
永井 由美子

ナガイ ユミコ  (Yumiko Nagai)


大阪教育大学 健康安全教育系 教授
(BLANK)(Jissen Women's University)
Ph.D.(Showa University)







  • 永井由美子, 奥野めぐみ, 山下茜
    大阪教育大学紀要Ⅲ部門自然科学・応用科学 60(2) 37,44 2012年2月  
  • 高崎 裕治, 大中 忠勝, 栃原 裕, 永井 由美子, 伊藤 宏充, 吉竹 史郎
    人間と生活環境 17(2) 65,71-71 2010年  
  • 赤井由紀子, 山川正信, 永井由美子, 西川桃子, 佐藤賢太, 中島敦子, 近藤信子
    母性衛生 50(2) 475-481 2009年7月  査読有り
  • 赤井由紀子, 佐藤賢太, 永井由美子, 山川正信, 土田恵子, 高間憲治
    医学と生物学 153(11) 532,538 2009年1月  査読有り
  • 大中 忠勝, 高崎 裕治, 栃原 裕, 永井 由美子, 伊藤 宏充, 吉竹 史郎
    人間と生活環境 14(1) 11-16 2007年  
    全国11地域(札幌,秋田,仙台,千葉北部,千葉南部,静岡,富山,大阪,広島,福岡,鹿児島)の331住宅の温熱環境(居間,浴室,脱衣室,廊下,寝室,屋外)を1週間にわたって測定した.入浴時には湯温も同時に記録した.測定は2004年12月から2005年3月にかけて行った.室温の測定は床上0.6〜1.1mの高さで直射日光が当たらない場所に温度センサーを設置した.得られた結果は以下の通りである. 1.札幌では部屋間の温度差が小さく,廊下を含めて15℃以上に保たれていた.その他の地域では,居間は高い室温に保たれていたが,その他の部屋(場所)は低い気温であった. 2.札幌以外では,脱衣室,廊下が特に低い気温であった. 3.溺死死亡率と脱衣室温との間に有意な相関が存在した.
  • Yuji Takasaki, Tadakatsu Ohnaka, Yutaka Tochihara, Yumiko Nagai, Hiromitsu Ito, Shiro Yoshitake
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology 26(2) 235-240 2007年  
    This study investigated the bathing conditions of elderly Japanese, and sought to find factors relating to regional differences in death rates from bathtub accidents. A questionnaire survey was carried out in 11 areas of Japan. Questionnaires including questions regarding the length of time since houses had been built, types of facilities, and subjects' indoor thermal sensations and behavior while bathing were distributed to detached houses in each area twice, once in summer and once in winter. Completed questionnaires were collected from approximately 160 elderly people over 65 years old. Information regarding thermal sensations of rooms in winter revealed that a prefabricated bath and insulating window glass eased the cold in the bathroom. Unexpectedly, more subjects in the southern region than in the northern region reported being cold or a little cold while bathing in winter. In the present study, thermal sensations and behaviors while bathing seemed to be more affected by facilities and the location of houses than by the sex and age of the subjects.
