Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
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Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, Division of Math, Sciences, and Information Technology in Education, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Degree
- Ph. D.(Tokyo Institute of Technology)理学博士(東京工業大学)Academic Master(Nagoya University)修士(学術)(名古屋大学)
- Researcher number
- 90401611
- 201801008381176850
- researchmap Member ID
- 7000024350
Research Areas
1Research History
Apr, 2019 - Mar, 2020
Apr, 1994 - Mar, 2001
Apr, 1994 - Mar, 1996
Apr, 1990 - Mar, 1994
Information and Technology in Education and Learning, 2(1) Trans-p007-Trans-p007, 2022In Japan, there are many disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons; thus, the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to disaster preparation by the public is a key issue. In disaster preparation education, learning should be sustained until the disaster situation, not immediately after learning. In this study, we examined the effects of disaster education events on learning disaster preparation knowledge among elementary school children. We conducted two tests—a post-test and a post-post-test—immediately after the disaster education event in 2019 and six months after the event, respectively. These scores were used to measure persistence of learning. We confirmed that the improvement of knowledge and skills related to disaster reduction was sustained even after a certain period had passed since the disaster preparation education.
Journal of Science Education in Japan, 45(4) 421-429, 2021 Peer-reviewedThis research aimed to reveal the consciousness of Japanese secondary science teachers when dealing with content relating to social and ethical issues in science classes. In a survey, we analyzed responses obtained from 266 science teachers at junior high schools and 206 science teachers at high schools in Osaka Prefecture. We found the following three points: 1) Their knowledge, awareness, and experience about “science, technology, and society” in science classes increased with age and teaching experience, 2) However, these trends differed according to subject in high school science teachers. The consciousness of biology teachers tended to be higher than physics and chemistry teachers’, 3) In class, they more often set up opportunities to learn about various people’s values and opinions about ethical issues with science and technology than to ask students to express their opinions. These results showed science teachers’ awareness of handling contents relating to social and ethical issues with science and technology in class. The results also indicated the necessity to develop training programs and teaching materials that deal with the relationship between advanced science technology and society.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 43 632-635, 2019 Peer-reviewed
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2015, 474-479, 2015 Peer-reviewedIn this paper, we propose a teacher training system that incorporates educational digital portfolios using the Social Networking Service (SNS). We considered the situation in which the student teaching period occurs and focused on the educational benefits of using the SNS to communicate remotely. A challenging issue during the teacher training practicum is ensuring efficient communication and consistent evaluation between the university professor, host school mentor and university student. Our proposed system promotes the development of effective teaching and evaluation methods by sharing knowledge and practice records concerning the teaching practicum.
Biological Bulletin, 218(3) 230-236, Jun 1, 2010 Peer-reviewedIn the late 1990s, the once prolific populations of the coral Acropora intermedia surrounding Okinawa, Japan, dramatically declined because of thermal stress, bleaching caused by heat stress, and consequent mortality. Before the bleaching event, 72 fragments (about 15 cm in length) were collected and transferred to the Okinawa Churami Aquarium. Through growth and repeated fragmentation, these original fragments developed into about 100 colonies that spawned from 1999 to 2009. In this study, we compared gametogenesis, fertilization, survival, and O2 consumption in cultured and wild colonies of A. intermedia and their offspring. Cultured A. intermedia had larger oocytes and higher fertilization and survival rates than samples from wild colonies. O2 consumption of cultured embryos was similar to that of wild embryos. These results suggest that cultured A. intermedia and their offspring are as viable as wild colonies. Aquaria can play a role in the conservation of endangered corals, and their cultured colonies could be used to re-establish devastated species on the Okinawa reefs.
美術科研究(eISSN 2759-1581), 41 47-57, Dec 25, 2023type:Article
JSSE Research Report, 38(2) 269-272, Dec 9, 2023
教育実践研究 = Osaka forum for applied research in education / 大阪教育大学教職教育研究開発センター 編, 12(12) 113-120, 2018type:Article 今回、共著することになった和田と仲矢の出会いは、本学で開かれたFD<Faculty Development>である。FDのテーマは、「授業でのICT活用」で、仲矢が後述するスマートフォリオの活用方法について紹介し、それを聞いていた和田が自身の講座で取り入れることを考え、仲矢に相談を持ち掛けたことが契機となった。今回は、和田が担当する講座「教育実践の研究I」において受講者全員の模擬授業を実施し、仲矢とともにスマートフォリオを活用して録画を行い、コメントを入れるなどの指導を行った取組の報告である。加えて、模擬授業を実施して気づいた学生の課題について述べるとともに、学生の反応を紹介する。
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 42 443-444, 2018
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 42 441-442, 2018
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 41 363-364, 2017
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 40 249-250, 2016
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 39 306-307, 2015
情報処理学会研究報告. コンピュータと教育研究会報告, 2014(15) 1-5, Mar 7, 2014理科教育で用いられる計器は棒温度計や可動コイル形電圧計・電流計が広く用いられている.一方で表示自由度の高い液晶等の表示パネルの価格が低下し利用しやすくなったことから,そういった計器の表示の置き換えも学校外では進んでいる.現在,タブレット端末が学校へも普及しつつあり,タブレット端末の表示自由度は従来の計器よりも高い.本研究では,その特長を生かし,数値,アナログメータ,棒温度計を模擬,グラフ (オシロスコープ) 形式による表示を実現する iTester を開発したので報告する.iTester はタブレット端末に接続する測定アダプタと,専用アプリから構成されている.従来のアナログメータと違い可動部がないため振動に強く,またタブレット端末の読み上げ機能が利用できるといった特徴がある.本報告では iTester の開発経緯と利用状況について報告する.
