Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
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- 所属
- 大阪教育大学 理数情報教育系 教授
- 学位
- 工学士(慶應義塾大学)工学修士(慶應義塾大学)博士(情報学)(京都大学)
- 研究者番号
- 80395160
- 202101010709748024
- researchmap会員ID
- R000029802
Advanced Robotics 34(20) 1309-1323 2020年10月 査読有り
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 433-435 2020年3月23日In this paper, we propose a model to control an agent's gaze behavior called Interactive Kinetics-Based Gaze Direction Model(iK-Gaze). iK-Gaze is a model used in one-to-one interaction between an agent and a human, where the agent's gaze direction is calculated using an energy function which uses the human's gaze direction as its input. iK-Gaze aims to generate the agent's gaze through interactions with a human rather than using predefined motions and predefined timings. Contrary to rule-based or statistics-based models, the agent's gaze motion changes dynamically according to the human's gaze motion. Moreover, by utilizing three parameters of the desire to look, the mutual gaze hesitation, and the mutual gaze stress in the iK-Gaze, the tendency of the agent's gaze behavior can be changed easily. From the case study, the fact that agent's gaze behavior changes according to the human gaze behavior is confirmed.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 108 13-26 2018年5月 査読有り
2016 25TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROBOT AND HUMAN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION (RO-MAN) 1177-1182 2016年 査読有りHumans react to their surroundings based on their evaluation of the environment sensed by their five physical senses. We refer to this as the recognition-evaluation-action (REA) cycle. On another front, autonomous personal vehicles base their evaluation of the surrounding environment on information obtained through their sensors. This cycle is called the action cycle. In this study, we aim to identify an entrainment method between humans' REA cycle and autonomous personal vehicle action cycle, analyzing what occurs when these cycles correspond. In this study, we focus on entrainment between human environment evaluation and those of autonomous personal vehicles. This perspective has not been considered in previous studies; however its inclusion is essential to ensure that autonomous personal vehicles are not mere vehicles but a part of the passenger's body, as these become more common. In this study, we chose heart rate as the physiological index, because heart rate is affected by human environmental evaluations. We utilized the entrainment between human environmental evaluation and autonomous personal vehicle environmental evaluation as the method to associate heart rate with the action updating frequency. In addition, we conducted a study using our personal vehicle. In the results, a sigmoid function which showed that heart frequency was positively correlated with the action updating frequency; this shows that autonomous personal vehicles can operated according to their user's environmental evaluations.
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 28(1) 107-108 2016年 査読有りWe developed robovie-mR2, a desktop-sized communication robot, in which we incorporated a “Kawaii” design to create a familiar appearance because it is an important acceptance factor for both researchers and users. It can interact with people using multiple sensors, including a camera and microphones, expressive gestures, and an information display. We believe that robovie-mR2 will become a useful robot platform to advance the research of human-robot interaction. We also give examples of human-robot interaction research works that use robovie-mR2.
International Journal of Social Robotics 9(1) 5-15 2016年 査読有りThe paper investigated the effects on a person being touched by a robot to motivate her. Human science literature has shown that touches to others facilitate efforts of touched people. On the other hand, in the human--robot interaction research field, past research has failed to focus on the effects of such touches from robots to people. A few studies reported negative impressions from people, even if a touch from a person to a robot left a positive impression. To reveal whether robot touch positively affects humans, we conducted an experiment where a robot requested participants to perform a simple and monotonous task with/without touch interaction between a robot and participants. Our experiment's result showed that both touches from the robot to the participants and touches from the participants to the robot facilitated their efforts.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MIXED AND AUGMENTED REALITY WORKSHOPS 40-46 2015年 査読有りA lot of efforts aim to realize a society where autonomous vehicles become general transportation in industrial, political and academic fields. In order to make autonomous vehicles more familiar with the public, it is necessary to develop not only advanced auto driving control but also comfortable environments for the passengers. This paper proposes our trial to improve comfort of passengers on autonomous vehicles. We developed an experimental vehicle equipping Mixed Reality (MR) display system which aims to reduce anxiety using visual factors. Our proposed system visualizes a road surface that is out of the passenger's field of view by projecting the see-through image on the dashboard. Moreover, it overlays the computer graphics of the wheel trajectories on the displayed image using MR so that the passengers can easily confirm the auto driving control is working correctly. The displayed images enable passengers to comprehend the road condition and the expected vehicle route out of the passenger's field of view. We investigated change of the mental stress by introducing methods for measuring physiological indices, heart rate variability and sweat information.
IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES 2015, Yokohama, Japan, November 5-7, 2015 158-163 2015年 査読有り
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2015, Hamburg, Germany, September 28 - October 2, 2015 5763-5769 2015年 査読有り
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2015, Seattle, WA, USA, 26-30 May, 2015 6153-6159 2015年 査読有り
International Journal of Social Robotics 7(2) 253-263 2015年 査読有り
2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA) 2197-2202 2014年 査読有りThis work introduces a 3D visibility model for comfortable autonomous vehicles. The model computes a visibility index based on the pose of the wheelchair within the environment. We correlate this index with human navigational comfort (discomfort) and we discuss the importance of modeling visibility to improve human riding comfort. The proposed approach models the 3D visual field of view combined with a two-layered environmental representation. The field of view is modeled with information from the pose of the robot, a 3D laser sensor and a two-layered environmental representation composed of a 3D geometric map with traversale area information. Human navigational discomfort was extracted from participants riding the autonomous wheelchair. Results show that there is fair correlation between poor visibility locations (e.g., blind corners) and human discomfort. The approach can model places with identical traversable characteristics but different visibility and it differentiates visibility characteristics according to traveling direction.
ACM Transaction on Management Information System 4(3) 13:1-13:21 2013年10月 査読有り
Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 96(8) 616-620 2013年8月
International Journal of Social Robotics 5(2) 251-262 2013年2月 査読有り
Annals of Telecommunications(Special Issue on Ubiquitous Networked Robots) 67(7) 329-340 2012年6月 査読有り
信学論 D 95-D(4) 790-798 2012年4月 査読有り本論文では,商業施設の店舗内における買い物中の顧客の興味に基づいた商品推薦手法を提案する.棚の前で立ち止まっている顧客は,その棚の商品に興味を示していると考えられる.また顧客は,一度の買い物で複数の棚の前の領域(停留領域)に立ち止まる.そこで顧客の興味を推定するために,顧客の購買行動のうち,棚の前での停留行動に着目した.その停留領域の組合せは,顧客の来店目的に応じて共通したものとなることが期待できる.顧客の入店時からの停留領域の時系列(停留領域系列)に基づいて,次に停留する可能性が最も高い停留領域(推薦先)を推定し,そしてその推定に基づいて,店舗内に設置した情報提示用のロボットとディジタルサイネージを用いて商品推薦コンテンツを提示する手法を提案する.商品推薦による顧客の行動変容への影響を確認するために,コンビニエンスストア環境を模した実験用店舗を構築し,本手法に基づいた商品推薦実験を行った.実験の結果,推薦に注目した17件のうち13件で顧客は推薦先を訪れており,顧客は推薦を行わない場合とは異なる行動をとっていたことが確認できた.
International Journal of Social Robotics 5(1) 5-16 2012年3月 査読有り
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 1433-1434 2012年
信学論 A 95-A(1) 136-144 2012年1月 査読有り近年,教育や福祉の分野において,ロボットを利用した様々なサービスに関する研究開発が進んでいる.これらの分野において,ユーザとのインタラクションの中で,学校の宿題や,健康のための運動などといった,日々のタスクに対するモチベーションを向上させるようなロボットの働きかけが有用である.接触がロボットの印象にポジティブな効果があることは過去の研究において示されているが,ロボットの能動的接触が行動にどのように影響するかは明らかにされていない.ロボットの能動的接触の効果を調べるために,我々は,非接触/受動的接触/能動的接触の3条件で,ロボットが被験者に退屈なタスクを依頼する実験を行った.実験の結果,能動的接触による依頼を行った場合,他の条件に比べてタスクパフォーマンス(達成量及び継続時間)が有意に向上した.一方で,ロボットへの印象とタスクパフォーマンスに相関は見られなかった.これらの結果より,ロボットの能動的接触がユーザのモチベーションを向上させる可能性が示された.ロボットとの接触を伴うインタラクションが想定される様々なサービスにおいて,本知見はロボットの振舞いのデザインに役立つと我々は考える.