  • 齋藤 誠二, 永井 由美子, 山川 正信
    大阪教育大学紀要. IV, 教育科学 55(1) 143-150 2006年  
  • 高崎 裕治, 大中 忠勝, 栃原 裕, 永井 由美子, 伊藤 宏充, 吉竹 史郎
    人間と生活環境 13(1) 29-34 2006年  
  • 山口 道弘, 藤田 秀樹, 新田 隆, 永井 由美子, 山川 正信
    Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University Ser.Ⅲ 51(2) 131-136 2003年  
  • 大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅱ部門社会科学生活科学 51(2) 129-137 2003年  
  • 山口 道弘, 藤田 秀樹, 新田 隆, 永井 由美子, 山川 正信
    大阪教育大学紀要. 第III部門, 自然科学・応用科学 51(2) 131-136 2003年  
  • 山口 道弘, 新田 隆, 永井 由美子, 山川 正信
    大阪教育大学紀要 第Ⅲ部門自然科学応用科学 51(1) 49-53 2002年  
    ヘリカルCTガイド下肺針生検(HCTGNB)実施者で原発性発癌が確定し, 腫瘍切除術が実施された37症例を対象にして早期肺癌の確定診断法としてのHCTGNBの有用性について検討を行った。早期肺癌と確定診断された割合は76%(2837)で, 5年生存率100%といわれる肺線癌(野口分類A, B型)が早期肺癌(I期)の50%(1326)を占めていた。平均入院日数は早期癌が57±23日, 進行癌が236±127日で, 早期癌び入院日数は進行癌に比べて有意に短かった(p<0.01)。治療に必要とした医療保険点数の合計は入院日数が34日であった早期癌(IA期)が15万点で, 入院日数111日を必要とした進行癌(IV期)は25万点であった。HCTGNBは早期肺癌の確定診断法として優れ, 早期発見, 早期治療が医療経済面において, コストベネフィットにつながることからその有用性が明らかとなった。The usefulness of herical CT-guided pulmonary needle biopsy (HCTGNB) was investigated in the view point of stage, hospitalized days and cost by using clinical records 37 cases diagnosed as primary lung cancer. The early-stage lung cancer had been verified in 76% (2837) of the cases, and 50% (1326) which is said 100% of 5-year survival rate of Noguchi Classification Stage 1 were pulmonary adenocarcinoma (Types A and B). The mean value of hospitalized for early-stage cancer were 57±23 days length. It was significantly shorter than that advanced cancer 236±127 days (p<0.01). The total medical insurance points required for treatment was 150 thousand for the patient of early-stage cancer (stage IA) whose length of hospitalization was 34 days, but for patient of advanced cancer (stage IV) who was hospitalized for 111 days was 250 thousand points. This study showed that HCTGNB is a useful method to confirm the early diagnosis of lung cancer, and that by early discovery and treatment of lung cancer, also this method leads to favotrable cost benefits.
  • H Ozaki, Y Nagai, Y Tochibara
    We evaluated human physiological responses and the performance of manual tasks during exposure to severe cold (-25 degreesC) at night (0300-0500 hours) and in the afternoon (1500-1700 hours). Thirteen male students wearing standard cold protective clothing occupied a severely cold room (-25 degreesC) for 20 min, and were then transferred to a cool room (10 degreesC) for 20 min. This pattern of exposure was repeated three times, for a total time of exposure to extreme cold of 60 min. The experiments were started either at 1500 hours or 0300 hours and measurements of rectal temperature, skin temperature, blood pressure, performance in a counting task, hand tremor, and subjective responses were made in each condition. At the end of the experiment at night the mean decrease in rectal temperature [0.68 (SEM 0.04)degreesC] was significantly greater than that at the end of the experiment in the afternoon [0.55 (SEM 0.08)degreesC, P &lt; 0.01]. After the second cold exposure at night the mean increase in diastolic blood pressure [90 (SEM 2.0) mmHg] was significantly greater than that at the end of the second cold exposure in the afternoon [82 (SEM 2.8) mmHg, P &lt; 0.01]. At the end of the second cold exposure at night, mean finger skin temperature [11.8 (SEM 0.8)degreesC] was significantly higher than that at the comparable time in the afternoon [9.0 (SEM 0.7)degreesC, P &lt; 0.017. Similarly for the toe, mean skin temperature at the start of the second cold exposure at night [25.6 (SEM 1.5)degreesC] was significantly higher than in the afternoon [20.1 (SEM 0.8)degreesC, P &lt;0.01]. The increased skin temperatures in the periphery resulted in increased heat loss. Since peripheral skin temperatures were highest at night, the subjects noted diminished sensations of thermal cold and pain at that time. Manual dexterity at the end of the first cold exposure at night [mean 83.7 (SEM 3.6) times(.)min(-1)] had decreased significantly more than at the end of the first cold exposure in the afternoon [mean 89.4 (SEM 3.5) times (.) min(-1) P &lt; 0.01]. These findings of a lowered rectal temperature and diminished manual dexterity suggest that there is an increased risk of both hypothermia and accidents for those who work at night.
