
守本 晃

モリモト アキラ  (Akira Morimoto)


大阪教育大学 理数情報教育系 教授








  • Nobuko Ikawa, Akira Morimoto, Ryuichi Ashino
    International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 397-402 2012年  
    A new design based on wavelet analysis for the objective audiometry devices is proposed. The auditory brainstem response and 80-Hz auditory steady-state response (ASSR) are used in the objective audiometry devices for infants. For the aged, an objective audiometry device is used in anti-aging investigations, which enables the hearing acuity of awake adults to be tested with the 40-Hz ASSR. The ASSR evoked by an amplitude modulated tone is recorded as a waveform. However, the evoked potential response is very small. Therefore, it is difficult to decide a threshold of the response and whether a significant response exists when it is mixed with noise such as the background brain waves. To cope with this problem, we need to average the evoked response waveforms. In particular, the 40-Hz ASSR has a large amount of noise caused by the background brain waves in comparison with the 80-Hz ASSR. In this paper, we apply waveform analysis using the wavelet transform in order to extract the 40-Hz ASSR from a signal mixed with a large amount of noise. Subjects with normal hearing participated in this study. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Akira Morimoto, Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai
    International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 384-389 2012年  
    The blind image source separation problem is to estimate the number of the unknown source images and to separate the original images from superpositions of source images. The coefficients of the superposition are also unknown. Our proposed source reduction method has a potential to overcome the difficulty of previously proposed methods. In this paper, we give an algorithm of the method with continuous multiwavelet transform for the image separation. Various numerical experiments using the proposed algorithm ensure that our proposed source reduction method performs well for image separation. An example of numerical experiments is presented. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Akira Morimoto, Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai
    International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 346-351 2012年  
    The blind source separation problem is to estimate the number of the unknown source signals and to separate the original source signals from the several observed signals, which are assumed to be linear superpositions of the sources. The coefficients of the superposition are also unknown. In this paper, in order to overcome a difficulty in previously proposed methods, a new approach to solve the problem, named source reduction method, using continuous wavelet transform is proposed. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Shusuke Kataoka, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto
    APPLICABLE ANALYSIS 91(4) 617-644 2012年  
    The purpose of blind source separation is to separate and to estimate the original sources from the sensor array, without knowing the transmission channel characteristics. Besides methods based on independent component analysis which is one of the most powerful tools for blind source separation, several methods based on time-frequency analysis have been proposed. One of them is the quotient signal estimation method which can estimate the unknown number of sources. The notion of the continuous multiwavelet transform is introduced and three types of multiwavelets are presented. A new method using continuous multiwavelet transform, position-scale information matrices and self-organizing maps, is presented and applied to image source separations with noise. The performance of three multiwavelets are compared.
  • 守本晃
    平成 23 年度 数学・数理科学と諸科学・産業との連携研究ワークショップ ウェーブレット理論と工学への応用 プロシーディングス 1 87-105 2011年9月  
    主催:文部科学省, 大阪教育大学 場所:大阪教育大学 天王寺キャンパス 日程:平成 23 年 9 月 12 日(月)13:00 - 18:00 平成 23 年 9 月 13 日(火) 9:00 - 12:30
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Shusuke Kataoka, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto
    International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 245-250 2011年  
    Multiwavelets are derived from refutable function vectors via a multiresolution analysis. A new method for blind image source separation based on position-scale information denned by multiwavelets is presented. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Akira Morimoto, Ryuichi Ashino, Shusuke Kataoka, Takeshi Mandai
    International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition 239-244 2011年  
    The monogenic signal is a multidimensional generalization of the analytic signal. The monogenic signal of the continuous wavelet transform is called the monogenic wavelet transform. Stationary wavelet transform is a redundant discrete wavelet transform, which is translation-invariant. A new method for blind image source separation based on position-scale information using the monogenic wavelet transform discretized by the stationary wavelet transform is presented. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Shusuke Kataoka, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto
    Blind Source Separation (BSS) is one of the hottest emerging areas in signal processing. The purpose of BSS is to separate and to estimate the original sources from the sensor array, without knowing the transmission channel characteristics. Besides methods based on independent component analysis which is one of the most powerful tools for BSS, several methods based on time-frequency analysis have been proposed. One of them is the quotient signal estimation method which can estimate the unknown number of sources. We present a new method using wavelet analysis and apply it to signal and image source separations.
