
松本 桂

マツモト カツラ  (Katsura Matsumoto)


大阪教育大学 理数情報教育系 准教授
博士(理学)(2000年 京都大学)




  • Yusuke Tampo, Taichi Kato, Keisuke Isogai, Mariko Kimura, Naoto Kojiguchi, Daisaku Nogami, Junpei Ito, Masaaki Shibata, Masayuki Yamanaka, Kenta Taguchi, Hiroyuki Maehara, Hiroshi Itoh, Katsura Matsumoto, Momoka Nakagawa, Yukitaka Nishida, Shawn Dvorak, Katsuhiro L Murata, Ryohei Hosokawa, Yuri Imai, Naohiro Ito, Masafumi Niwano, Shota Sato, Ryotaro Noto, Ryodai Yamaguchi, Malte Schramm, Yumiko Oasa, Takahiro Kanai, Yu Sasaki, Tamás Tordai, Tonny Vanmunster, Seiichiro Kiyota, Nataly Katysheva, Sergey Yu Shugarov, Alexandra M Zubareva, Sergei Antipin, Natalia Ikonnikova, Alexandr Belinski, Pavol A Dubovsky, Tomáš Medulka, Jun Takahashi, Masaki Takayama, Tomohito Ohshima, Tomoki Saito, Miyako Tozuka, Shigeyuki Sako, Masaomi Tanaka, Nozomu Tominaga, Takashi Horiuchi, Hidekazu Hanayama, Daniel E Reichart, Vladimir V Kouprianov, James W Davidson Jr, Daniel B Caton, Filipp D Romanov, David J Lane, Franz-Josef Hambsch, Norio Narita, Akihiko Fukui, Masahiro Ikoma, Motohide Tamura, Koji S Kawabata, Tatsuya Nakaoka, Ryo Imazawa
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 76(6) 1228-1245 2024年12月  査読有り
    Abstract We present a detailed study of the MASTER OT J030227.28$+$191754.5 outburst in 2021–2022, which reached an amplitude of $10.2\:$mag and a duration of $60\:$d. The detections of (1) the double-peaked optical emission lines, and (2) the early and ordinary superhumps, established that MASTER OT J030227.28$+$191754.5 is an extremely energetic WZ Sge-type dwarf nova (DN). Based on the superhump observations, we obtained its orbital period and mass ratio as $0.05986(1)\:$d and 0.063(1), respectively. These values are within a typical range for low-mass-ratio DNe. According to the binary parameters derived based on the thermal–tidal instability model, our analyses showed that (1) the standard disk model requires an accretion rate $\simeq\!\! 10^{20}\:$g$\:$s$^{-1}$ to explain its peak optical luminosity, and (2) large mass was stored in the disk at the outburst onset. These factors cannot be explained solely by the impact of its massive ($\gtrsim\!\! 1.15\, M_{\odot }$) primary white dwarf implied by Kimura et al. (2023, ApJ, 951, 124). Instead, we propose that the probable origin of this enormously energetic DN outburst is the even lower quiescence viscosity than other WZ Sge-type DNe. This discussion is qualitatively valid for most possible binary parameter spaces unless the inclination is low enough ($\lesssim\!\! 40^\circ$) for the disk to be bright, explaining the outburst amplitude. Such low inclinations, however, would not allow detectable amplitude of early superhumps in the current thermal–tidal instability model. The optical spectra at outburst maximum showed strong emission lines of the Balmer, He i, and He ii series, the core of which is narrower than $\sim \! 800\:$km$\:$s$^{-1}$. Considering its binary parameters, a Keplerian disk cannot explain this narrow component, but the presumable origin is disk winds.