International Journal of Social Robotics 3(4) 405-414 2011年9月 査読有り
UbiComp 2011: Ubiquitous Computing, 13th International Conference, UbiComp 2011, Beijing, China, September 17-21, 2011, Proceedings 569-570 2011年 査読有り
Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, PASSAT/SocialCom 2011 235-241 2011年 査読有りApplying the technologies of a network robot system, we incorporate the recommendation methods used in Ecommerce in a retail shop in the real world. We constructed a platform for ubiquitous-networked robots that focuses on a shop environment where communication robots perform customer navigation. The platform estimates customer interests from their pre-purchasing behaviors observed by networked sensors without concrete IDs and controls visible-type communication robots in the environment to perform customer navigation. The system can perform collaborative filtering-based recommendations without excessively intruding upon the privacy of customers. Since observations and recommendations in real environments are intrinsically annoying, the robot scenarios are also important for interacting with customers as well as the system. Two types of navigation scenarios are implemented and investigated in experiments using 80 participants. The results indicate that in the cooperative navigation scenario, the participants who interacted with the communication robots located both outside and inside the shop felt friendlier toward the robots and found it easy to understand what they said. © 2011 IEEE.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 16TH '11) 585-588 2011年 査読有りThis paper reports a new finding of a phenomenon that person's gestures or words are implicitly modified by robot's gestures or words. Previous researches focused on an implicit effect of robot's gestures on person's gestures or an implicit effect of robot's words on person's words, but they did not focused on an implicit effect of robot's gestures on person's words or an implicit effect of robot's words on person's gestures. We supposed that there was such an effect as to arise between different modalities, and we defined it as a cross-modal effect. In order to verify hypotheses about the cross-modal effect, an experiment was conducted, in which a pair of a pointing gesture and a deictic word was focused on. This result showed that participants used a pointing gesture more often when a robot used a deictic word, and participants used a deictic word more often when the robot used a pointing gesture. Therefore, person's pointing gesture was implicitly modified by robot's deictic word, and also person's deictic word was implicitly modified by robot's pointing gesture. The cross-modal effect is expected to be applied to robot's dialog design to elicit comprehensible behavior from a person.
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2769-2774 2010年Social robots providing services in real environments have been developed recently. Such robots should appropriately recognize orders from users in the manner of communications like humans. However, their communication styles are too diverse to achieve this goal. If the robot could shape the styles, its recognition ability would increase. Entrainment has attracted attention as a phenomenon to synchronize human gestures and speech implicitly with robot gestures and speech. Previous studies have reported entrainment occurring within the same modality, but we need to clarify the cross-modality effects because humanrobot interaction is inherently multi-modal. In this paper, we define "mutual entrainment" as entrainment across different modalities and investigate its effects through a laboratory experiment. We evaluate how the frequency of human pointing gestures varies with the amount of information in robot speech, and as a result, we find that the gesture frequency increases as the amount of information decreases. The results suggest that smoother human-robot communications can be achieved by shaping human behavior through mutual entrainment. © 2010 SICE.
SOCIAL ROBOTICS, ICSR 2010 6414 90-99 2010年 査読有りThis paper reports the docking and metaphor effects on persuasion among multi-robot healthcare systems. The goal of our research is to make a robot friend that lives with its users and persuades them to make appropriate healthcare decisions. To realize such a robot friend, we propose a physical approach called docking as well as a contextual approach called metaphor to perform relational inheritance among multi-robot systems. We implemented a multi-robot persuasion system based on the two approaches and verified its effectiveness. The experimental results revealed that users emphasize interpersonal relationships to decide whether to follow the robot's advice when utilizing the metaphor approach, and that users emphasize robot aggressiveness when utilizing docking approach.
International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, ICMI-MLMI 2010 19:1-19:8 2010年 査読有りBy applying network robot technologies, recommendation methods from E-Commerce are incorporated in a retail shop in the real world. We constructed an experimental shop environment where communication robots recommend specific items to the customers according to their purchasing behavior as observed by networked sensors. A recommendation scenario is implemented with three robots and investigated through an experiment. The results indicate that the participants stayed longer in front of the shelves when the communication robots tried to interact with them and were influenced to carry out similar purchasing behaviors as those observed earlier. Other results suggest that the probability of customers' zone transition can be used to anticipate their purchasing behavior. © 2010 ACM.