  • 芦野隆一, 守本晃
    検査技術 15(2) 1-7 2010年2月  
  • Akira Morimoto, Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai
    ISCIT 2010 - 2010 10th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 707-712 2010年  
    The Riesz transforms and the monogenic signal are two-dimensional generalizations of the Hilbert transform and the analytic signal, respectively. The monogenic wavelet transformation is introduced and applied to solve blind source separation problems for images. The monogenic wavelet transformation is used to define spatial-scale information. Algorithms to solve the image separation problem are proposed. © 2010 IEEE.
  • 溝畑潔, 芦野隆一, 守本晃
    可視化情報 29(115) 249-255 2009年10月  査読有り
  • 守本晃
    数学セミナー 48(3) 29-33 2009年3月  
  • Akira Morimoto
    Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Information, ISBN 4-901329-06-5. 196-199 2009年  査読有り
  • 溝畑潔, 芦野隆一, 守本晃
    可視化情報 別冊 29(Suppl. No.2) 95-98 2009年  
  • 守本晃, 芦野隆一, 萬代武史
    可視化情報 別冊 29(Suppl. No.2) 91-94 2009年  
  • 数理解析研究所, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 1622 47-96 2009年  
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto
    Seminar Notes of Mathematical Sciences 12 15-24 2009年  
  • 守本 晃
    数理解析研究所講究録 1622 47-96 2009年1月  
  • 佐々木文夫, 上田将吾, 鈴木正則, 安岡正人, 田中治, 芦野隆一, 萬代武史, 守本晃
    第75回神楽坂解析セミナー(東京理科大学) 1-4 2008年11月  
  • 守本晃, 芦野隆一, 萬代武史, 佐々木文夫
    日本応用数理学会2008年度年会講演予稿集 329-330 2008年9月  
  • R. Ashino, T. Mandai, A. Morimoto, F. Sasaki
    Seminar Notes of Mathematical Sciences 11 12-26 2008年  
  • Akira Morimoto, Ashino Ryuichi, Takeshi Mandai, Fumio Sasaki
    Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, ICWAPR 2 541-546 2008年  
    The algorithms to solve the simplest version of spatio-temporal mixture problem in the blind source separation are proposed. The analytic wavelet transform is used to represent time-frequency information and a numerical simulation is given. ©2008 IEEE.
  • R. Ashino, T. Mandai, A. Morimoto, F. Sasaki
    Fields Institute Communications 52 401-414 2007年12月  査読有り
  • 守本晃, 芦野隆一, 萬代武史, 佐々木文夫, 西原清顕, 神山浩之
    第1回ウェーブレット変換およびその応用に関するワークショップ Vol.1 1-6 2007年10月  
  • 守本晃, 芦野隆一, 藤田景子, 萬代武史, 西原清顕, 佐々木文夫
    日本応用数理学会2007年度年会講演予稿集 288-289 2007年9月  
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Keiko Fujita, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto, Kiyoaki Nishihara
    The blind source separation method for spatial mixing problem is discussed. A matrix called time-frequency information matrix is composed of continuous wavelet transforms of observed signals with respect to several different wavelet functions. The proposed method detects the number of sources and separates sources using the time-frequency information matrix. Algorithms axe given, and numerical experiments demonstrate the proposed method works well.
  • Keiko Fujita, Yoshitsugu Takei, Akira Morimoto, Ryuichi Ashino
    APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 187(1) 153-162 2007年4月  
    To treat the blind source separation problems, in many cases, either statistical independence or statistical orthogonality (uncorrelation) on the sources has been assumed. Napoletani-Berenstein-Krishnaprasad treated the problem under the linear independence of the windowed Fourier transforms of sources and the continuity of density functions defined statistically. In this paper, another independence of the windowed Fourier transforms of sources in a time-frequency domain is proposed without assuming any statistical conditions. This paper is a summary of the authors' submitted papers. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 芦野隆一, 萬代武史, 守本晃
    応用数理 17(1) 2-13 2007年3月  査読有り
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Carlos A. Berenstein, Keiko Fujita, Akira Morimoto, Mitsuo Morimoto, Domenico Napoletani, Yoshitsugu Takei
    APPLICABLE ANALYSIS 86(5) 577-609 2007年  
    The blind source separation problem is discussed in this article. Focusing on the assumption of independency of the sources in the time-frequency domain, we present a mathematical formulation for the estimation problem of the number of sources. The proposed method uses the quotient of complex valued time- frequency information of only two observed signals to detect the number of sources. No fewer number of observed signals than the detected number of sources is needed to separate sources. The assumption on sources is quite general independence in the time-frequency plane, which is different from that of independent component analysis. We propose algorithms with feedback and give numerical simulations to show the method works well even for noisy case.
