
堀 一繁

ホリ カズシゲ  (Kazushige Hori)


大阪教育大学 理数情報教育系 教授
Doctor (Engineering)(Doshisha University)
Master (Engineering)(Doshisha University)




  • Keita Tani, Kako Ueno, Miyuki E. Masaki, Masatsugu Taneda, Kazushige Hori, Koji Kubono, Kenta Goto, Fumito Tani, Yukiyasu Kashiwagi, Takunori Harada
    Chemistry Letters 52(11) 858-860 2023年11月5日  査読有り
  • 串田 一雅, 堀 一繁, 鵜澤 武俊
    日本教育大学協会研究年報 41 159-162 2023年  
  • 大阪教育大学紀要-人文社会科学・自然科学- 70 2022年2月  査読有り
  • 串田 一雅, 堀 一繁, 鈴木 剛, 鵜澤 武俊, 広谷 博史
    大阪教育大学紀要-人文社会科学・自然科学- 69 305-311 2021年2月  査読有り
    type:Article 大阪教育大学・教職実践演習ミニ講座「理科の実験・観察における安全」(2019年度)の受講者の「理科実験における危険予測力」のルーブリック評価について報告する。このミニ講座は,理科の実験・観察を安全に行うために必要な知識と,それを支える理論的根拠や経験知を学ぶための授業(全5回)で構成されている。本稿で報告する授業実践では,酸・塩基の中和実験(高校化学基礎)を撮影・編集した動画の中に現れる危険な行為や兆候を受講者に発見させる。そして,そのような危険な行為・兆候を受講者がどの程度発見できたかを,ルーブリック評価表を用いて数値化することにより,各受講者の理科実験における危険予測力を定量評価する。 This paper reports an evaluation of safety management capability in science experiments. In the present study, safety management capability in science experiments is evaluated through a rubric score of a practice to find indications of danger in a science laboratory that appear in a video in which an experiment on neutralization of acids and bases is conducted in a first grade high school chemistry class. The practice is assigned to prospective teachers (fourth grade students in Osaka Kyoiku University) in a class of a course held in 2019 to learn how to safely conduct scientific experiments and observations. A rubric score of the practice can be a measure of safety management capability in science experiments.
  • Keita Tani, Risa Imafuku, Kanae Miyanaga, Miyuki Eiraku Masaki, Haruka Kato, Kazushige Hori, Koji Kubono, Masatsugu Taneda, Takunori Harada, Kenta Goto, Fumito Tani, Tadashi Mori
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 124(10) 2057-2063 2020年3月  査読有り
    Partially overlapped dicarbazolophanes exhibit a planar chirality. In this study, C-2-symmetrical [3.3](3,9)dicarbazolophane derivatives (CZ1-CZ3) have been optically resolved by preparative chiral high-performance liquid chromatography for the first time. In their circular dichroism (CD) spectra, moderate Cotton effects (CEs) were observed for their L-1(b) and L-1(a) transitions (vertical bar Delta epsilon vertical bar = 10-12 and 51-57 M-1 cm(-1), respectively), while intense CEs were notified in their B-1 transitions (vertical bar Delta epsilon vertical bar = 156-216 M-1 cm(-1)), absorption dissymmetry (g(abs)) factors being in orders of 10(-2). Circularly polarized luminescence spectrum was also obtained for cyanamide derivative CZ1, with a comparative luminescence dissymmetry (g(lum)) factor of 0.013. A computational investigation was applied to address the factors for such remarkable chiroptical responses in these dicarbazolophanes of planar chirality. Absolute configurations were unambiguously determined by the comparison of experimental and theoretical CD spectra, which was affirmed by the X-ray crystal structural analysis of enantiomerically pure sulfonamide derivative CZ2.


