
森田 英嗣

モリタ エイジ  (Eiji Morita)


大阪教育大学 総合教育系 教授









  • 森田 英嗣, 五十里 元子, 田島 知之, 西村 寿子, 藤井 玲子
    大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学 70 121-136 2022年2月28日  査読有り
    type:Article 本研究は、読者の視点から2018年6月23日の沖縄「慰霊の日」関連記事を全国紙、『琉球新報』『沖縄タイムス』の沖縄2紙、地方紙を対象に量的側面から把握し、沖縄2紙に登場する「市民の声」を質的に分析した。量的側面では、沖縄2紙は他の新聞より突出して記事数が多く、沖縄2紙が特に「市民の声」に重点を置いて構成する傾向がわかった。「市民の声」の質的分析では沖縄2紙も全国紙も、「継承」「鎮魂」「戦争反対」「平和希求」を語る「声」が多く、戦争に関わる男女のイメージのステレオタイプにも類似が見られた。全国紙では沖縄2紙に見られる「加害」の言説、基地問題や憲法、政権批判について語る「声」はほとんどない。沖縄2紙には、沖縄の現状をアジア太平洋戦争での沖縄の体験とのつながりにおいて語る市民像が提示されている。メディアによって構成された「現実」をクリティカルに読み解き、自分の認識との関係性を考えることで、自律的に情報と関わることにつながる。 This study examines the national newspapers, local newspapers including two Okinawan newspapers ("Ryukyu Shinpo" and " Okinawa Times") and other types of papers that reported on Okinawa Memorial Day on July 23, 2018. Firstly, we conducted research into the difference between the coverage of the Okinawan papers and other papers' coverage, quantitatively. It was shown that the quantity of the articles of the two Okinawan newspapers related to the Memorial Day was prominently more than that of the rest of other papers, and the two papers' spaces were constructed focusing on "citizen's voices". Secondly, a qualitative analysis of "citizens' voices" showed that both the two Okinawan papers and the national papers had many "voices" that referred to "inheritance", "repose of souls", "opposition to war", and "desire for peace", while the national papers had few "voices" that alluded to the issues related to the US military base, the Constitution, or criticism of the government and no discourse as "a perpetrator of the war " as seen in the two Okinawan papers. It is figured out that the two papers represented the image of citizens who talked about the current situation in Okinawa in relation to the Okinawan experiences in the Asia-Pacific War. We can "read and write" the information autonomously by interpreting the "reality" constructed by the media critically and examining the relationship between the media and our consciousnesses.
  • 荊木 まき子, 森田 英嗣, 鈴木 薫, 枝廣 和憲
    就実教育実践研究 = Journal of Shujitsu Center for Educational Research and Training 14 67-82 2021年3月31日  
  • 荊木 まき子, 森田 英嗣, 平野 貴大
    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集 63 446 2021年  
  • 荊木 まき子, 森田 英嗣, 平野 貴大
    就実論叢 = The research bulletin of Shujitsu University and Shujitsu Junior College / 就実論叢編集委員会 編 51(51) 173-184 2021年  
  • 森本 洋介, 松本 寿一, 森田 英嗣
    大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学 68 109-128 2020年2月29日  査読有り
    type:Article 本稿では,動画リテラシーについて,オンライン教材システム(VVCweb)を用いて大学生に学習させることを試みた実験について報告し,この能力が学生に獲得されたか否か,また獲得されたのであればどの程度獲得されたのか,そして獲得できた/できなかった条件は何か,について考察を行った。なお,能力獲得の評価軸として「動画リテラシーのスタンダード」および「動画リテラシーのルーブリック」を使用した。本実験から,未経験者でもVVCwebを受講すれば動画リテラシーのルーブリックのレベル2 からレベル3 を達成できることが示唆された。ただし高次の思考力(分析・評価)に関しては,これらの能力が身についたと確実に言える段階にはないことがわかった。 This paper reported the experiment of learning “moving image literacy" for undergraduate students through e-learning system named VVCweb. We examined how five undergraduate students learned moving image literacy, and also which level they achieved. Then we analyzed contributed factor about the achievement. When we analyzed their achievement, we used “standard about moving image literacy" and “rubric about moving image literacy" that we had developed for evaluating the ability of moving image literacy. In conclusion, it could be said the first learners of“ moving image literacy" achieved between level 2 and level 3 in the rubric. However, about higher order of thinking such as critical analysis, we could not say they acquire it reliably.