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto, Fumio Sasaki
    The cocktail party problem deals with the specialized human listening ability to focus one's listening attention on a single talker among a cacophony of conversations and background noise. The blind source separation problem corresponds to a way to enable computers to solve the cocktail party problem in a satisfactory manner. A blind source separation based on time-frequency informations for spatio-temporal mixture problems is discussed.
  • 芦野 隆一, 萬代 武史, 守本 晃
    数理解析研究所, 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 1529 26-41 2007年  
  • Morimoto, A, Ashino, R, Vaillancourt, R
    CRM preprint Centre de recherches mathematiques (CRM) of the Universite de Montreal CRM(3213) 2006年3月  
    CRM preprint http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/en/niveau2/index_pub.html
  • Morimoto A, Ashino R, Vaillancourt R
    Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 63 351-367 2006年  査読有り
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Akira Morimoto, Yuichi Shimano, Remi Vaillancourt
    Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Information and The Fourth Irish Conference on MFCSIT. 164-167 2006年  査読有り
  • Akira Morimoto, Keiko Fujita, Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai
    Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Information and The Fourth Irish Conference on MFCSIT. 92-95 2006年  査読有り
  • Akira Morimoto, Keiko Fujita, Ryuichi Ashino
    Seminar Notes of Mathematical Sciences 9 81-89 2006年  
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Akira Morimoto, Michihiro Nagase, Weibin Qi, Remi Vaillancourt
    Seminar Notes of Mathematical Sciences 9 1-16 2006年  
  • A. Morimoto, Y. Shimano, R. Ashino, R. Vaillancourt
    Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University in series "Computer Science", vol. 29, Riga: Riga Technical University, "Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation"; 48-th issue 29 6-14 2006年  査読有り
  • 小幡雅彦, 岩崎雅史, 近藤弘一, 守本晃, 芦野隆一, 中村佳正
    情報処理学会研究報告 (20) 169-174 2006年  
  • National University of Ireland, CorkProceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Information and The Fourth Irish Conference on MFCSIT. 164-167 2006年  
  • Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University in series "Computer Science", vol. 29, Riga: Riga Technical University, "Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation"; 48-th issue 29 6-14 2006年  
  • Morimoto, A, Shimano, Y, Ashino, R, Vaillancourt, R
    CRM preprint Centre de recherches mathematiques (CRM) of the Universite de Montreal CRM(3202) 2005年10月  
    CRM preprint http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/en/niveau2/index_pub.html
  • 藤田景子, 竹井義次, 守本晃, 芦野隆一, 森本光生
    信学技報 IEICE Technical Report, EA2005-12 SIP2005-17(2005-05) EA2005 SIP2005 37-42 2005年5月  
  • 守本晃, 藤田景子, 芦野隆一
    信学技報 IEICE Technical Report, EA2005-11 SIP2005-16(2005-05) EA2005 SIP2005 31-36 2005年5月  
  • R Ashin, A Morimoto, M Nagase, R Vaillancourt
    MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING 41(6-7) 773-790 2005年3月  
    Digital image compression with multiresolution singular value decomposition is compared with discrete cosine transform, discrete 9/7 biorthogonal wavelet transform, Karhunen-Loeve transform, and combinations thereof The coding methods used SPIHT and run-length with Huff-mann coding. The performances of these methods differ little from each other. Generally, the 9/7 biorthogonal wavelet transform is superior for most images that were tested for given compression rates. But for certain block transforms and certain images other methods are slightly superior. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Ryuichi Ashino, Takeshi Mandai, Akira Morimoto
    Applicable Analysis 84(2) 165-195 2005年2月  査読有り
  • A. Morimoto, R. Ashino, R. Vaillancourt
    CRM preprint Centre de recherches mathematiques (CRM) of the Universite de Montreal CRM(2980) 2004年3月  
    CRM preprint http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/en/niveau2/index_pub.html
  • R. Ashino, A. Morimoto, M. Nagase, R. Vaillancourt
    CRM preprint Centre de recherches mathematiques (CRM) of the Universite de Montreal CRM(2939) 2004年1月  
    CRM preprint http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/en/niveau2/index_pub.html
  • Qi W, Morimoto A, Ashino R, Vaillancourt R
    Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University in series "Computer Science", vol. 21, Riga: Riga Technical University, "Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation"; 46-th issue 21 36-46 2004年  査読有り
  • Morimoto A, Ashino R, Vaillancourt R
    Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University in series "Computer Science", vol. 21, Riga: Riga Technical University, "Boundary Field Problems and Computer Simulation"; 46-th issue 21 25-35 2004年  査読有り





