Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
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2005年4月 - 2009年3月
2023年7月 - 2024年3月
広島大学心理学研究 12(12) 117-126 2013年3月心理臨床の世界は,伝え手と受け手,そしてその間や周りの人々が複雑に関わる領域である。この領域において,専門性の生成や後進への世代継承はどのように行われているのだろうか。本研究では心理臨床家である上智大学大学院教授の黒川由紀子先生に,専門性の生成と世代継承に関する面接調査を行う機会を得た。面接調査から,黒川先生の専門性の生成と継承には,①自らの未熟さに向き合い続ける姿勢,②変化を続ける内的な恩師との関係とそこから受ける薫陶,③後進の自己一致を促そうとする意識が特質として認められた。最後に,本研究の面接調査が,世代継承という特徴も備えていることから,後進である筆者の中に生じた世代継承について考察した。
神戸女学院大学女性学評論 24 21-42 2010年3月The problem of the body, a clitical theme in clinical psychology, is discussed. The purpose of clinical psychology is generally considered to be solving problems, illnesses, and disorders of the mind. However, in therapy, many clients in fact complain about the condition of their body. The object of clinical psychology is essentially the whole-person that consists of the maid and the body, the two aspects of the whole-person. Clinical psychologists can understand the experiences of their clients though both the mind and the body. However, in psychotherapy, the role of the body has been neglected more often than that of the mind. The ambiguities of the body:(1) separation and relationship, and(2) self and non-self are examined. The first is that our bodies enable us to meet others and form relationships with them, but the two people cannot have identical experiences. The second is that our bodies are felt and lived by us, but, they are seen by others. The problems caused by this ambiguity in psychotherapy are examined. Finally, the relationship between woman and the body are discussed.
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 56(56) 207-216 2007年12月 査読有りTendency for developing eating disorders and the family relationships of adolescents was investigated. The Eating Disorder Questionnaire-91 (EDI-91) was administered to non-clinical, adolescent men and women, and the characteristics of their EDI-91 scores were examined. Moreover, the link between the tendency for eating disorders and family relationships were clarified. Results of factor analysis of EDI-91 scores suggested a 10-factor structure. The results also confirmed the reliability of the sub-scales of EDI-91. Additionally, the tendency for eating disorders score was calculated based on the EDI-91 results. This tendency was related to recognition and expression of feelings and to the recollection of feeling experienced in the past. Furthermore, the Kinetic Family Drawings (KFD) was administered to the participants. The participants were classified on the basis of EDI-91 results, and the relationship between the tendency for eating disorders and the family relationships expressed by KFD was examined. Result indicated the following features in woman with a high tendency for eating disorders: (1) Conflict over temporary desire that was expressed in the symbol for the kitchen and (2) Feelings about the family that was expressed by features and by omitting description of people. It is suggested that future studies should clarify family's interactions and the overall family image of adolescents with tendency for eating disorders by combining the results of different indices.
広島大学心理学研究 6(6) 183-199 2006年3月本研究では,一般青年における摂食障害傾向の広がりをうけ,青年期の男女に対して摂食障害傾向のスクリーニング・テストを行い,青年における摂食障害傾向の実態について考察した上で,拒食と過食における心理的意味と摂食障害傾向との関連を,質問項目とSCTによる調査によって検討した。調査は男女大学生457名を対象に行われた。その結果,摂食障害傾向が高いほど,拒食には「自己の向上」という意味が,過食には「現実の苦痛からの解放」という意味が多く与えられていることが示された。 また,一般青年において,拒食や過食には,自尊心の獲得や不安への対処という意味が与えられている一方で,摂食障害傾向の高い一群では,それらの意味や目的とのつながりが意識されず,拒食や過食という行為そのものに巻き込まれた心理状態も体験されていることが示唆された。