Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
日本語 | English
- 所属
- 大阪教育大学 理数情報教育系 教授
- 学位
- Ph. D.(Tokyo Institute of Technology)理学博士(東京工業大学)Academic Master(Nagoya University)修士(学術)(名古屋大学)
- 研究者番号
- 90401611
- 201801008381176850
- researchmap会員ID
- 7000024350
2019年4月 - 2020年3月
1994年4月 - 2001年3月
1994年4月 - 1996年3月
1990年4月 - 1994年3月
Information and Technology in Education and Learning 2(1) Trans-p007-Trans-p007 2022年In Japan, there are many disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons; thus, the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to disaster preparation by the public is a key issue. In disaster preparation education, learning should be sustained until the disaster situation, not immediately after learning. In this study, we examined the effects of disaster education events on learning disaster preparation knowledge among elementary school children. We conducted two tests—a post-test and a post-post-test—immediately after the disaster education event in 2019 and six months after the event, respectively. These scores were used to measure persistence of learning. We confirmed that the improvement of knowledge and skills related to disaster reduction was sustained even after a certain period had passed since the disaster preparation education.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2015 474-479 2015年 査読有りIn this paper, we propose a teacher training system that incorporates educational digital portfolios using the Social Networking Service (SNS). We considered the situation in which the student teaching period occurs and focused on the educational benefits of using the SNS to communicate remotely. A challenging issue during the teacher training practicum is ensuring efficient communication and consistent evaluation between the university professor, host school mentor and university student. Our proposed system promotes the development of effective teaching and evaluation methods by sharing knowledge and practice records concerning the teaching practicum.
Biological Bulletin 218(3) 230-236 2010年6月1日 査読有りIn the late 1990s, the once prolific populations of the coral Acropora intermedia surrounding Okinawa, Japan, dramatically declined because of thermal stress, bleaching caused by heat stress, and consequent mortality. Before the bleaching event, 72 fragments (about 15 cm in length) were collected and transferred to the Okinawa Churami Aquarium. Through growth and repeated fragmentation, these original fragments developed into about 100 colonies that spawned from 1999 to 2009. In this study, we compared gametogenesis, fertilization, survival, and O2 consumption in cultured and wild colonies of A. intermedia and their offspring. Cultured A. intermedia had larger oocytes and higher fertilization and survival rates than samples from wild colonies. O2 consumption of cultured embryos was similar to that of wild embryos. These results suggest that cultured A. intermedia and their offspring are as viable as wild colonies. Aquaria can play a role in the conservation of endangered corals, and their cultured colonies could be used to re-establish devastated species on the Okinawa reefs.
Journal of Experimental Biology 212(12) 1819-1824 2009年6月15日 査読有りIn order to characterize the energy expenditure of Paramecium, we simultaneously measured the oxygen consumption rate, using an optic fluorescence oxygen sensor, and the swimming speed, which was evaluated by the optical slice method. The standard metabolic rate (SMR, the rate of energy consumption exclusively for physiological activities other than locomotion) was estimated to be 1.18×10-6Jh-1 cell-1 by extrapolating the oxygen consumption rate into one at zero swimming speed. It was about 30% of the total energy consumed by the cell swimming at a mean speed of 1 mms -1, indicating that a large amount of the metabolic energy (about 70% of the total) is consumed for propulsive activity only. The mechanical power liberated to the environment by swimming Paramecium was calculated on the basis of Stokes' law. This power, termed Stokes power, was 2.2×10 -9Jh-1 cell-1, indicating extremely low efficiency (0.078%) in the conversion of metabolic power to propulsion. Analysis of the cost of transport (COT, the energy expenditure for translocation per units of mass and distance) revealed that the efficiency of energy expenditure in swimming increases with speed rather than having an optimum value within a wide range of forced swimming, as is generally found in fish swimming. These characteristics of energy expenditure would be unique to microorganisms, including Paramecium, living in a viscous environment where large dissipation of the kinetic energy is inevitable due to the interaction with the surrounding water.
美術科研究(eISSN 2759-1581) 41 47-57 2023年12月25日type:Article
日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告 38(2) 269-272 2023年12月9日本研究の目的は,米粉粘土の導電特性を利用して小学校第5学年にLEDを光らせる実験を通じてSTEAM教育に取り組みその効果を評価した.実験ではLEDの基礎実験から始め,物作りを通じたSTEAM教育の一環として,塩水を混ぜた米粉粘土で回路を作り光らせる実験を行い,導線の代わりに台所の液体と米粉でLEDを光らせる方法を探究させた.事前事後調査の結果から,今回取り組んだ体験的な学習が問題解決能力を含む理科の知識獲得に効果的であり,児童の参加意欲を高め,深い学びを促進することが示された.
教育実践研究 = Osaka forum for applied research in education / 大阪教育大学教職教育研究開発センター 編 12(12) 113-120 2018年type:Article 今回、共著することになった和田と仲矢の出会いは、本学で開かれたFD<Faculty Development>である。FDのテーマは、「授業でのICT活用」で、仲矢が後述するスマートフォリオの活用方法について紹介し、それを聞いていた和田が自身の講座で取り入れることを考え、仲矢に相談を持ち掛けたことが契機となった。今回は、和田が担当する講座「教育実践の研究I」において受講者全員の模擬授業を実施し、仲矢とともにスマートフォリオを活用して録画を行い、コメントを入れるなどの指導を行った取組の報告である。加えて、模擬授業を実施して気づいた学生の課題について述べるとともに、学生の反応を紹介する。
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 42 443-444 2018年全国学カ・学習状況調査・小学校理科調査間題(H27 年度)を,理,工学部に所属する中裔理科教員志望大学生に解答してもらい,その結果を小学校児童の調査結果と比較した。調査対象の大学生の平均正解率は87.5%であった(H27 年度小学6 年生の正解率60.8%)。主に知識を間う「A」間題については,間題によって大学生の正解率にばらつきがみられ,主に活用を間う「B」間題については,ほとんどが 90%近い正解率であった。記述式の間題では,無回答はほとんどない一方,正解基準に求められる意見と根拠の両方の記述と書き分けは,24%程度に留まった。
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2019年6月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2017年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2018年6月 - 2020年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2012年4月 - 2015年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2011年4月 - 2015年3月