
大河内 浩人

オオコウチ ヒロト  (Hiroto Okouchi)


大阪教育大学 総合教育系 教授
Ph.D(Hiroshima University)



  • Hiroto Okouchi
    The Psychological Record 74(1) 45-58 2023年12月18日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    The Psychological Record 73(4) 513-523 2023年10月16日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Kennon A. Lattal, Hiroto Okouchi
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 120(3) 330-343 2023年9月26日  査読有り最終著者
    Abstract Three pigeon dyads were exposed to a two‐component multiple schedule comprised of two tandem variable‐interval 30‐s interresponse time (IRT) > 3‐s schedules in the presence of different stimuli. Pecks to keys by both pigeons of a dyad occurring within 500 ms of one another were required for reinforcement under one tandem schedule (the coordination component), and such coordinated responses were not required under the other (the control component). The terminal link of each schedule ensured that the reinforced coordination response was an IRT > 3 s. Rates of coordinated IRTs > 3 s and total rates of coordinated responses (composed of IRTs > 3 s and IRTs ≤ 3 s) were higher in the coordination components than in either of two different control components in which coordination was not required for reinforcement. This difference in coordinated responses in the presence and absence of the coordination requirement under stimulus control transitorily deteriorated and then was reestablished when the relation between the stimulus and the coordination contingency or its absence was reversed. The results show coordinated responding to function as a discriminated social operant.
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 120(3) 406-415 2023年9月11日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
    Abstract Although hypothetical rewards have been used almost exclusively in human discounting studies, investigations of their validity are limited. The present experiment compared the discounting of monetary reward value by probability across conditions in which the rewards were real, potentially real, and hypothetical. Twenty‐four undergraduates choose between an uncertain large reward and a certain small reward 60 times (trials). In the real and hypothetical reward conditions, the participants made choices with real and hypothetical money, respectively, in every trial. In the potentially real condition, they did so with real money in randomly selected three of the 60 trials and with hypothetical money in the remainder. The log10‐transformed h values of a hyperbolic probability‐discount function and the values of the area under the curve with an ordinal transformation of odds against were higher and lower, respectively, in the potentially real and in the hypothetical reward conditions than in the real reward condition, demonstrating that the probability discounting of hypothetical monetary rewards was larger than that of real rewards. These results suggest that future studies are required to identify why the hypothetical reward procedure overestimates the discounting rates of real rewards.
  • 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 37 248-261 2023年4月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者


  • Masanobu Kuwahara, Akio Matsumoto, Hiroto Okouchi, Koichi Ono
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 56(2) 139-152 2014年4月  
    The present study examined whether bidirectional response-response relations could be established without direct reinforcement. In AB training for 12 undergraduates, higher rates of touches to a white circle on the monitor screen (A1) produced two stimuli (B1 and B2) on half of the trials, whereas lower rates (A2) produced the same effect on the other half. Choosing one of the two stimuli was reinforced according to the preceding responding (A1B1 and A2B2). In BC training, touching a stimulus (B1 or B2) produced three white circles lined up horizontally on the screen, after which one of two different response sequences to the circles (left-center-right, C1 or C2, and right-center-left, C2 or C1) were reinforced, depending on the stimulus presented (B1C1 and B2C2). After AB and BC relations were established, 11 of 12 participants showed the emergence of untrained relations (BA, CB, AC, and CA) throughout five test sessions, and the remaining participant showed it in the first four test sessions. These response-response relations were replicated with five other undergraduates and different trained relations.
  • Hiroto Okouchi, Kennon A. Lattal, Akira Sonoda, Taichi Nakamae
    Two experiments were conducted to assess stimulus control and generalization of remote behavioral history effects with humans. Undergraduates first responded frequently under a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule in the presence of one line length (16 mm or 31 mm) and infrequently on a tandem FR 1 differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedule when a second line length (31 mm or 16 mm) was present. Next, an FR 1 schedule in effect in the presence of either stimulus produced comparable response rates between the stimuli. Finally, a tandem FR 1 fixed-interval (FI) schedule was in effect under those same stimuli (Experiment 1) or under 12 line lengths ranging from 7 to 40 mm (Experiment 2). In both experiments, responses under the tandem FR 1 FI schedule were frequent in the presence of stimuli previously correlated with the FR schedule and infrequent in the presence of stimuli previously correlated with the tandem FR 1 DRL schedule. Short-lived but systematic generalization gradients were obtained in Experiment 2. These results show that previously established rates of behavior that disappear when the establishing contingencies are changed can subsequently not only reappear when the contingencies change, but are controlled by and generalize across antecedent stimuli.