  • ペリネイタルケア 21 87-90 2001年  査読有り
  • 永井 由美子, 山崎 和彦, 藤林 しむ
    大阪教育大学紀要、第四部門自然科学応用 49(2) 305-314 2001年  
  • 赤井 由紀子, 脇田 満里子, 永井 由美子
    助産婦 54(3) 42-45 2000年  
  • 岡本 一枝, 永井 由美子, 飯塚 幸子
    日本家政学会誌 50(3) 259-266 1999年  
    就寝前の寝床内の下肢部加温が, 睡眠中の生理反応および寝床内気候, 睡眠感に及ぼす影響を若年者と高年者で比較した。対象は, 健康な若年女性5名(平均年齢21.8歳), 高年女性5名(平均年齢60.3歳)とした。実験は, 二つの人工気候室を用い, 1室は居間を想定し20℃, 60%RH, 2室は寝室を想定し13℃, 60%RHに保った。就寝前に1室で30分安静を保ち, その後2室で電気敷毛布であらかじめ下肢部を加温した寝具で23:00~7:00まで就寝してもらった。電気敷毛布の電源は入床と同時に切った。寝床内気候, 体動, 皮膚温, 心拍数は連続測定し, 主観申告(温冷感, 快適感, 湿潤感, 睡眠感)は入床時と起床時に, それぞれ申告してもらった。胸部の寝床内温度に有意差は見られなかったが, 足部は有意に高年者の方が低かった。安静覚醒時の皮膚温は, 足先, 指は高年者で有意に高く逆に胸は若年者の方が有意に高かった。就寝時では胸部, 平均皮膚温が高年者で有意に低かった。心拍数には有意差は見られなかった。睡眠感は睡眠維持の因子が高年者で有意に良かった。就寝前の寝床内加温に対する胸部および平均皮膚温, 足部の寝床内気候, 主観的睡眠感に差が見られたことから, 年齢差を考慮した使用方法や温度設定の検討が必要であることが示唆された。
  • 高橋 美加, 栃原 裕, 永井 由美子, 輿水 ヒカル, 池田 耕一, 岩田 利枝, 市川 勇
    人間と生活環境 6(1) 40-45 1998年  
  • Yamasaki Kazuhiko, Nagai Yumiko
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 16(5) 199-204 1997年  
    In order to investigate the physical, economical, physiological and psychological aspects regarding ancient lighting, two series of experiment were performed. At first a darkroom (1.3×4.5 m, Ht: 2.7m) was constructed. In experiment I, illuminance and consumption rate of fuel were measured. The Japanese classic candle, plant oil and animal fat yield I.12, 0.30-0.62 and 0.05 Iux at 1.0 m distance, respectively. The illuminance was reduced to about 50% by andon which was a lighting tool of folkcraft. The burning duration of plant oil was about two weeks to 180 ml when it burned 4 hours per one day. In experiment II, 15 young females were examined regarding the visual properties such as visual acuity, readability of newspaper and discrimination of color under the simulated illumination of candle. The visual acuity was 0.42 under 0.16 Iux. It needed more than 1.44 Iux to read a newspaper.In the color discrimination test, yellowish green was most difficult, silver or long wave range colors were easy.
