experiments. The U.S. Department of Education has issued guidance about implementing scientifically based research in the Reading First program and the Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) program. The definition of scientifically based research that applies only to the Reading First program as well as the definition of "strong evidence" in the CSR program is different from, and less rigorous than the definition that applies to all other programs in the NCLB Act.
研究開発コロキアム : 平成20年度 成果報告書 (Colloquium for Educational Research and Development) 12-13 2009年3月31日 筆頭著者責任著者
研究開発コロキアム : 平成20年度 成果報告書 (Colloquium for Educational Research and Development) 98-107 2009年3月31日 責任著者
研究開発コロキアム : 平成19年度 成果報告書 (Colloquium for Educational Research and Development) 22-23 2008年3月31日
教育行財政論叢 10(10) 1-25 2007年3月31日 筆頭著者This paper analyzes the political process surrounding the enactment of the exemption law permitting the system of stock-corporation schools. The analysis will be conducted from the following two points of view: Why the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology allowed the exemption law to be enacted, and what are the features that should be considered when comparing the political process and the contents of the resulting exemption law. I propose two hypotheses to explain the aforementioned points. The first hypothesis is that the Ministry was forced to permit the system as a result of the crisis regarding government subsidy funding for compulsory education. The second is that several politically strategic elements that would allow the Ministry to win the dispute over the enactment of the law, are included in the exemption law.
東信堂 2018年4月20日 (ISBN: 9784798914954)
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2024年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2021年4月 - 2025年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B) 2016年4月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費 2010年 - 2011年