  • 串田 一雅, 堀 一繁, 鵜澤 武俊
    日本教育大学協会研究年報 / 日本教育大学協会年報編集委員会 編 41 159-164 2023年  
  • 曽谷凜, 堀一繁, 久保埜公二, 種田将嗣, 五島健太, 谷文都, 黄瀬雄司, 辻井敬亘, 田中啓之, 梶弘典, 谷敬太
    日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(Web) 103rd 2023年  
  • 城明日香, 千原大明, 曽谷凛, 正木深雪, 堀一繁, 五藤健太, 谷文都, 黄瀬雄司, 辻井敬亘, 前野綾香, 田中啓之, 梶弘典, 谷敬太
    基礎有機化学討論会要旨集 33rd (CD-ROM) 2023年  
  • 串田一雅, 堀一繁, 鵜澤武俊
    日本理科教育学会近畿支部大会発表論文集(Web) 2022 2022年  
  • 曽谷凜, 堀一繁, 久保埜公二, 谷敬太, 五島健太, 谷文都, 黄瀬雄司, 辻井敬亘
    基礎有機化学討論会要旨集 32nd (CD-ROM) 2022年  
  • 串田一雅, 堀一繁, 鵜澤武俊
    日本理科教育学会近畿支部大会発表論文集(Web) 2021 2021年  
  • 串田一雅, 堀一繁, 鵜澤武俊
    日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集(Web) (19) 2021年  
  • 串田一雅, 堀一繁, 鵜澤武俊
    日本理科教育学会全国大会発表論文集(Web) (18) 2020年  
  • 橋口仁康, 堀一繁, 久保埜公二, 五島健太, 谷文都, 榊原圭太, 辻井敬亘, 武村裕之, 谷敬太
    日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 99th 2019年  
  • 安積典子, 仲矢史雄, 川上雅弘, 山内保典, 萩原憲二, 秋吉博之, 片桐昌直, 片桐昌直, 井奥加奈, 生田享介, 岡崎純子, 川村三志夫, 神鳥和彦, 種田将嗣, 辻岡強, 出野卓也, 任田康夫, 中田博保, 廣谷博史, 堀一繁, 向井康比己, 吉本直弘
    日本科学教育学会年会論文集(CD-ROM) 42nd 441‐442-442 2018年8月8日  
    初任~5年目の小学校教員研修の受講者に対して,理科指導力の実態把握と,研修の効果測定のためのアンケート調査を行った。その結果,科学への関与度が,研修の効果を議論する上 で注目すべき要因であることが分かった。
  • 安積 典子, 岡崎 純子, 川村 三志夫, 神鳥 和彦, 種田 将嗣, 辻岡 強, 出野 卓也, 任田 康夫, 中田 博保, 廣谷 博史, 堀 一繁, 仲矢 史雄, 向井 康比己, 吉本 直弘, 島 善信, 川上 雅弘, 山内 保典, 萩原 憲二, 秋吉 博之, 片桐 昌直, 井奥 加奈, 生田 享介
    日本科学教育学会年会論文集 41 363-364 2017年  
    <p>本研究では平成28 度1)に引き続き,小学校教員の理科苦手意識2)の改善と,新しい時代の教員に求められる資質3)への対応を目的とした小学校教員理科研修プログラムの開発に取り組んでいる。本稿では,昨年度の教員研修会の参加者に対する3 か月後調査の結果から,研修の効果についての検討を行う。さらに,平成29 年度の研修をどのように改善したかについても紹介する。</p>
  • Keita Tani, Naoki Sakumoto, Koji Kubono, Kazushige Hori, Yasuo Tohda, Hiroaki Benten, Hideo Ohkita, Shinzaburo Ito, Masahide Yamamoto
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 38(2) 140-141 2009年2月  
    Tris-bridged [3.3.n](3,6,9)carbazolophanes 1n (n = 3-6), which are appropriate model Compounds for fully overlapped excimer in carbazole chromophore, have been synthesized and characterized by NMR, X-ray, absorption and fluorescence spectra; lit showed excimeric fluorescence, whose emission maxima strongly depended on the angles and distances between carbazole rings.