  • Murakami Motoko, Arai Seiichi, Nagai Yumiko, Yamazaki Kazuhiko, Iizuka Sachiko
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 16(4) 167-177 1997年  
    Subcutaneous fat is an essential element in shaping the body of human beings. In this research, skinfold thickness was measured specifically in 33 regions of the human body, including the abdomen and buttocks. Based on our measurements, the subcutaneous fat distribution was assessed for several age groups. The subjects were healthy Japanese women aged 20 to 58 years. Skinfold thickness was measured using the B-mode ultrasound methods, together with anthropometric measurement. A comparison was made between the following five age groups: early 20's, Iate 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's. The measured values for the early 20's group were used as the standard and the relationship between increase ratio of subcutaneous fat and age was studied. Through our research, we obtained data on the subcutaneous fat distribution in each age group. The largest change was observed between the ages of the early 20's and late 20's. The skinfold thickness measurements of the abdomen and buttocks was consistently around 10 mm for the early 20's, and increased up to 23.8 mm on the rear side section for the late 20's. This result indicates that the increase ratio varied depending on the part of body. Furthermore, the changes in skinfold thickness were different in specific parts of the abdomen and buttocks among different age groups. The difference in skinfold thickness between upper and lower sections of the abdomen also becomes more pronounced with age. Skinfold thickness increased significantly between the early 20's and late 20's. Among the body regions, measurements at the rear side showed the largest change with age; averaging 11.3 mm for the early 20's compared to 33.6 mm for the 50's. The subcutaneous fat distribution on the buttock also showed the differences wlth age, indicating changes in body shape. Using careful measurements of the abdomen and buttocks, subcutaneous fat distribution among each age group was determined as well as the variation in changes with the aging process.
  • Yamasaki Kazuhiko, Nagai Yumiko
    Applied human science : journal of physiological anthropology 16(5) 199-204 1997年  
    In order to investigate the physical, economical, physiological and psychological aspects regarding ancient lighting, two series of experiment were performed. At first a darkroom (1.3×4.5 m, Ht: 2.7m) was constructed. In experiment I, illuminance and consumption rate of fuel were measured. The Japanese classic candle, plant oil and animal fat yield I.12, 0.30-0.62 and 0.05 Iux at 1.0 m distance, respectively. The illuminance was reduced to about 50% by andon which was a lighting tool of folkcraft. The burning duration of plant oil was about two weeks to 180 ml when it burned 4 hours per one day. In experiment II, 15 young females were examined regarding the visual properties such as visual acuity, readability of newspaper and discrimination of color under the simulated illumination of candle. The visual acuity was 0.42 under 0.16 Iux. It needed more than 1.44 Iux to read a newspaper.In the color discrimination test, yellowish green was most difficult, silver or long wave range colors were easy.
  • Murakami Motoko, Arai Seiichi, Nagai Yumiko, Yamazaki Kazuhiko, Iizuka Sachiko
    Applied human science : journal of physiological anthropology 16(4) 167-177 1997年  
    Subcutaneous fat is an essential element in shaping the body of human beings. In this research, skinfold thickness was measured specifically in 33 regions of the human body, including the abdomen and buttocks. Based on our measurements, the subcutaneous fat distribution was assessed for several age groups. The subjects were healthy Japanese women aged 20 to 58 years. Skinfold thickness was measured using the B-mode ultrasound methods, together with anthropometric measurement. A comparison was made between the following five age groups: early 20's, Iate 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's. The measured values for the early 20's group were used as the standard and the relationship between increase ratio of subcutaneous fat and age was studied. Through our research, we obtained data on the subcutaneous fat distribution in each age group. The largest change was observed between the ages of the early 20's and late 20's. The skinfold thickness measurements of the abdomen and buttocks was consistently around 10 mm for the early 20's, and increased up to 23.8 mm on the rear side section for the late 20's. This result indicates that the increase ratio varied depending on the part of body. Furthermore, the changes in skinfold thickness were different in specific parts of the abdomen and buttocks among different age groups. The difference in skinfold thickness between upper and lower sections of the abdomen also becomes more pronounced with age. Skinfold thickness increased significantly between the early 20's and late 20's. Among the body regions, measurements at the rear side showed the largest change with age; averaging 11.3 mm for the early 20's compared to 33.6 mm for the 50's. The subcutaneous fat distribution on the buttock also showed the differences wlth age, indicating changes in body shape. Using careful measurements of the abdomen and buttocks, subcutaneous fat distribution among each age group was determined as well as the variation in changes with the aging process.