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Psychological Record 63(3) 595-614 2013年6月  
    A matching procedure was used to examine whether humans discriminate fixed-interval (FI) schedules. Fixed-ratio (FR), FI, or differentialreinforcement- of-low-rate (DRL) schedules were in effect during a sample schedule link. Responses meeting the schedule requirement produced a choice link in which each of three circles was presented with a unique color. The choice was reinforced depending on the schedule of the sample link. In Experiment 1, a correct response equal to or higher than 94.4% was obtained for each sample schedule in each of the four undergraduates. Post hoc analyses suggested that time spent with the sample schedule link may have functioned as a discriminative stimulus of the choices. In Experiment 2, after replicating the schedule discrimination with additional four participants, the FI value was changed to equate to the mean time spent in the FR or DRL schedule link. With this modified FI value, the accuracy was deteriorated but eventually recovered, whereas the lengths of time spent in the sample schedule links diverged across the schedules. Previous studies have shown that humans were insensitive to reinforcement schedules, especially to the FI schedule. These results demonstrate that humans discriminated the FI schedule and suggest that human schedule insensitivity is due to other than discriminative properties of the schedules.
  • Sonoda, A, Okouchi, H
    The Psychological Record 62 645-661 2012年11月  査読有り
  • 井野内伸彦, 大河内浩人
    心理学ワールド 59 27-28 2012年10月  
  • 張琇涵, 川下愛子, 大河内浩人
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 61(1) 33-39 2012年9月  
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 54(2) 202-209 2012年5月  
    Pressing a key by one undergraduate provided another undergraduate with points exchangeable for money, and vice versa. Four types of response patterns were found. Points were often delivered with a delay from the last response or with no response. When a contingency that responses lost points (punishment) was added to participants who had emitted more responses than the partner had, their response rates decreased while the rates of their partners increased. These results demonstrate that, under the contingency of mutual reinforcement: (a) response patterns that had occurred between monkeys were replicated between humans; (b) obtained response-reinforcer relations were different from those generally programmed in the basic reinforcement schedules; and (c) the behavior of the participant was controlled by changing the behavior of the partner.
  • 大河内浩人
    臨床心理学 12(1) 10-15 2012年1月  
  • Mariko Hirai, Hiroto Okouchi, Akio Matsumoto, Kennon A. Lattal
    Undergraduates were exposed to a series of reinforcement schedules: first, to a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule in the presence of one stimulus and to a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DILL) schedule in the presence of another (multiple FR DRL training), then to a fixed-interval (FI) schedule in the presence of a third stimulus (FI baseline), next to the FI schedule under the stimuli previously correlated with the FR and DRL schedules (multiple FI FI testing), and, finally, to a single session of the multiple FR DRL schedule again (multiple FR DRL testing). Response rates during the multiple FI FI schedule were higher under the former FR stimulus than under the former DRL stimulus. This effect of remote histories was prolonged when either the number of FI-baseline sessions was small or zero, or the time interval between the multiple FR DRL training and the multiple FI FI testing was short. Response rates under these two stimuli converged with continued exposure to the multiple FI FI schedule in most cases, but quickly differentiated when the schedule returned to the multiple FR DRL.