  • Hiroaki Benten, Jiamo Guo, Hideo Ohkita, Shinzaburo Ito, Masahide Yamamoto, Naoki Sakumoto, Kazushige Hori, Yasuo Tohda, Keita Tani
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 111(37) 10905-10914 2007年9月  
    Inter-moiety electronic interactions in the singlet and triplet excimer states of triply bridged [3.3.n](3,6,9)-carbazolophanes ([3.3.n]Cz, n = 3-6) were studied by emission and transient absorption measurements. In these [3.3.n]Cz molecules, the dihedral angle and the separation distance r between fully overlapped two arbazole rings change systematically from nearly parallel (n = 3, r = 3.35 A) to oblique (n = 6, r = 4.03 angstrom). In rigid glass at 77 K, [3.3.n]Cz (n = 3, 4) (r &lt; 4 angstrom) exhibited red-shifted and structureless excimer fluorescence and phosphorescence while [3.3.n]Cz (n = 5, 6) (r &gt; 4 angstrom) exhibited monomer-like vibrational fluorescence and phosphorescence. In solution at 130 K, all [3.3.n]Cz molecules exhibited an excimeric fluorescence band while [3.3.5]Cz still exhibited monomer-like phosphorescence. Transient absorption spectra measured at 294 K exhibited local excitation and charge-transfer bands for all [3.3.n]Cz molecules in the excited singlet and triplet states, suggesting that not only singlet but also triplet excimers of carbazole are formed at room temperature. Furthermore, the singlet-triplet energy gap decreased with the decrease in n, suggesting that electrons are effectively delocalized over the two carbazole moieties. These findings showed that both singlet and triplet excimers of carbazole are formed with a separation distance shorter than about 4 angstrom and are most stable in the parallel-sandwich structure and that the configurational mixing between exciton resonance and charge resonance states plays an essential role in the formation of singlet and triplet excimers of carbazole.
  • Keita Tani, Shinya Yamamoto, Koji Kubono, Kazushige Hori, Yasuo Tohda, Hiroyuki Takemura, Yosuke Nakamura, Jun Nishimura, Hiroaki Benten, Hideo Ohkita, Shinzaburo Ito, Masahide Yamamoto
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 36(3) 460-461 2007年3月  
    Cyanamide- andoxa-bridged [3.n](3,9)carbazolophanes 1n and 2n (n = 4 and 5) were synthesized. X-ray analysis Of 14 and 25 revealed that carbazole rings are taken to be partially overlapped geometry. Electronic spectra of 1n and 2n (n = 4 and 5) showed the existence of transannular pi-pi electronic interaction between two carbazole rings, whereas fluorescence of these carbazolophanes indicated monomer-like emission.
  • K Hori, M Tamura, K Tani, N Nishiwaki, M Ariga, Y Tohda
    TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 47(18) 3115-3118 2006年5月  
    Asymmetric epoxidation of (E)-chalcone with alkaline hydrogen peroxide by novel chiral phase-transfer catalysts (chiral PTCs) with quaternary ammonium salts of azacrown ether proceeded in high yield and good enantioselectivity. Remarkably, this reaction depended on the length of the carbon chain on the nitrogen atom with the chiral PTCs and on the bulk of the base. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • H Benten, H Ohkita, S Ito, M Yamamoto, N Sakumoto, K Hori, Y Tohda, K Tani, Y Nakamura, J Nishimura
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109(42) 19681-19687 2005年10月  
    The photophysical properties of a series of triply bridged [3.3.n](3,6,9)carbazolophanes ([3.3.n]Cz, n = 3, 4, 5, 6) were studied as a model compound for a fully overlapped carbazole excimer. In these [3.3.n]Cz molecules, a plane angle of the two carbazole moieties changed systematically from nearly parallel to oblique, with increases in the length of the methylene chain n bridging at the 9-position of each carbazole ring. Absorption bands of [3.3.n]Cz showed the blue-shift and the splitting for L-1(a) &lt;- (1)A and L-1(b) &lt;- (1)A transition bands of the reference carbazole monomer, respectively. These spectral changes in [3.3.n]Cz were explained by Kasha's molecular exciton theory with the distance r and dihedral angle theta between the carbazole moieties in the ground state. In both liquid and glass matrixes, [3.3.n]Cz showed intramolecular excimer emission. The emission peak wavelength changed from 409 nm (n = 6) to 480 nm (n = 3) depending on r in the ground state. The dependence of the peak wavelength on r clearly showed that relative configurations of carbazole moieties in the ground state were preserved even in the excimer states. The smaller radiative rate of the excimer emission than the reference monomer was explained by the dimer symmetry of [3.3.n]Cz.
  • K Tani, K Matsumura, E Togo, K Hori, Y Tohda, H Takemura, H Ohkita, S Ito, M Yamamoto
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS 32(10) 910-911 2003年10月  
    As a first example of carbazole-acceptor cyclophane, carbazole-terephthalate cyclophane 1a was prepared. The structure of 1a was characterized by H-1 NMR and X-ray analysis. Absorption spectrum of 1a showed the existence of transannular pi-pi electronic interaction and little charge transfer interaction. Fluorescence spectrum of 1a in THF exhibited intramolecular exciplex emission around 525 nm.