  • Nagai Yumiko, Yamasaki Kazuhiko, Iizuka Sachiko, Nakamura Kenichi
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES vol.15(5) 227-237 1996年  
    The purpose of this study is to obtain some knowledge related to physiological and psychological effects of head heating by radiation on the vital body under varying conditions of the environmental temperature and physical activity. The study was proceeded with experiments 1 and 2 using 8 women, all in good health as subjects. In experiment 1, firstly the subject at rest was kept at an ambient temperature of 28℃ for 40 minutes. Then, moving to a room kept at an ambient temperature of 18℃ or 28℃ , the state at rest was maintained with head heating at 3 radiant intensities (without radiation, 35℃ and 40℃ of globe temperature) for a further 40 minutes. In experiment 2, continued from the same procedure of experiment 1, work on the ergometer was performed for 30 minutes with head heating at 2 radiant intensities (without radiation and 35℃ of globe temperature). Items measured were tympanic temperature, skin temperatures, heart rate, and subjective sensations. The principal results obtained are as follows: 1) Tympanic temperature, forehead skin temperature and score of thermal sensation of head increased, while the others decreased at 18℃ . 2) Decrease of scores was inhibited by head heating in finger skin temperature, toe skin temperature and heart rate. 3) When radiant intensities at 35℃ and 40'C were compared, statistical significant difference was noted in forehead skin temperature only, the difference of radiant conditions gives a little effect to the vital body. 4) Effects brought by head heating during rest decreased owing to the addition of work.
  • 実践女子大学家政学部紀要 33 99-103 1996年  査読有り
  • Nagai Yumiko, Yamasaki Kazuhiko, Iizuka Sachiko, Nakamura Kenichi
    Applied human science : journal of physiological anthropology vol.15(5) 227-237 1996年  
    The purpose of this study is to obtain some knowledge related to physiological and psychological effects of head heating by radiation on the vital body under varying conditions of the environmental temperature and physical activity. The study was proceeded with experiments 1 and 2 using 8 women, all in good health as subjects. In experiment 1, firstly the subject at rest was kept at an ambient temperature of 28℃ for 40 minutes. Then, moving to a room kept at an ambient temperature of 18℃ or 28℃ , the state at rest was maintained with head heating at 3 radiant intensities (without radiation, 35℃ and 40℃ of globe temperature) for a further 40 minutes. In experiment 2, continued from the same procedure of experiment 1, work on the ergometer was performed for 30 minutes with head heating at 2 radiant intensities (without radiation and 35℃ of globe temperature). Items measured were tympanic temperature, skin temperatures, heart rate, and subjective sensations. The principal results obtained are as follows: 1) Tympanic temperature, forehead skin temperature and score of thermal sensation of head increased, while the others decreased at 18℃ . 2) Decrease of scores was inhibited by head heating in finger skin temperature, toe skin temperature and heart rate. 3) When radiant intensities at 35℃ and 40'C were compared, statistical significant difference was noted in forehead skin temperature only, the difference of radiant conditions gives a little effect to the vital body. 4) Effects brought by head heating during rest decreased owing to the addition of work.
    ERGONOMICS 38(5) 987-995 1995年5月  
    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different exposure rates on thermal responses with the total cold exposure time the same under each of the conditions. After resting in a warm room (25 degrees C) for 10 minutes, six male students wearing standard cold protective clothing entered an adjoining cold room (- 25 degrees C). Each 5-, 10- and 20-minute cold exposure was repeated 12, 6 and 3 times, respectively. Each cold exposure was followed by a similar duration of rest at 25 degrees C. Total cold exposure time was the same under the three conditions. Rectal temperature, skin temperatures, blood pressure, 17-hydroxycoyticoids (OHCS), counting task and subjective responses were measured. At the end of the cold exposure skin temperatures in the shorter exposures were higher than those in the other conditions, except on the foot. Discomfort due to cold was less in the shorter exposures and manifestation of discomfort was delayed. However, there were no differences among the three conditions in the fall of rectal temperature and urinary excretion of 17-OHCS, which are good indices of cold stress. Moreover, increase in blood pressure and decrease in counting task due to cold were not different among the three conditions. Even though the cold exposure time for each stay was short, when cold exposures were repeated frequently, cold stress of the whole body and decrease in manual task performance were the same as in the longer cold exposure.
