Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
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Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, Division of Multicultural Education, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Degree
- (BLANK)(Nagoya University)修士(教育学)(名古屋大学)
- Researcher number
- 80222800
- 200901059057031665
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000357402
- External link
Research Areas
3Research History
Sep, 2014 - Present
Apr, 2010 - Present
Apr, 2007 - Mar, 2010
Apr, 1997 - Mar, 2007
Apr, 1990 - Mar, 1997
Apr, 1988 - Mar, 1990
Apr, 1985 - Mar, 1988
Apr, 1981 - Mar, 1985
Committee Memberships
Sep, 2022 - Present
Sep, 2018 - Sep, 2022
Sep, 2014 - Sep, 2018
郷土教育研究オンライン, 2(3) 1-14, Mar, 2022
郷土教育研究オンライン, 1(2) 1-19, Mar 28, 2021
郷土教育研究オンライン, 1(2) 1-18, Mar, 2021
大阪教育大学紀要 第4部門 教育科学, 56(1) 1-13, Feb, 2008
大阪教育大学紀要第IV 部門, 55(1) 21-32, Sep, 2006Former times, I examined "the meaning of the life experience of the entering school former term as a starting point of the growth and a subject". I think, It can be never said that it is taken seriously from the viewpoint of "the education" about the entering school former term. But, the development of the language of this time and the development of the physical ability have the importance which decides child's future possibility. The next is necessary so that education after entering school may show that effect fully. A protector should appreciate the meaning of the life experience of the child's entering school former term fully, and guide it with the proper support. I make the consideration of "the meaning of the life experience of the entering school former term as a starting point of the growth and the subject" develop. In this paper, I grasped an educational environment to surround a child first as an ecosystem. Then, I examined child's development factor from the viewpoint of the ecosystem. I don't think about only relations between the child and the external environment, but I catch an environment as one system which includes a child himself. I explain the various elements to lurk in the various present educational problems through the consideration concerning this system argument. Then, it aims at the development of the part abbreviation because of an educational solution of various problems. As for the various problems which involve a present child, it is a social common perception that every environment to surround a child brings not only school but also a society, community, a family. It is evaluated, that the various dealing to grope for the connection of area, family, school is made. However, it is impossible to get a universal prescription. It is because an element to take into consideration is unlimited in each area and the child. There is a factor making the effective connection of area, family, school more difficult. It is the social condition of Japan, which became population decrease society through the advanced economic growth term. I want to propose the outline of the educational consideration as follows. 1) To catch modern terms and conditions (international society and Japan, the area where a child belongs and family) synthetically. 2) To place those all on the factor concerned with the child's growth, and grasp a child's growth environment as an ecosystem including the child himself as well. 3) To component of that system is to inquire into the possibility of that system and the flexibility of the various problems and that system.
大阪教育大学紀要第IV部門, 53(2) 1-15, Feb, 2005I consider about "food" in this paper. "Food" as an object, and "a meal" as an act, are both contained in "food". I grasp "food" as "a synthetic experience", and I aimed to investigate educational value with the educational opportunity which the experience has. "Food" is everyday thing and it is an everyday act, it may be symbolized by the word of "the food, clothing and shelter". Therefore it is difficult to consider "food" as an object. "Food" has very various elements. Therefore an educational consideration is difficult. It is possible that every society matter is made to relate to "food". But, to take up "food" according to that complex relevance is equal to grappling with the grand theme of "as for the life, something", "as for the environment, something". When we grapple with "food" at "the open end" in the class, to spread to the focus of the class theme. We take up some concrete things in "food", and we should adopt that for the class. An investigation object is limited, and a consideration theme becomes clear by that. The meaning and difficulty to feature "food" in the class, look like the character which hometown education has. In the hometown education, it is taken away for things of its hometown, and it has the information to probe into relevance in the back of things to inquire into and which it gets, and returned to the consideration of the hometown again. It is necessary for the education as well that "the hometown educational approach" done like this is concerned with "food". As for the school education, for example children can touch the concrete dimension of "food" in the meal service. The beginning of the educational guidance is here. But, it is different from the course instruction, and still there are no firm guidelines in the meal service education. And relations with "the knowledge, understanding" and "the attitude, ability" in the meal service education are not transparent. It is possible that the result that the subjectivity of the teacher concerned with the meal service education and education vary is presumed by the way of having it. As for the meal service education as well, it is certain that we must make it develop in one character standardly as well as the course instruction such as social studies as for the knowledge-understanding and the attitude-ability. In this paper, I show the meaning and the limits of the thing to examine "food". This is an important problem as a premise of whether to give what kind of educational value to "food". We must begin education about "food" from here
大阪教育大学紀要第IV 部門, 53(1) 13-24, Sep, 2004This research aims to extraction and elucidation of various factors taking part in formation of information processing & activity literacy. In this text, I considered the extraction of the various factors to be involved in the formation of the information processing ability. An environment should be taken up as an environment of information. to be concerned to the children's growth. Most attention should be paid to that the environment of information rapidly changed in Japan. Many knowledgeable people are aware of this change, but they are not thought as an anxiety situation. It is important to consider the change of the environment of information before the end of the change. Because, after all changes are confirmed, it is too late to consider valid measure. I think the better direction is to consider in accordance with analyzing an environment of information for the children. ' And it is important, to teach children how to recognize the environment by "the correcting of付he recognition". I clarified the following by this text. Man must recognize an informational environment first of all, and, in addition, recognize a substantial environment by correcting the recognition. The left problem is as follows. I should clearly extract the factor and clarify the following point empirically by comparing various factors. 1. Sudden change of this informational environment of several years. 2. Difference of certain two regional substantial environments.