  • Okouchi, H
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 91 377-390 2009年5月  査読有り
  • 山内伸作, 大河内浩人
    読書科学 51 14-23 2008年4月  査読有り
  • 大河内浩人
    臨床心理学 8(1) 123-129 2008年1月  
  • 鈴井理生, 桑原正修, 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 21(2) 76-92 2007年7月  査読有り
    研究の目的 本研究では、ネーミング訓練と比較ノード訓練が刺激等価性の成立に及ぼす効果を検討した。研究計画 3群の群間比較と、2条件の個体内比較を行った。場面 各被験者は実験室の実験装置の前に座り、個別に実験を受けた。被験者 大学生13名。介入(フェイズ1)全被験者に対して線形構造による見本あわせ訓練を行い、5つのメンバーからなる3つの等価クラスが成立したかどうかをテストした。(フェイズ2)被験者をランダムにネーミング訓練群、比較ノード訓練群、統制群に分けた。フェイズ1と異なる刺激セットを用いて、各群に応じた訓練を行った。続いて、フェイズ1と同様に、見本あわせ訓練とテストを行った。行動の指標 正答率と反応潜時を指標とした。結果 フェイズ1では、どの被験者も刺激等価性は成立せず、ノード距離効果がみられた。フェイズ2では、ネーミング訓練群と比較ノード訓練群でノード距離効果のみられない刺激等価性が成立した。統制群では刺激等価性が成立しなかった。結論 比較ノード訓練はネーミング訓練と同等に刺激等価性の成立を促進させた。
  • Okouchi, H
    The Psychological Record 57 241-263 2007年4月  査読有り
  • 寺田眞治, 大河内浩人
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 55(2) 45-54 2007年2月  
    現在のわが国では,人間関係を育む機会がいたるところで失われつつある。人間関係能力の育成には,学校教育のカリキュラムの中に計画的に,人間関係トレーニングを組み込んでいくことが必要である。単位制高校の生徒にアサーション授業を試み,その効果を検討した。アサーティブな生徒も含まれる受講生の集団に実施されたトレーニングの効果を標準化された尺度によって検証した結果,関係形成のアサーションの向上が見られた。学校の授業時間内にアサーショントレーニングを組み込むことが人間関係能力の育成に有効である可能性が示唆された。Assertion lessons were given in a credit-system high school. Scores of the relation-formation factor, which is one of the subscales of a standardized scale for assertiveness (Tamase, Ochi, Saino, & Ishikawa, 2001), increased after the lessons. Recently it is said that opportunities to learn how to create human relations have been lacking. The present results suggest that inter-personal relationship training programs, such as an assertion training, being implemented in school is a promising method for fostering socially matured adolescents.
  • 原田健介, 大河内浩人
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 55(1) 71-89 2006年9月  
    研究目的:本研究の目的はVIスケジュール下の反応間時間(IRT)に遠隔履歴効果が検出されるかどうかを検討することであった。研究計画:二重履歴条件,単一履歴条件と履歴無し条件の3条件を群間比較した。場面:実験室で個別に行った。被験者:強化スケジュールに関する実験への参加経験のない大学生13名(男子2名,女子11名;年齢19-22歳)。手続き:二重履歴群では,DRL 1秒LH 1秒,DRL 5秒LH 5秒,VI 5秒の順にスケジュールを呈示した。単一履歴群ではDRL 5秒LH 5秒から呈示し,履歴無し群ではVI 5秒スケジュールのみ呈示した。結果:二重履歴群の被験者はVIスケジュールの最終5セッションに,かつてDRL 1秒LH 1秒スケジュールで分化強化された1秒<IRT≦2秒の頻度の増加が確認された。こうした結果は他の条件では観察されなかった。結論:本研究の結果は遠隔履歴効果がVIスケジュール下で生じること,IRTが効果の測度として有効であることを示唆するものである。
  • H Okouchi, KA Lattal
    Four pigeons were exposed to two tandem variable-interval differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedules under different stimulus conditions. The values of the tandem schedules were adjusted so that reinforcement rates in one stimulus condition were higher than those in the other, even though response rates in the two conditions were nearly identical. Following this, a fixed-interval schedule of either shorter or longer values than, or equal to the baseline schedule, was introduced in the two stimulus conditions respectively. Response rates during those fixed-interval schedules typically were higher in the presence of the stimuli previously correlated with the lower reinforcement rates than were those in the presence of the stimuli previously correlated with the higher reinforcement rates. Such effects of the reinforcement history were most prominent when the value of the fixed-interval schedule was shorter. The results are consistent with both incentive contrast and response strength conceptualizations of related effects. They also suggest methods for disentangling the effects of reinforcement rate on subsequent responding, from the response rate with which it is Confounded in many conventional schedules of reinforcement.
