
Naohiro Yoshimoto

  (吉本 直弘)

Profile Information

Professor, Division of Math, Sciences, and Information Technology in Education, Osaka Kyoiku University

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  • 廣岡 力, 吉本 直弘
    日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 39(2) 243-246, Dec, 2024  Last authorCorresponding author
  • 安部 元紀, 吉本 直弘
    日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告, 39(2) 157-160, Dec, 2024  Last authorCorresponding author
  • Norihito, KAWAMURA, Naohiro, YOSHIMOTO, Daiji, OKADA
    Journal of Regional Resource Management, 6 1-14, Mar 31, 2023  Peer-reviewed
  • TAKIMOTO Ieyasu, KAWAMURA Norihito, TAGUCHI Mizuho, YOSHIMOTO Naohiro
    Journal of Research in Science Education, 63(3) 573-587, Mar 31, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    In order to understand that water vapor, which causes heavy rainfall in Japan during the rainy season and summer, is transported to the vicinity of Japan by the general circulation of the atmosphere on a global scale, we developed and implemented an inquiry teaching material using WEB weather maps. In this practice, three types of WEB weather maps were utilized, and the core of the lesson was for individual students to explore the origin of water vapor in a composite manner based on the cloud, rain, and wind information that could be read from the maps. The results of this practice with third-year lower secondary school students demonstrated that, after the lesson, 71% of the students were able to find and express the possibility that water vapor was transported from at least as far away as the Pacific and Indian Oceans, based on their comprehensive consideration of several different sources of information about the origin of water vapor. Moreover, 77% of the students were able to consider multiple pieces of meteorological information in a composite manner, and this led them to consider the connection between meteorological conditions around Japan and the global atmospheric general circulation. In addition, 37% of the students showed an enhanced interest in weather through the use of the WEB weather maps, and 20% of the students felt that they would like to use the maps in the future. The usefulness of the teaching material using the Web weather maps developed for this study is therefore considered to be effectively demonstrated.
  • 吉本 直弘, 巻川 大和
    大阪教育大学紀要. 総合教育科学, 71 339-348, Feb 28, 2023  Peer-reviewedLead authorCorresponding author
    type:Article 中学校理科第2学年「気象とその変化」の「日本の天気の特徴」について,令和2年(2020年)検定済の教科書の分析を行った。冬季における日本の天気の特徴として,すべての教科書において日本海側で雪,太平洋側で晴れとなることが記載されていた。しかし,その特徴を天気図から捉えることができた教科書は一部に限られた。シベリア気団の性質について,すべての教科書で冷たく乾燥していることが記載されていた。しかし,寒冷や乾燥の程度については主文や気団の模式図からは捉えることはできなかった。観測データ等の資料を用いて,冬季における日本の天気の特徴をシベリア気団と関連付けて理解する探究的な学習の方法を提案した。 This study analyzed lower secondary science textbooks for Grade 2, approved in 2020, regarding the “characteristics of Japan's weather" in the “weather and its changes." As characteristics of Japan's weather in winter, all textbooks described that it snows on the side of the Sea of Japan and clears on the side of the Pacific Ocean. However, the textbook, which could catch the features from the weather map, was partly limited. Regarding the characteristics of Siberian air mass, all textbooks described it as being cold and dry. However, the degree to which it was cold and dry could not be conveyed from the main text, or from the schematic diagram of air masses. This study proposes an exploratory learning method to understand the characteristics of Japan's weather in winter by relating them to the Siberian air mass.



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Media Coverage

  • 朝日新聞社, 朝日新聞, Jan 22, 2016 Newspaper, magazine