JSSE Research Report, 29(4) 49-52, 2014
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学, 61(1) 87-101, Sep 28, 2012type:Article 2008年に科学技術振興機構が小学校教員を対象とした理科教育実態調査を行った。大阪府下の小学校教員の特徴や課題を明らかにするために,全国調査で使われた調査項目の一部を利用して同様の意識調査を実施した。その結果,理科の中で教える際の苦手意識が高い分野は,物理,地学,ICT教育が挙げられ,理科の知識や技能等の自己評価は,学習評価や自由研究などについての知識や技能が低いと自認している割合が高く,これらの結果は全国調査と同様の傾向を示す結果であった。一方,理科の指導方法に対する意識では,全国調査との違いが見られ,大阪府下の教員は,実験の手順や方法などの指導を重視する傾向が明らかとなった。 A survey of awareness in science education to primary teachers in Japan was conducted by Center for Promotion of Science Education of Japan Science and Technology Agency in 2008. In order to characterize teachers of elementary school in Osaka, we investigated using this survey into an awareness of primary teachers in science education. A part of results showed that they have a consciousness weak about physics, earth science, and ICT education. Further, there were a lot of teachers who recognized to be scarce about the knowledge and skill about a method of study evaluation or instruction of independent research. These results were as well as the JST's survey. On the other hand, another data suggested that primary teachers in Osaka tend to regard instruction of procedure for an experiment as important.
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学, 61(1) 161-167, Sep 28, 2012type:Article 海外における先進的な科学教育の現状を捉えるため,アメリカにおいて科学教育アウトリーチ活動が盛んである事情を分析するとともに,日本のスーパーサイエンスハイスクール事業を通じて行われている海外科学教育研修について調査を行った。さらに,附属高校天王寺校舎が実施しているスーパーサイエンスハイスクール事業の高校生海外研修に同行し,アメリカの大学が提供する発展的な内容を含む科学教育アウトリーチ活動,高校・大学間の連携に関する取り組み,先進的な科学教育に特化した高校での授業や課題研究の取り組み,および科学博物館での教育活動について調査を行った。 The concern with science outreach programs has been growing for the last several years in Japan. In this paper, we take up outreach in America, are quite active, and study-tours of abroad for Super Science High School (SSH) students, participated in outreach programs of abroad universities and research institutes. We reported as a case of abroad study-tours of Tennoji High School attached to Osaka Kyoiku University.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 36 251-252, Aug 27, 2012
大阪教育大学情報処理センター年報, 15 1-6, Mar, 2012type:Article
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学, 60(2) 69-76, Feb 29, 2012type:Article 附属学校において実施されている科学教育活動の実践効果を捉えるため,PISA2006調査に採用されたアンケート項目を用いて,天王寺地区附属学校児童,生徒を対象に調査を行った。科学に関する認識や関心は,学年が進むにつれて,徐々に減少する傾向が示された。各学年の前期と後期の結果から,関心の向上の低下と回復が繰り返されていた。環境問題や社会における科学の価値など,小学校の時点から高い水準を示している項目は,学年が進むことによる減少は少ないことが示された一方,小学校の時点で低い水準を示した項目は,学年が進むにともなう減少の幅が大きかった。附属高校天王寺校舎で実施されているSSHカリキュラムに参加している高校生の科学に対する興味関心は,全学年を通じたトレンドと比較して,下げ止まる傾向が示された。 The purpose of this research is to evaluate the trends of effects on attitudes to science of students of the science education curriculum of Tennoji elementary, junior high and high school attached to Osaka Kyoiku University. PISA 2006 Assessment was adapted to compare with the internal assessment results.1.All parameters about attitude for Science of students tended to decrease gradually as the grade in school advanced. 2.The higher-level parameters in elementary school held to high standard for the advanced grades.3.The low-level parameters in elementary school significantly decreased for the advanced grades.4.There was significantly the decrease-increase cycle of parameters about attitude for Science of each grade.
大阪教育大学紀要 第IV部門 教育科学, 60(1) 153-166, Sep 30, 2011type:Article 附属学校において実施されている科学教育活動の実践効果を捉えるため,PISA2006調査に採用されたアンケート項目を用いて,受講者と非受講者の双方を対象に調査を行った。受講者と非受講者の間には,科学に関する個人的な価値観,科学の楽しさ,科学に関する全般的な興味関心に関する測定尺度に有意な差が見いだされた。活動実施の前後では,元々科学学習への意識の高い受講者においては有意に増加が見られた尺度はなかった一方で,非受講者において複数の尺度で有意な向上がみられ,実施された科学教育活動の波及効果が見られた。 The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effects on attitudes to science of students of the science education curriculum of Tennoji high school attached to Osaka Kyoiku University. PISA 2006 Assessment was adapted to compare with the internal assessment results. 1. There were the significant differences about the parameters for "personal value of science" , "enjoyment of science" and "general interest in science" between SSH course students and other students. 2. There were no significant difference about the attitudes of SSH course students between before and after SSH course. 3. There were significant improvement about the attitudes of other students between before and after SSH course. 4. Statement on instrumental motivation to learn science was positively correlated to statement on futureoriented motivation to learn science for both SSH course students and other students.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 35 233-234, Aug 23, 2011
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 31 311-312, Aug 17, 2007
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 31 57-58, Aug 17, 2007
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Science Education, 31 147-148, Aug 17, 2007
JSSE Research Report, 21(5) 91-94, 2007
海洋. 号外 = Kaiyo monthly. special : カラー版 / 月刊海洋編集部 編, (41) 119-127, 2005
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 21(12) 1307-1307, Dec, 2004
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, 55.2.2 216, 2000
Research Projects
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2024 - Mar, 2027
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Jun, 2019 - Mar, 2023
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2017 - Mar, 2023
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Jun, 2018 - Mar, 2020
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2012 - Mar, 2015