大阪教育大学紀要第V部門, 44(1) 61-76, Sep, 1995
大阪教育大学紀要第V部門, 43(2) 213-229, Feb, 1995
名古屋大学教育学部紀要, 37(37) 335-352, Mar, 1991ドイツ基礎学校において実施されている「事実教授」を取り上げて、その教科内容の統合形態の2類型を考察した。飯島はカッツェンベルガーの『統合的事実教授』の理論を分析し、異質な領域にまたがる統合的事実教授単元の持つ意義と、教科構造志向の事実教授の枠組みにおける統合的事実教授の限界性を論じた。(B5版全18頁 335~352頁。的場正美と共著。飯島担当336~344頁)
名古屋大学教育学部紀要, 36(36) 451-465, Mar, 1990この授業の分析を、特に子どもの対象把握および表現手法という観点から行うことによって、社会認識における子どもの対象認識、あるいは、諸事象の関連づけ、さらには、他の子どもとのコミュニケーションを通しての認識の変化発展のあり方の追究のための基本的枠組みを提起している。(B5版全15頁 451~465頁。石田薫と共著。飯島担当 452~456頁)
名古屋大学大学院教育学研究科『教育論叢』, (33) 1-14, Mar, 1990「郷土」の概念の分析を通して、子どもに身近な生活空間であるところの「郷土」の教育的意義を明らかにした。とくに昭和初期に地理教育の立場から郷土教育論を展開した三澤の理論における「郷土」概念を明らかにし、それが氏の郷土教育方法論にどのように具体化されているかを論じた。(B5版全14頁 1~14頁)
名古屋大学教育学部紀要, 35(35) 133-142, Mar, 1989本論文では子どもから疎遠な事象をとらえる3つの観点(時間的・空間的・心理的)を提示した上で、二つの授業実践例に基づいてとくに子どもから空間的に疎遠な事象に関する子どもの認識のあり方を実証的に論じている。
19Books and Other Publications
教育開発研究所, Jan, 1996「新しい観点からの郷土教育」及び「ふるさと教育の進め方」の項を単独で執筆。「新しい観点からの郷土教育」では、「郷土」あるいは「郷土教育」の概念を明らかにすることでその現代的意義を考察し、「ふるさと教育の進め方」では、内容的側面、方法的側面および目的的側面の3つのメルクマールからふるさと教育の実践的課題と可能性を論じている。
ぎょうせい, Aug, 1993「郷土教育」及び「郷土学習」の項目を単独で執筆。 現代学校教育に関わる広範な問題を平易に解説している。担当した2つの項は、今世紀初頭の日本およびドイツにおける「郷土教育」および「郷土学習」について、歴史的経緯をふまえた上で解説している。
7Research Projects
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2019 - Mar, 2023
Apr, 2012 - Mar, 2015
Apr, 1995 - Mar, 1996
Apr, 1993 - Mar, 1995
Apr, 1992 - Mar, 1993
Jan, 1991 - Jan, 1991「授業諸要因の制御に関する比較教授学的実験研究」(昭和57、58年度科学研究費補助金による研究)の発展研究であり、「授業諸要因の関連構造にもとづく授業の構造分析Ⅱ」の研究成果に、その後実施された授業の事例分析と詳細な資料を加えてまとめたものである。(B5版全218頁。代表者日比裕全7名で共著。長年にわたる共同研究の集積のため担当部分抽出不可能であるため、参考までの記載にとどめる。主な飯島担当は授業記録部分)