  • N Nishiwaki, D Nishida, T Ohnishi, F Hidaka, S Shimizu, M Tamura, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 68(22) 8650-8656 2003年10月  
    The acyl group of an alpha-aryl-beta-keto ester was readily transferred to N-, O-, and S-nucleophiles. The transacylation from arylated diethyl 3-oxoglutarate to amines led to unsymmetrical malonic acid amide esters in high yields. The present reaction proceeded under mild conditions without formation of detectable byproducts. Only simple experimental manipulations were required. This reaction was also found to be sensitive to steric factors, which enabled the chemoselective monoacylation of diamines and amino alcohols without any modifications such as protection.
  • Nishiwaki, N, Nishida, D, Ohnishi, T, Hidaka, F, Shimizu, S, Tamura, M, Hori, K, Tohda, Y, Ariga, M
    Journal of Organic Chemistry 68(22) 8650-8656 2003年9月  査読有り
  • N Nishiwaki, M Tamura, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    MOLECULES 8(6) 500-504 2003年6月  
    3-Methyl-5-nitropyrimidin-4(3H)-one readily reacts with carbonyl compounds to produce three kinds of ring transformations. The nitropyrimidinone behaves as the synthetic equivalent of activated diformylamine affording 3,5-difunctionalized 4-pyridones, 4,5-disubstituted pyrimidines and functionalized 4-aminopyridines. It also behaves like alpha-nitroformylacetic acid to give 5,6-disubstituted 3-nitro-2-pyridones.
  • Nishiwaki, N, Okajima, Y, Tamura, M, Asaka, N, Hori, K, Tohda, Y, Ariga, M
    Heterocycles 60(2) 303-308 2002年12月  査読有り
  • T Ohta, H Kamizono, A Kawamoto, K Hori, Furukawa, I
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (22) 3855-3863 2002年11月  
    Asymmetric decomposition of isoxazolidine derivatives under catalysis by optically active palladium(ii) complexes was examined. When racemic ethyl cis-2,5-dimethyl-5-phenylisoxazolidine-3-carboxylate (cis-1a) was treated with a catalytic amount of [Pd(MeCN)(2){(S)-TolBINAP}](BF4)2 in CH2Cl2 for 60 h, optically active substrate was recovered with 99% ee and in 48% yield. The highest selectivity was achieved on treatment of racemic ethyl trans-2,4-dimethyl-5,5-diphenylisoxazolidine-3-carboxylate, to give the optically active substrate in 74% yield with 35% ee. The k(f)/k(s) value of this reaction reaches as high as 732. For this decomposition, each substrate should have both a methyl group on the 2-position and an alkoxycarbonyl group on the 3-position of the isoxazolidine ring. The enantioselectivities of the recovered substrates were influenced not only by the other substituent groups on the 4- and 5-positions but also by the geometrical structures of the substrates.
  • K Tani, K Matsumura, K Hori, Y Tohda, H Takemura, H Ohkita, S Ito, M Yamamoto
    CHEMISTRY LETTERS (9) 934-935 2002年9月  
    [2.2]Paracyclo(3,6)carbazolophane (1a) and [2.2](1,4)-naphthaleno(3,6)carbazolophane (1b) were prepared. The structures of 1a and 1b were characterized by H-1 NMR. X-ray analysis of 1a revealed that the carbazole ring extremely deviates from the conjugated plane. Electronic spectra of 1a and 1b showed the broadening and bathochromic shift compared with the references.
  • N Nishiwaki, T Ogihara, M Tamura, N Asaka, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    HETEROCYCLES 57(3) 425-428 2002年3月  
    2,3-Disubstituted 2,3-dihydro-6-nitro-1H-[1,4]-diazepines are prepared with easy experimental manipulations from formylated nitroenamine, which behaves as the synthetic equivalent of nitromalonaldehyde usable in organic media.
  • N Nishiwaki, K Matsushima, M Tamura, N Asaka, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    ARKIVOC (10) 34-39 2002年  
    Polyfunctionalized pyrrole 6 is synthesized in the ring transformation of N-hydroxy-3,5-dinitro-4-pyridone 4 with enolate 2 derived from diethyl 3-oxogulutarate. The present reaction proceeds with C-N transfer from 4 to 2, which is hitherto unknown manner in similar reactions using dinitropyridone series.