  • Okouchi, H
    The Psychological Record 56 245-257 2006年3月  査読有り
  • 大河内浩人, 松本明生, 桑原正修, 柴崎全弘, 高橋美保
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 54 115-123 2006年2月  
  • Doughty, A. H, Cirino, S, Mayfield, K. H, da Silva, S. P, Okouchi, H, Lattal, K. A
    The Psychological Record 55 315-330 2005年4月  査読有り
  • 松本明生, 大河内浩人
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 53(2) 37-48 2005年2月  
  • 松本明生, 鈴木絢子, 大河内浩人
    保健の科学 47(1) 71-77 2005年1月  査読有り
  • H Sugiwaka, H Okouchi
    The relation between reformative self-control and discounting of reward value by delay or effort was examined. Thirty-two Japanese undergraduates were selected based on their scores on a standardized pencil and paper test of self-control, the Redressive-Reformative Self-Control Scale (Sugiwaka, 1995). The subjects indicated their preference (i) between a hypothetical 100 000 yen reward available with various delays and a certain reward of variable amount available immediately; or (ii) between a hypothetical 100 000 yen reward available with various efforts and a certain reward of variable amount available without effort. The discounting of delayed reward value was described well by a hyperbolic function proposed by Mazur (1987). The slopes of the delayed discounting curves were steeper for subjects who scored low on the Reformative Self-Control Scale, which is a measure of reformative self-control and a subscale of the Redressive-Reformative Self-Control Scale. The discounting by effort was also described well by the hyperbolic function, The slopes of the effortful discounting curves did not correlate to those of the delayed discounting curves. The slopes were not systematically different across the groups of subjects with different scores on the reformative self-control scale.
  • 松本明生, 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 18(1) 38-44 2004年2月  査読有り
    Study objectives: The purpose of the present study was to analyze everyday behavior, specifically, whether the interval between train arrivals would influence passengers' behavior of arriving at the platform. Design: The pattern of the number of people arriving at a platform during the interval between trains was compared at 3 stations where the intervals between train arrivals differed. Settings: The study was conducted at 3 stations in the Kansai district (western Japan) at which only local train stopped. Participants: All passengers boarding trains on the selected platforms during the observation period were participants. Independent variable: The number of trains arriving at a station per hour (2, 6, or 12) was the Independent variable. Results: The longer the interval between trains, the more people tended to arrive at the platform just before the train came. Conclusion: The present results suggest that the arrival of trains functions like a reinforcer, so that the interval between trains functions like a reinforcement schedule.
  • Hiroto Okouchi, Kim Songmi
    Psychological Record 54(3) 461-478 2004年  
    A report to have responded slowly was reinforced after a fixed-ratio schedule, whereas a report to have responded rapidly was reinforced after a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule. All 5 undergraduates reported they had responded slowly when the last interresponse time during the preceding schedule had been short, and had responded rapidly when the last interresponse time had been long. This referent-report relation was not observed when every report was reinforced nondifferentially. The results demonstrate that the self-reports were affected by the differential reinforcement when schedule performances were their referent.
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 80(2) 173-186 2003年9月  
    Undergraduates responded under a variable-ratio 30 schedule in the presence of a 25-mm long line and on a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate 6-s schedule when a 13-mm long line was present. Following this, a line-length continuum generalization test was administered under a fixed-interval 6-s schedule (Experiment 1) or extinction (Experiment 2). In both experiments, obtained generalization gradients conformed to typical postdiscrimination gradients. Responses were frequent under stimuli physically similar to the 25-mm line and infrequent under stimuli physically similar to the 13-mm line. The generalization gradients were generally asymmetric with peak response rates occurring at line lengths greater than 25 mm.
  • 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 17 2-4 2003年4月  査読有り
  • 松本明生, 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 17(1) 20-31 2003年4月  査読有り
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 79(1) 49-64 2003年  
    Undergraduates were exposed to a mixed fixed-ratio differential- reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule. Values of the schedule components were adjusted so that interreinforcer intervals in one component were longer than those in another component. Following this, a mixed fixed-interval 5-s fixed-interval 20-s schedule (Experiment 1) or six fixed-interval schedules in which the values ranged from 5 to 40 s (Experiment 2) were in effect. In both experiments, response rates under the fixed-interval schedules were higher when the interreinforcer intervals approximated those produced under the fixed-ratio schedule, whereas the rates were lower when the interreinforcer intervals approximated those produced under the different-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule. The present results demonstrate that the effects of behavioral history were under control of the interreinforcer intervals as discriminative stimuli.
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Japanese Psychological Research 44(4) 234-240 2002年11月  
    Six undergraduates were exposed to a fixed-ratio schedule with an instruction to respond slowly and to a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule with an instruction to respond rapidly when a white circle was presented on a display monitor. When a yellow circle was presented, however, the subjects were exposed to the fixed-ratio schedule with the instruction to respond rapidly and to the differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule with the instruction to respond slowly. Following this, a fixed-interval schedule was in effect during those stimuli and instructions. Under the white circle, response rates were higher with the instruction to respond slowly than with the instruction to respond rapidly during the fixed-interval schedule. Such control by instructions was not observed under the yellow circle. A previous study examined establishment of novel instructional control by between-subject comparisons and found that for three of four subjects (Okouchi, 1999). In contrast, the present results demonstrate the instructional control through within-subject comparisons for all six subjects.