  • 山崎 和彦/白井 千晴/清水 綾/永井 由美子
    実践女子大学家政学部紀要 32 91-96 1995年  
  • Journal of Physiological Anthropology APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 14(1) 23-28 1995年  査読有り
  • Yutaka Tochihara, Tadakatsu Ohnaka, Kazuyo Tuzuki, Yumiko Nagai
    Ergonomics 38(5) 987-995 1995年  
    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different exposure rates on thermal responses with the total cold exposure time the same under each of the conditions. After resting in a warm room (25°C) for 10 minutes, six male students wearing standard cold protective clothing entered an adjoining cold room (— 25°C). Each 5-, 10- and 20-minute cold exposure was repeated 12, 6 and 3 times, respectively. Each cold exposure was followed by a similar duration of rest at 25°C. Total cold exposure time was the same under the three conditions. Rectal temperature, skin temperatures, blood pressure, 17-hydroxycoyticoids (OHCS), counting task and subjective responses were measured. At the end of the cold exposure skin temperatures in the shorter exposures were higher than those in the other conditions, except on the foot. Discomfort due to cold was less in the shorter exposures and manifestation of discomfort was delayed. However, there were no differences among the three conditions in the fall of rectal temperature and urinary excretion of 17-OHCS, which are good indices of cold stress, Moreover, increase in blood pressure and decrease in counting task due to cold were not different among the three conditions. Even though the cold exposure time for each stay was short, when cold exposures were repeated frequently, cold stress of the whole body and decrease in manual task performance were the same as in the longer cold exposure. © 1995 Taylor &amp Francis Group, LLC.
    ERGONOMICS 37(3) 541-546 1994年3月  
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of body temperature variations on subjects' preferred water temperature and flow rate during showers. Nine healthy women students took a shower before and after physical exercise (running on a treadmill for 30 min) and water immersion (immersing in the water of 25-degrees-C temperature for 30 min). During each shower, the subject was instructed to adjust both the water temperature and flow rate of a shower to suit their comfort. Rectal temperature and skin temperatures of the subjects, water temperature, and flow rate of the shower were measured during the experiments. The means of preferred water temperature during showers were 40.2-degrees-C and 43.8-degrees-C before and after water immersion respectively, which were significantly different. On the other hand, there was little difference in the preferred water temperature between before and after the treadmill exercise. There were no significant differences in the flow rates between before and after both water immersion and the treadmill exercise. A significant negative relationship was observed between the mean body temperature (T(b)BAR) and the preferred water temperature during showers (r = - 0.439). On the other hand, no significant relationship was found between T(b)BAR and the preferred flow rate. Moreover, a significant negative relationship was observed between the preferred water temperature and the flow rate during showers (r = - 0.528).
  • 実践女子大学家政学部紀要 32 85-90 1994年  査読有り
  • 実践女子大学家政学部紀要 31 97-102 1994年  
  • 永井 由美子
    実践女子大学家政学部紀要 31(31) 89-96 1994年  
  • 村上泉子
    日本香粧品科学会誌 18(2) 60-70 1994年  
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY 18(5-6) 355-361 1993年12月  
    1. 10 elderly and 10 college-aged females served as subjects in cold and heat environments. The subjects changed into the standard clothing (0.63 clo), and stayed in the neutral environment (25 degrees C) for 23 min, thereafter they were exposed to the cold (10 degrees C) or hot (35 degrees C) environment for 49 min. 2. Then they returned to the neutral environment, and stayed there for 47 min. Oral temperature, skin temperatures at 10 sites, blood pressure and thermal sensation were measured during the experiments. 3. In the cold environment, the elderly could not reduce heat loss by vasoconstriction as did young people, and their blood pressures increased more rapidly than in young people. In the hot environment, the elderly could not promote heat loss by vasodilation as did young people. Moreover, there is a delayed sensitivity to cold for the elderly. Therefore, in the houses of the elderly, it is important to have heating and cooling systems which also includes the areas where the people do not stay for a long-period of time (e.g. toilet, passageways).