  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 (444) 75-80 2004年  
  • 松本, 寿一, 中易, 秀敏, 森田, 英嗣, 亀島, 鉱二
    情報処理学会論文誌 44(1) 187-194 2003年1月15日  査読有り
    算数科多桁減算の学習において,馴染みのないものを学習者に与えて学習課題に深い理解を示すことが期待できる学習環境が,すでに著者らの教材ソフトウェアによって構築されている.この教材ソフトウェアでは,学習者が多桁減算の問題を作成すると,教材ソフトウェア上の仮想キャラクタが学習者にとって馴染みのない発想でその問題を解いて見せる.これまでの研究により,解法を受容する受動的な学習のみでは深い理解に至るには不十分であることが分かっている.このため,本論文では学習者が考える計算手順を自在に組み立て,試すことができるインタフェースを追加することが試みられている.提案するインタフェースにより,学習者が計算手順を組み立てると,仮想キャラクタがその手順に忠実な計算結果を再現し,自らの思考過程を自分自身で再認識することを実現している.また,時間軸に沿って記録された操作履歴によって,学習者が深い理解に至る過程の分析や,学習者の思考過程の追跡も検証されている. An educational software that creates a learning environment, which givesunfamiliar procedure to students that has the potential of stimulating akeen interest is already being built by authors. When astudent creates a problem in subtraction in this software, a virtualcharacter in the educational software shows how to solve the problem with aconcept unfamiliar to the student. As it has become evident from findingsof previous studies that just showing how to solve problems was not enoughfor students to reach an in-depth understanding, we have attempted to add aninterface that could build and test the concept of the students themselvesin this paper.This suggested interface shows the virtual character that represents a solvingprocess in line with the procedure constructed by student.In addition, It can surmise the characteristics of the process in which thestudent has reached an in-depth understanding and the student's thoughtprocess from the history of operation that is recorded along the time base.
  • JK Jacobs, E Morita
    This article describes a novel assessment method used to examine Japanese and American teachers' ideas about what constitutes effective mathematics pedagogy. Forty American and 40 Japanese teachers independently evaluated either an American or Japanese mathematics lesson captured on videotape. Their comments were classified into over 1600 idea units, which were then sorted into a hierarchy of categories derived from the data. Next, the authors hypothesized underlying ideal instructional scripts that could explain the patterns of responses. Whereas the U.S. teachers were supportive of both traditional and nontraditional elementary school mathematics instruction and had different scripts for the two lessons, the Japanese teachers had only one ideal lesson script that was closely tied to typical Japanese mathematics instruction. The findings suggest that U.S. teachers may have more culturally sanctioned options for teaching mathematics; however, Japanese teachers may have a more detailed and widely shared theory about how to teach effectively.
  • JK Jacobs, E Morita
    This article describes a novel assessment method used to examine Japanese and American teachers' ideas about what constitutes effective mathematics pedagogy. Forty American and 40 Japanese teachers independently evaluated either an American or Japanese mathematics lesson captured on videotape. Their comments were classified into over 1600 idea units, which were then sorted into a hierarchy of categories derived from the data. Next, the authors hypothesized underlying ideal instructional scripts that could explain the patterns of responses. Whereas the U.S. teachers were supportive of both traditional and nontraditional elementary school mathematics instruction and had different scripts for the two lessons, the Japanese teachers had only one ideal lesson script that was closely tied to typical Japanese mathematics instruction. The findings suggest that U.S. teachers may have more culturally sanctioned options for teaching mathematics; however, Japanese teachers may have a more detailed and widely shared theory about how to teach effectively.