  • C. M. Raiteri, M. Villata, M. I. Carnerero, S. O. Kurtanidze, D. O. Mirzaqulov, E. Benítez, G. Bonnoli, D. Carosati, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, I. Agudo, T. S. Andreeva, G. Apolonio, R. Bachev, G. A. Borman, V. Bozhilov, L. F. Brown, W. Carbonell, C. Casadio, W. P. Chen, G. Damljanovic, S. A. Ehgamberdiev, D. Elsaesser, J. Escudero, M. Feige, A. Fuentes, D. Gabellini, K. Gazeas, M. Giroletti, T. S. Grishina, A. C. Gupta, M. A. Gurwell, V. A. Hagen-Thorn, G. M. Hamed, D. Hiriart, M. Hodges, R. Z. Ivanidze, D. V. Ivanov, M. D. Joner, S. G. Jorstad, M. D. Jovanovic, S. Kiehlmann, G. N. Kimeridze, E. N. Kopatskaya, Yu. A. Kovalev, Y. Y. Kovalev, O. M. Kurtanidze, A. Kurtenkov, E. G. Larionova, A. Lessing, H. C. Lin, J. M. López, C. Lorey, J. Ludwig, N. Marchili, A. Marchini, A. P. Marscher, K. Matsumoto, W. Max-Moerbeck, B. Mihov, M. Minev, M. G. Mingaliev, A. Modaressi, D. A. Morozova, F. Mortari, T. V. Mufakharov, I. Myserlis, M. G. Nikolashvili, T. J. Pearson, A. V. Popkov, I. A. Rahimov, A. C. S. Readhead, D. Reinhart, R. Reeves, S. Righini, F. D. Romanov, S. S. Savchenko, E. Semkov, E. V. Shishkina, L. A. Sigua, L. Slavcheva-Mihova, Yu. V. Sotnikova, R. Steineke, M. Stojanovic, A. Strigachev, A. Takey, E. Traianou, Yu. V. Troitskaya, I. S. Troitskiy, A. L. Tsai, A. Valcheva, A. A. Vasilyev, G. Verna, O. Vince, K. Vrontaki, Z. R. Weaver, J. Webb, Q. X. Yuldoshev, E. Zaharieva, A. V. Zhovtan
    Astronomy & Astrophysics 692 A48 2024年12月  査読有り
    Context. Blazars are beamed active galactic nuclei (AGNs) known for their strong multi-wavelength variability on timescales ranging from years down to minutes. Many different models have been proposed to explain this variability. Aims. We aim to investigate the suitability of the twisting jet model presented in previous works to explain the multi-wavelength behaviour of BL Lacertae, the prototype of one of the blazar classes. According to this model, the jet is inhomogeneous, curved, and twisting, and the long-term variability is due to changes in the Doppler factor due to variations in the orientation of the jet-emitting regions. Methods. We analysed optical data of the source obtained during monitoring campaigns organised by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) in 2019–2022, together with radio data from the WEBT and other teams, and γ-ray data from the Fermi satellite. In this period, BL Lacertae underwent an extraordinary activity phase, reaching its historical optical and γ-ray brightness maxima. Results. The application of the twisting jet model to the source light curves allows us to infer the wiggling motion of the optical, radio, and γ-ray jet-emitting regions. The optical-radio correlation shows that the changes in the radio viewing angle follow those in the optical viewing angle by about 120 days, and it suggests that the jet is composed of plasma filaments, which is in agreement with some radio high-resolution observations of other sources. The γ-ray emitting region is found to be co-spatial with the optical one, and the analysis of the γ-optical correlation is consistent with both the geometric interpretation and a synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) origin of the high-energy photons. Conclusions. We propose a geometric scenario where the jet is made up of a pair of emitting plasma filaments in a sort of double-helix curved rotating structure, whose wiggling motion produces changes in the Doppler beaming and can thus explain the observed multi-wavelength long-term variability.
  • 西村昌能, 時政典孝, 山田隆文, 松浦美波, 松本基希, 松本桂
    天文教育 36(6) 41-43 2024年11月  
  • Avinash Singh, Rishabh Singh Teja, Takashi J. Moriya, Keiichi Maeda, Koji S Kawabata, Masaomi Tanaka, Ryo Imazawa, Tatsuya Nakaoka, Anjasha Gangopadhyay, Masayuki Yamanaka, Vishwajeet Swain, D. K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama, Brajesh Kumar, Ramya M. Anche, Yasuo Sano, A. Raj, V. K. Agnihotri, Varun Bhalerao, D. Bisht, M. S. Bisht, K. Belwal, S. K. Chakrabarti, Mitsugu Fujii, Takahiro Nagayama, Katsura Matsumoto, Taisei Hamada, Miho Kawabata, Amit Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Brian K. Malkan, Paul Smith, Yuta Sakagami, Kenta Taguchi, Nozomu Tominaga, Arata Watanabe
    Astrophysical Journal 975(1) 132 2024年11月  査読有り
    Abstract We present a detailed investigation of photometric, spectroscopic, and polarimetric observations of the Type II SN 2023ixf. Earlier studies have provided compelling evidence for a delayed shock breakout from a confined dense circumstellar matter (CSM) enveloping the progenitor star. The temporal evolution of polarization in the SN 2023ixf phase revealed three distinct peaks in polarization evolution at 1.4 days, 6.4 days, and 79.2 days, indicating an asymmetric dense CSM, an aspherical shock front and clumpiness in the low-density extended CSM, and an aspherical inner ejecta/He-core. SN 2023ixf displayed two dominant axes, one along the CSM-outer ejecta and the other along the inner ejecta/He-core, showcasing the independent origin of asymmetry in the early and late evolution. The argument for an aspherical shock front is further strengthened by the presence of a high-velocity broad absorption feature in the blue wing of the Balmer features in addition to the P-Cygni absorption post-16 days. Hydrodynamical light-curve modeling indicated a progenitor mass of 10 M with a radius of 470 R and explosion energy of 2 × 1051 erg, along with 0.06 M of 56 Ni, though these properties are not unique due to modeling degeneracies. The modeling also indicated a two-zone CSM: a confined dense CSM extending up to 5 × 1014 cm with a mass-loss rate of 10−2 M yr−1 and an extended CSM spanning from 5 × 1014 to at least 1016 cm with a mass-loss rate of 10−4 M yr−1, both assuming a wind-velocity of 10 km s−1. The early-nebular phase observations display an axisymmetric line profile of [O i], redward attenuation of the emission of Hα post 125 days, and flattening in the Ks-band, marking the onset of dust formation.