SOCIAL ROBOTICS, ICSR 2010 6414 372-381 2010年 査読有りSocial robots need to recognize the objects indicated by people to work in real environments. This paper presents the entrainment of human pointing gestures during interaction with a robot and investigated what robot gestures are important for such entrainment. We conducted a Wizard-of-Oz experiment where a person and a robot referred to objects and evaluated the entrainment frequency. The frequency was lowest when the robot just used pointing gestures, and the frequency was highest when it used both gazing and pointing gestures. These result suggest that not only robot pointing gestures but also gazing gestures affect entrainment. We conclude that the entrainment of pointing gestures might improve a robot's ability to recognize them.
IEEE/RSJ 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS 2010) 5294-5301 2010年 査読有りSocial robots that provide services to humans in real environments have been developed in recent years. Such a robot should appropriately recognize its users' orders through human-like communications because of user-friendliness. However, their styles of communicating are too diverse to achieve this goal. If the robot could shape their styles, its recognition ability would be improved. An entrainment, which is a phenomenon where human's behavior is synchronized with robot's behavior, can be useful for this shaping. Previous studies have reported the entrainment occurring in the same modality, but they have given little attention to entrainment across different modalities (e. g., speech and gestures). We need to consider this cross-modal effect because human-robot interaction is inherently multi-modal. In this paper, we defined "mutual entrainment" as the entrainment across different modalities and investigated the effect of it through a laboratory experiment. We evaluate how the frequency of human pointing gestures varies with the amount of information in robot speech, and as a result, we found that the gesture frequency increased as the amount of information decreased. The results suggest that smoother human-robot communications can be achieved by shaping human behavior through mutual entrainment.
Proceedings of International Conference on RObots and Systems (IROS2010) 3899-3904 2010年 査読有り
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction(HRI) 203-204 2009年
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 5633 44-50 2009年 査読有りOur periodic health examination often describes whether each examination item in blood and urine takes in the reference range of each examination item and a simple summary report on checks in everyday life and the possibility of suspicious diseases. However, it uses n variable items such as AST(GOT), ALT(GPT) which are less correlated, and often includes expensive tumor markers. Therefore, this paper proposes a data mining method for finding hidden relationships between these items in order to reduce the examination fee and giving a report depending on individuals. Since low correlation coefficients are shown in most pairs of items over all clients, a set of item's values in consecutive health examinations of each client is investigated for data mining. Four groups are formed according to the frequency taking outside the reference range in an item for three consecutive examinations, and average values of the other items included in each group are calculated in all pairs of items. The experiment results for three consecutive health examinations show that a lot of item pairs have positive or negative correlations between different frequencies with an item and the averages with the other item despite the fact that their correlation coefficients are small. The result shows both possible reducting of reducing the examination fee as inexpensive as possible and the possibility of a health-care report reflecting individuals. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS 3727-3734 2009年 査読有りA communication robot must recognize a referred-to object to support us in daily life. However, using our wide human vocabulary, we often refer to objects in terms that are incomprehensible to the robot. This paper focuses on lexical entrainment to solve this problem. Lexical entrainment is the phenomenon of people tending to adopt the terms of their interlocutor. While this has been well studied in human-computer interaction, few published papers have approached it in human-robot interaction. To investigate how lexical entrainment occurs in human-robot interaction, we conduct experiments where people instruct the robot to move objects. Our results show that two types of lexical entrainment occur in human-robot interaction. We also discuss the effects of the state of objects on lexical entrainment. Finally, we developed a test bed system for recognizing a referred-to object on the basis of knowledge from our experiments.
2009 IEEE-RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS 5003-+ 2009年 査読有りIn human-robot interaction, robots often fail to h ad humans to intended reactions due to their limited ability to express affective nuances. In this paper, we propose a n otion modification method that combines affective nuances with arbitrary motions of humanoid robots to induce humans to intended reactions by expressing affective states. The method is applicable to various humanoid robots that differ in degrees of freedom or appearances, and the affective nuances are parametrically expressed in a two-dimensional model comprised of valence and arousal. The experimental results showed that the desired affective nuances could be expressed by our method, but it also suggested some limitations. We believe that the method will contribute to interactive systems in which robots can communicate with appropriate expressions in various Contexts.
2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, September 22-26, 2008, Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France 3336-3343 2008年 査読有り
Robotics: Science and Systems 2 287-293 2007年Eyes play a central role in human-human communication, for example, in directing attention and regulating turntaking. For this reason, the eyes have been a central topic in several fields of interaction study. Although many psychological findings have encouraged previous work in both human-computer and human-robot interaction studies, there have been few explorations from the viewpoint of the timing of gaze behavior. In this study, the impression a person forms from an interaction is regarded to be strongly influenced by the feeling of being looked at which is assumed to be based on the responsiveness of the other's gaze to the person's one and be the basis of impression conveyance as a communicative being. In this paper, we built a robot that could move its gaze responsively to its interaction partner's one to explore the effect of responsive gaze. In this paper, we evaluated two primitive ways of controlling a robot's gaze responsively to its partner and confirmed that robots with such responsive gaze could give stronger feeling of being looked at than ones with non-responsive gaze.
HUMANOIDS: 2007 7TH IEEE-RAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMANOID ROBOTS 366-370 2007年 査読有りWe investigate bow users specify physical objects in human-humanoid interaction and discuss confirmation ways for humanoid robots. In the future such robots are expected to serve as daily life communication partners in similar ways as family members or friends. We conducted an experiment in which users asked a robot to retrieve books to investigate their methods of specifying location. Preliminary results show that half of a user's specifying method for a book can only be understood with speech recognition. However, combining pointing and perfect speech recognition can identify almost all user demands. However, since humanoid robots need confirmation in actual situations due to imprecise pointing or noise problems, we considered the confirmation behaviors of robots. Experiment results suggest that confirmation that includes both speaking a book's title and pointing provides a user more specification ways and reduces workload.
ICMI'07: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERFACES 279-284 2007年 査読有りThis paper investigates the effect on user impressions of the body direction of it stuffed doll robot in an animation system. Many systems that combine a computer display with a robot have been developed, and one of their applications is entertainment, for example, an animation system. In these systems, the robot, as a 3D agent, can be more effective than a 2D agent in helping the user enjoy the animation experience by using spatial characteristics, such as body direction, as a means of expression. The direction in which the robot faces, i.e., towards the human or towards the display. is investigated here. User impressions from 25 subjects were examined. The experiment results show that the robot facing the display together with a user is effective for eliciting good feelings from the user, regardless of the user's personality characteristics. Results also suggest that extroverted subjects tend to have a better feeling towards a robot facing the user than introverted ones.
2006 IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-12 4564-+ 2006年In face-to-face communication, eyes play a central role, for example in directing attention and regulating turn-taking. For this reason, it has been a central topic in several fields of interaction study. Although many psychology findings have encouraged previous work in both human-computer and human-robot interaction studies, so far there have been few explorations on how to move the agent's eye, including when to move it, for communication. Therefore, it is this topic we address in this study. The impression a person forms from an interaction is strongly influenced by the degree to which their partner's gaze direction correlates with their own. In this paper, we propose methods of controlling a robot's gaze responsively to its partner's gaze and confirm the effect of this on the feeling of being looked at, which is considered to be the basis of conveying impressions using gaze in face-to-face interaction experiments. Furthermore, an additional preliminary experiment with an on screen agent shows the possibility of using blinking behaviour as another modality for responding to a partner.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 62(2) 267-279 2005年3月 査読有り
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTIONS (HRI 2011) pp.465-472 465-472 2011年This paper presents the effect of a robot's active touch for improving people's motivation. For services in the education and healthcare fields, a robot might be useful for improving the motivation of performing such repetitive and monotonous tasks as exercising or taking medicine. Previous research demonstrated with a robot the effect of user touch on improving its impressions, but they did not clarify whether a robot's touch, especially an active touch, has enough influence on people's motive. We implemented an active touch behavior and experimentally investigated its effect on motivation. In the experiment, a robot requested participants to perform a monotonous task with a robot's active touch, a passive touch, or no touch. The result of experiment showed that an active touch by a robot increased the number of working actions and the amount of working time for the task. This suggests that a robot's active touch can support people to improve their motivation. We believe that a robot's active touch behavior is useful for such robot's services as education and healthcare.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2016年4月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2014年7月 - 2019年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2015年3月