  • 森田英嗣
    「国語教育」 (616) 11-13 2001年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 31(407) 9-17 2001年  
  • 中教出版「現代教育科学」 (537) 65-67 2001年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「現代教育科学」 44(537) 65-67 2001年  
  • 森田, 英嗣
    大阪教育大学教育実践研究 9(9) 89-97 2000年12月27日  
  • 森田, 英嗣
    大阪教育大学教育実践研究 9(9) 81-88 2000年12月27日  
  • 「解放教育」 (396) 10-16 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 30(396) 10-16 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「現代教育科学」 43(531) 11-13 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「同和教育」 (458) 6-10 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「こどもと教育」 (101) 1-7 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 30(389) 9-15 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「現代教育科学」 (522) 49-52 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 30(387) 14-22 2000年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「部落解放」 (466) 147-154 2000年  
  • 松本 寿一, 中易 秀敏, 森田 英嗣
    甲南大学紀要. 理学編 / 甲南大学 編 46(2) 101-115 1999年12月  
  • 松本, 寿一, 中易, 秀敏, 森田, 英嗣, 亀島, 鉱二
    情報処理学会論文誌 40(9) 3596-3607 1999年9月15日  査読有り
    本論文では 情報機器を用いた学校教育の学習環境において 教師が学習者の学習課題に関する認識や理解の度合いを把握するための支援システムを提案する. このシステムは 情報機器が用意された学習環境内での学習者の行動を 学習環境として構築される教材ソフトウェアの利用履歴として 時間軸に沿い ある行動を完了するために要した時間やそのために要した操作の履歴を記録し これらをクラスター分析により学習者の行動パターンを分類して 教師が学習者の理解状況を把握する資料を提供するものである. システムは 1)学習者が情報機器を扱った際の操作履歴を記録する機能 2)記録されたデータから学習時の状況を再現する機能 3)作業内容ごとに時間軸に沿ってデータを切り分け数値化する機能 4)統計手法を用いてデータを分析する機能 によって構成されている. 提案システムに沿った試作教材ソフトウェアならびに分析システムを用いた研究授業の結果を考察して システムの利用効果について論じている. This paper proposes a method of a system design for educational software which is used in an usual teaching style in Japan. An information device can obtain a synchronized data of historical learning data from an educational software. This objective data is a movement and a time of operation. This system shows an evaluation material for a learning process and cognitive process from an obtained data. It includes 4 functions, such as 1) to record a historical data of operation in educational software, 2) to replay an operation scene when an user learns with educational software, 3) to add an index to an obtained data and change to a graphical data, 4) to classify a data with a statistical method. As a result of experiment of arithmetic lesson in an elementary school, this system could enable teachers to estimate the cognitive process during lessons.
  • Inagaki, K, Morita, E, Hatano,G
    Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1(9) 93-111 1999年3月10日  査読有り
  • 森田英嗣
    「同和教育」 (447) 28 1999年  
  • 森田英嗣, 荒木美久子
    「学校運営研究」 (495) 42-43 1999年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 29(377) 20-29 1999年  
  • 森田 英嗣
    実践学校教育研究 = Journal of practical school education 3(3) 1-9 1999年  
  • K Inagaki, G Hatano, E Morita
    LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION 8(6) 503-526 1998年12月  
    A word problem that requires addition of fractions with different denominators was presented to 11 classes of 4th- or 5th-graders, 10 years of age. It had three answer alternatives: adding the denominators and numerators separately, transforming fractions into decimals before adding them, and the standard, most appropriate solution. Students in each class were required to choose an alternative themselves, state their reason for the choice, and discuss which alternative would be right. After whole-class discussion, they were asked to choose an alternative again and nominate the student who had offered the most plausible idea. Then students in six classes were informed which alternative was the most appropriate, whereas those in five classes were not. Finally, the students, irrespective of the presence/absence of feedback, were required to solve the initial problem without the alternatives as the post-test, and two new problems as the transfer test. The results showed that (a) the students could offer more or less plausible arguments for or against each alternative, which in most classes included the correct explanation; (b) both vocal and silent students could write a mathematical expression for the post-test problem and manipulated it correctly, incorporating other students' ideas presented during the discussion, with or without the teacher's feedback, though their generalization was rather limited; and (c) the students could recognize and memorize reasonable explanations offered by other students in the discussion. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • K Inagaki, G Hatano, E Morita
    LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION 8(6) 503-526 1998年12月  
    A word problem that requires addition of fractions with different denominators was presented to 11 classes of 4th- or 5th-graders, 10 years of age. It had three answer alternatives: adding the denominators and numerators separately, transforming fractions into decimals before adding them, and the standard, most appropriate solution. Students in each class were required to choose an alternative themselves, state their reason for the choice, and discuss which alternative would be right. After whole-class discussion, they were asked to choose an alternative again and nominate the student who had offered the most plausible idea. Then students in six classes were informed which alternative was the most appropriate, whereas those in five classes were not. Finally, the students, irrespective of the presence/absence of feedback, were required to solve the initial problem without the alternatives as the post-test, and two new problems as the transfer test. The results showed that (a) the students could offer more or less plausible arguments for or against each alternative, which in most classes included the correct explanation; (b) both vocal and silent students could write a mathematical expression for the post-test problem and manipulated it correctly, incorporating other students' ideas presented during the discussion, with or without the teacher's feedback, though their generalization was rather limited; and (c) the students could recognize and memorize reasonable explanations offered by other students in the discussion. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 森田 英嗣, 稲垣 佳世子
    教育心理学研究 = The Japanese journal of educational psychology / 日本教育心理学会教育心理学研究編集委員会 編 45(2) 129-139 1997年6月  査読有り
    The present study examined differential effects of whole-class discussion begin- ning with a problem, with and without answer alternatives, on its developments and cognitive consequences in the case of adding fractions with different denominators; 289 4th- and 5th-graders from six elementary schools were used as subjects. Results indicated that: (1) almost all students with or without alternatives figured out the correct answer through the discussion before being given feedback from the experi- menter; (2) in the process of the discussion the students in Group Without Alternatives made more remarks including explanations, questions and counterarguments, espe- cially those about the correct solution than students in Group With Alternatives; (3) the students in Group Without Alternatives tended to perform better in the transfer test. The inferiority of Group With Alternatives in the acquisition of transferable knowledge was interpreted as due to the lack of effective division of labor based on partisan motivation where rival answer alternatives were easily refuted in discussion. Strength and weakness of the above two types of discussion and their possible flexible uses are discussed.
  • 森田英嗣
    「大書」 (3) 26-27 1996年  
  • 森田英嗣, 濱田通世
    「解放教育」 (344) 16-25 1995年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 (333) 27-33 1995年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 (314) 66-71 1994年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「解放教育」 (313) 66-71 1994年  
  • 佐藤仁, 森田英嗣
    大阪教育大学教育実践研究 (3) 45-61 1994年  
  • 森田 英嗣
    日本教育工学雑誌 18(1) 1-13 1994年10月15日  査読有り
  • 森田英嗣, 木原俊行, 山口好和
    大阪教育大学教育実践研究 (1) 95-118 1992年  
  • 森田 英嗣
    学校保健研究 = Japanese journal of school health 34(1) p18-24 1992年1月  査読有り
  • 菅井勝雄, 森田英嗣
    学習評価研究 (5) 46-55 1991年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「社会科教室」 (301) 1-7 1989年  
  • 菅井勝雄, 森田英嗣, 黒上晴夫, 井上正道
    大阪大学人間科学部紀要 15 209-231 1989年  
  • 森田英嗣
    「学校運営研究」 (347) 12-22 1988年  
  • 菅井勝雄, 森田英嗣
    「算数教育」 (372) 62-67 1988年  
  • 菅井勝雄, 森田英嗣
    「算数教育」 (371) 66-71 1988年  