  • Mauri J. Valtonen, Staszek Zola, Alok C. Gupta, Shubham Kishore, Achamveedu Gopakumar, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Paul J. Wiita, Minfeng Gu, Kari Nilsson, Alan P. Marscher, Zhongli Zhang, Rene Hudec, Katsura Matsumoto, Marek Drozdz, Waldemar Ogloza, Andrei V. Berdyugin, Daniel E. Reichart, Markus Mugrauer, Lankeswar Dey, Tapio Pursimo, Harry J. Lehto, Stefano Ciprini, T. Nakaoka, M. Uemura, Ryo Imazawa, Michal Zejmo, Vladimir V. Kouprianov, James W. Davidson, Alberto Sadun, Jan Štrobl, Z. R. Weaver, Martin Jelínek
    Astrophysical Journal Letters 968(2) L17 2024年6月  査読有り
    Abstract We report the study of a huge optical intraday flare on 2021 November 12 at 2 a.m. UT in the blazar OJ 287. In the binary black hole model, it is associated with an impact of the secondary black hole on the accretion disk of the primary. Our multifrequency observing campaign was set up to search for such a signature of the impact based on a prediction made 8 yr earlier. The first I-band results of the flare have already been reported by Kishore et al. (2024). Here we combine these data with our monitoring in the R-band. There is a big change in the R–I spectral index by 1.0 ± 0.1 between the normal background and the flare, suggesting a new component of radiation. The polarization variation during the rise of the flare suggests the same. The limits on the source size place it most reasonably in the jet of the secondary BH. We then ask why we have not seen this phenomenon before. We show that OJ 287 was never before observed with sufficient sensitivity on the night when the flare should have happened according to the binary model. We also study the probability that this flare is just an oversized example of intraday variability using the Krakow data set of intense monitoring between 2015 and 2023. We find that the occurrence of a flare of this size and rapidity is unlikely. In machine-readable Tables 1 and 2, we give the full orbit-linked historical light curve of OJ 287 as well as the dense monitoring sample of Krakow.






  • 松本 桂
    国立天文台談話会 2016年11月18日 国立天文台  招待有り
    OJ 287 の活動銀河核における連星ブラックホールの性質は,少なくとも過去120年間,平均すれば約12年でくりかえされている準周期的な増光の形で現れており,さらに1公転につき2回生じる熱的フレアによる極大で特徴付けられます.このような性質を説明する仮説として,Mauri Valtonen らの歳差連星ブラックホールモデルが有力視されています.これは2005年およびそれ以降の増光の時期を事前に予測できた唯一のモデルであり,OJ 287 の理論モデルにおいては増光間隔の変化を考慮する必要があることが明らかとなりました.また同モデルによると,現在の OJ 287 の公転軌道の長軸は主ブラックホールの降着円盤に対し平行に近くなっていると考えられ,熱的フレアの間隔が12年周期から大きく乖離してくる時期にあると推測されています.したがって,今後の増光時期の観測的決定は同モデルの妥当性に対する試金石となります.その一環として,2015年12月に極大を迎えると予測されたフレアの時期の検証を国際共同観測により行いました.その結果や2016年以降のことなどについて紹介します.
  • 松本 桂
    第3回美星天文台ユーザーズミーティング 2002年3月3日  招待有り
  • 松本 桂
    第6回天体スペクトル研究会 2000年6月24日  招待有り