  • N Nishiwaki, M Azuma, M Tamura, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (18) 2170-2171 2002年  
    The title compounds are readily available by ring transformation of nitropyrimidinone with active methylene compounds in the presence of ammonium acetate.
  • N Nishiwaki, M Sakashita, M Azuma, C Tanaka, M Tamura, N Asaka, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    TETRAHEDRON 58(3) 473-478 2002年1月  
    New methods for functionalization of 1-methyl-2-quinolone (MeQone) skeleton are provided. The reaction of 1-methyl-3,6,8-trinitro-2-quinolone (TNQ) with amines affords quinolone dimer 1 and 6,8-dinitroquinotone (6,8-DNQ). Dimerization predominantly proceeds at room temperature, and denitration takes place under heated and diluted conditions. We also provide a plausible mechanism for these reactions on the basis of structure-reactivity relationship of amines. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • N Nishiwaki, M Nakanishi, T Hida, Y Miwa, M Tamura, K Hori, Y Tohda, M Ariga
    JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 66(22) 7535-7538 2001年11月  
  • Heterocycles 55(8) 1581-1582 2001年8月  
  • H Kodama, J Ito, K Hori, T Ohta, Furukawa, I
    New BINOL-derived ligands, 3,3'-bis(2-oxazolyl)-1,1'-bi-2-naphthols (BINOL-Box), bearing chiral bis-oxazoline at the 3,3'-carbons, were synthesized from commercially available 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol (BINOL). With the new ligands obtained, we found that asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of N-benzylidenebenzylamine N-oxide (2) to 3-((E)-2-butenoyl)-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one (1) was catalyzed by BINOL-Box-scandium complexes to give isoxazolidine 3 in high yield with high diastereo- and enantioselectivity. For example, the reaction of 1 with 2 catalyzed by a 6 mol% (S,R)-7d and 5 mol% Sc(OTf)(3) complex proceeded to give the endo-3 as the major diastereomer with an endo:exo ratio of 97:3 and 87% ee of the endo-product in the presence of 4 Angstrom molecular sieves. Interestingly, the absolute configuration of the major product was changed according to the kind of additive used. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
  • K Hori, H Kodama, T Ohta, Furukawa, I
    JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 64(14) 5017-5023 1999年7月  
    Chiral phosphinepalladium(II)-catalyzed asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrones to alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic acid derivatives has been investigated. In the presence of a catalytic amount of [Pd(NCMe)(2){(S)-tolbinap}](BF4)(2) [TolBINAP = 2,2'-bis(di-p-tolylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl], the reaction of 3-alkenoyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones as dipolarophiles and N-substituted N-benzylidenenitrones has been successfully performed to give isoxazolidine derivatives in high yields with high enantioselectivities. For example, 3-((2,5-dimethyl-3-phenylisoxazolidin-4yl)carbonyl)-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one was obtained from the reaction of N-benzylidenemethylamine N-oxide and 3-crotonoyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one in 89% yield with 60% endo selectivity and 91% ee of the endo isomer. The cycloaddition of N-benzylidenebenzylamine N-oxide and 3-crotonoyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one afforded 3-((2-benzyl-5-methyl-3-phenylisoxazolidin-4-yl)carbonyl)-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one in 94% yield with 93% endo selectivity and 89% ee of the endo isomer. Remarkably, the endo/exo selectivity of the products depended on the N-substituent group of the nitrones. These selectivities were explained using molecular modeling.
  • 堀 一繁, 伊藤 純二, 小倉 由紀子, 岡本 高志, 太田 哲男, 古川 功
    同志社大学理工学研究報告 39(4) 8-14 1999年1月  
  • K Hori, J Ito, T Ohta, Furukawa, I
    TETRAHEDRON 54(42) 12737-12744 1998年10月  
    The 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of enol ethers as electron-rich olefins with C-phenyl-N-alkyl nitrones proceeded smoothly in the presence of easy handling palladium(II) catalysts under mild conditions to give isoxazolidines in good yield. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • K Hori, H Kodama, T Ohta, Furukawa, I
    TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 37(33) 5947-5950 1996年8月  
    Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrone 2 to olefin 1 was catalyzed by chiral phosphine-palladium complexes to give isoxazolidine 3 in high yield with high enantioselectivity up to 91% ee. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd