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY 18(5-6) 355-361 1993年12月  
    1. 10 elderly and 10 college-aged females served as subjects in cold and heat environments. The subjects changed into the standard clothing (0.63 clo), and stayed in the neutral environment (25 degrees C) for 23 min, thereafter they were exposed to the cold (10 degrees C) or hot (35 degrees C) environment for 49 min. 2. Then they returned to the neutral environment, and stayed there for 47 min. Oral temperature, skin temperatures at 10 sites, blood pressure and thermal sensation were measured during the experiments. 3. In the cold environment, the elderly could not reduce heat loss by vasoconstriction as did young people, and their blood pressures increased more rapidly than in young people. In the hot environment, the elderly could not promote heat loss by vasodilation as did young people. Moreover, there is a delayed sensitivity to cold for the elderly. Therefore, in the houses of the elderly, it is important to have heating and cooling systems which also includes the areas where the people do not stay for a long-period of time (e.g. toilet, passageways).
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY 18(5-6) 349-353 1993年12月  
    1. The purpose of the study was to investigate the preferred temperature of the elderly after cold and heat exposures. 2. Eight elderly and 9 young females wearing the same type of clothing were exposed to cold (10 degrees C), moderate (25 degrees C) or hot (35 degrees C) environments for 30 min in the exposure room. 3. Then they moved to the self-control room in which the temperature was set at 25 degrees C, and the room temperature increased or decreased continuously by 0.4 degrees C every minute. 4. The subjects were instructed to operate the switch when they felt uncomfortably warm or cool during a 90-min period. 5. In operating the switch, the changing in room temperature shifted to the opposite direction. 6. The ambient temperature was recorded continuously and analyzed as the preferred temperature, which was defined as the midpoint temperature of the crest and trough of temperature records. 7. The preferred temperatures after the cold exposure were significantly higher than those of other exposure conditions in the elderly. 8. On the other hand, in the young, there was no significant difference in the preferred temperature among the exposure conditions. 9. Although the effect of exposure to cold or hot environments decreased in the latter parts of self-control, the elderly still preferred the higher temperature after cold exposure.
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY 18(5-6) 639-642 1993年12月  
    1. Ten male students remained in a severely cold room (-25 degrees C) for 20 min, thereafter, they transferred in a warm room (25 degrees C) for 20 min. 2. This pattern was repeated three times, total cold exposure time amounting to 60 min. 3. In the warm room, the subjects removed their cold-protective jackets, or wore them continuously. 4. Rectal temperature, skin temperatures, manual performance and thermal comfort were measured during the experiment. 5. Removing cold-protective jackets after severe cold exposures increased peripheral skin temperatures and reduced the discomfort in the warm room. 6. However, these results were accompanied by a greater decrease in rectal temperature and manual performance. 7. It is recommended that workers continue to wear cold-protective clothing in the warm areas outside of the cold storage to prevent decreases in deep body temperature and work efficiency caused by repeated cold exposures.
  • 折原 裕, 大中 忠勝, 永井 由美子, 村松 常司
    The Annals of Physiological Anthropology 12(1) 31-38 1993年  
    Since the health hazard of asbestos fibers has been widely recognized, the number of asbestos abatement projects in schools has increased rapidly. Most of these projects were planned during summer vacation from school. However, in Japan, it is hot and humid in summer. Moreover, the workers have to wear impermeable protective clothing because of the asbestos exposure risk. The purpose of this survey is to study the workload of asbestos abatement work by measuring physiological reactions. Physiological strains of 12 male workers and working conditions during asbestos abatements work in two schools were measured in August in 1988 and in 1989. Body weight loss by the work of all workers was measured, and heart rate, rectal temperature and skin temperatures at five sites of some of them were measured every minute.
  • 永井 由美子, 山崎 和彦
    実践女子大学家政学部紀要 30(30) 71-76 1993年  
  • 渡辺 由美子
    実践女子大学家政学部紀要 29(29) 63-69 1992年  
  • 城島 栄一郎, 渡辺 由美子, 米山 貴美子
    実践女子大学家政学部紀要 27(27) 93-98 1990年  