  • 元村直靖, 岩切昌宏, 瀧野揚三, 下村陽一, 石橋正浩, 上本未夏, 坂口守男, 天富美や子, 林龍平, 高橋登, 小松孝至, 山下光, 山本晃, 大日方重利, 安福純子, 大河内浩人, 藤田裕司, 天貝由美子, 白井利明
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅲ部門 51(1) 55-65 2002年9月  
  • Okouchi, H
    The Psychological Record 52 173-186 2002年5月  査読有り
  • 松本明生, 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 16(1) 22-35 2002年3月  査読有り
    研究目的 本研究の目的は自己教示と非言語行動との新奇な連鎖への分化強化によって、自己教示性制御を成立させることであった。研究計画 言行不一致履歴条件、言行一致履歴条件と履歴なし条件の3条件を群間比較した。場面 実験室で行った。被験者 強化スケジュールに関する実験への参加経験のない大学生23名(男子8名、女子15名;年齢18-27歳)。手続き言行不一致履歴条件において、実験1においては5人、実験2では4人の学部学生に対し、ゆっくり反応するという教示を選んだ時、FRスケジュールを呈示し、すばやく反応するという教示を選んだ時、DRLスケジュールを呈示した。この後、選択された教示に関わらず、FIスケジュールが有効になった。結果 すばやく反応するという教示を選んだ時よりも、ゆっくり反応するという教示を選んだ時の方がFIスケジュールでの反応率が高かった。言語-非言語間の不一致の分化強化の履歴のない他の被験者には、自己教示によるこのような制御は観察されなかった。結論 自己教示性制御が反応連鎖として分類し得ることを示唆するものである。
  • 松野規子, 大河内浩人
    保健の科学 43(12) 973-978 2001年12月  査読有り
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 72(2) 205-214 1999年  
    Four undergraduates were exposed to a fixed-ratio schedule under an instruction to respond slowly and to a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate 5-s schedule under an instruction to respond rapidly. Following this, a fixed-interval schedule was in effect under those same two sets of instructions. For 3 of 4 subjects response rates were higher with the instruction to respond slowly than with the instruction to respond rapidly during the fixed-interval schedule. For the remaining subject, low-rate responding with the instruction to respond rapidly continued during the first 17 reinforcements of the fixed-interval schedule. Such control by instructions was not observed for other subjects exposed only to a fixed-interval schedule, with or without instructions. The results demonstrate that the effect of instructions can be altered by contingencies and suggest that instructions can function as discriminative stimuli.
  • 大河内浩人
    行動分析学研究 10 118-129 1997年3月  査読有り
  • 大河内浩人
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 44(1) 13-25 1995年9月  
  • 大河内浩人
    心理学評論 36 565-578 1994年9月  査読有り
  • 大河内浩人
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 43 49-61 1994年9月  
  • 大河内浩人, 杉若弘子
    大阪教育大学紀要第Ⅳ部門 41(2) 183-193 1993年2月  
  • 大河内浩人
    広島大学総合科学部学生相談室活動報告書 16 30-34 1992年3月  
  • 上里一郎, 山本麻子, 杉若弘子, 王興, 大河内浩人
    総合保健科学 広島大学保健管理センタ-研究論文集 7 25-37 1991年9月  
  • 大河内浩人
    広島大学総合科学部学生相談室活動報告書 15 7-11 1991年3月  
  • 大河内浩人, 山本麻子, 杉若弘子, 上里一郎
    行動療法研究 17 20-25 1991年3月  査読有り
  • Hiroto Okouchi
    Psychophysiology 28(6) 673-677 1991年  
    The effects of feedback on the control of peripheral skin temperature were examined using a tension‐relaxation experiment. Sixteen male undergraduates were assigned to feedback or no‐feedback groups and asked to increase the temperature of the right index finger immediately after decreasing with (in the feedback group) or without (in the no‐feedback group) feedback during 10 training sessions. A no‐feedback transfer session (post‐test) followed these sessions. During the training sessions, skin temperature corresponded to instructions in the feedback group, whereas it did not in the no‐feedback group. Feedback control did not transfer to the no‐feedback condition. These results were discussed in terms of the ceiling‐effect hypothesis in the baseline‐relaxation type experiment and of the subjects' cognitive events, including strategies. Copyright © 1991, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved





