Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
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Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, Division of Health and Safety Sciences Education, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Degree
- (BLANK)(Jissen Women's University)家政学修士(実践女子大学)Ph.D.(Showa University)博士(医学)(昭和大学)
- Researcher number
- 90240530
- 200901035171441451
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000241301
Research Interests
4Research Areas
3Research History
Apr, 2012
Apr, 2007 - Mar, 2012
Apr, 1998 - 2001
Apr, 1997 - Mar, 1998
2Committee Memberships
2005 - 2006
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, 71 79-89, Feb, 2023 Peer-reviewedLast author
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, 71 69-78, Feb, 2023 Peer-reviewedLast author
Japanese Journal of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy, 12(3) 137-145, Feb, 2023 Peer-reviewedLast author
Jpn. J. Nutr. Diet., 79(5) 302-310, Oct, 2021 Peer-reviewedCorresponding author
Japan Mibyou Association, 27(1) 19-24, Mar 1, 2021 Peer-reviewedThe birth rate of low birth weight infants (birth weight less than 2,500 g) is increasing in japan. Therefore, proper management of maternal weight gain is required to prevent birth of low birth weight infants. It is considered that the birth risk of low birth weight infant can be expected to be reduced by controlling the weight gain targeting the weight gain of 3.0 kg in the early pregnancy.
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, 69 101-110, Feb 28, 2021 Peer-reviewedThe use of ICT is rapidly advancing in school classes, and the use of newspapers in class is also being promoted. In this study, we conducted a task search using ICT and newspapers, compared and examined the difference in the effect of task search between these two information media, and verified the relationship with active learning.
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, 68 51-60, Feb 29, 2020 Peer-reviewed病院の内科外来に受診するADLの自立した65歳以上の高齢者164名を対象に,ロコモティブシンドロームと生活習慣との関連因 子を調査した。対象者の131名がロコモ群に該当した。年齢とロコモとの間には有意な関係を認めた。加齢に伴い,運動器の構成 要素となる骨,筋量,筋力は減少するため,年齢とロコモの有意な関係は必然的である。ロコモの重症化を予防するためにもADL の自立している時点からの早期介入が重要である。ロコモを重症化,悪化を予防する指導や対策が急務といえる。
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, 68 41-49, Feb 29, 2020 Peer-reviewed晩婚化や晩産化,育児の孤立化等,子育てを取り巻く状況は大きく変化しており,十分な育児支援を受けられる母親は少なく なっていることが予測され,育児情報源も多様化している。本研究では,近年普及の著しいSNS について着目し,育児中の母親の 育児情報源について質問紙調査を行った。育児情報源としてインターネットを利用していた母親は,92.7%であった。また, Instagram,LINE等SNSのいずれかを利用している母親は75.1%であった。さらに,情報リテラシーの認知度が35歳以下の母親と 比べて,35歳以上の母親では21%と有意に低く(P<0.05),母親の情報リテラシー教育の必要性が見出された。
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Humanities and Social Science, Natural Science, 68 33-40, Feb 29, 2020 Peer-reviewed経膣分娩の産婦200人を対象に,分娩の生理的要因について硬膜外麻酔分娩(以下,無痛分娩と略す)と普通分娩で比較検討し た。無痛分娩は,分娩所要時間と分娩第1期時間及び第2期時間が普通分娩より有意に高いことが認められた(p <0.05)。第3期時 間と出血量は両群間に有意な差は認められなかった。医療的介入は,無痛分娩は陣痛促進剤使用率,吸引分娩実施率,子宮内圧計 使用率が普通分娩に比べて有意に高い値を示した(p <0.05)。しかしながら,遷延分娩,第2期遷延,回旋異常は両群間に有意な 差は認められなかった。新生児への影響に関しては,アプガースコア,臍帯血pH・BEも両群間で有意な差は認められなかった。
大阪教育大学紀要 第III部門 自然科学・応用科学, 65(2) 19-25, Feb 28, 2017
大阪教育大学紀要 第III部門 自然科学・応用科学, 64(2) 55-61, Feb 29, 2016
Journal of human and living environment, 18(2) 99-106, 2011 Peer-reviewedA questionnaire survey was conducted on bathing habits of the elderly in winter to compare the characteristics of four districts, Sapporo, Akita, Osaka and Fukuoka, and to investigate factors associated with regional differences in bathing death rates. Subjects were asked their medical histories and living conditions in addition to bathing habits. More than half of those surveyed in this study were receiving treatment for diseases, particularly hypertension in all districts. The elderly people in Osaka and Fukuoka tended to feel colder in the bathroom in winter than those in Sapporo. As for heating equipment, a stove was most commonly used in the dressing room, and a heater-dryer was exclusively used in the bathroom. Those who have not installed heaters in their bathrooms do not feel the need for heating equipment. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the elderly in Sapporo, a district with a low bathing death rate, have a tendency to bathe less frequently, stay in the bathroom and soak in the bathtub for a short time, and feel little cold during bathing. If similar bathing habits can be formed elsewhere, they could prove useful in preventing fatal bathing accidents.
Applied human science : journal of physiological anthropology, 14(1) 23-28, 1995Twenty-three children (12 boys and 11 girls) and 13 female students served as the subjects in summer. The children were from six to eight years old. The subjects were seated in a hot room of 30 degrees C and their legs were immersed in bath water of 42 degrees C for 30 minutes. Total sweat rate, local sweat rate on the back, rectal temperature, skin temperatures at eight sites, heart rate and blood pressure were measured during the experiments. Total sweat rate of both groups was similar, but local sweat rates of the children were significantly smaller than those of the students. Although the degree of increase in rectal temperature from immersion in the hot bath were similar, the increases of heart rate and skin temperatures on the thigh and forearm were greater in children. These results suggest that the thermoregulatory ability of children during heat exposure is similar to that of young female adults. However, it is found that for heat loss, children resort more to vasodilation than sweating during heat exposure as compared to adults. The children were divided into two groups according to whether the children were exposed to air cooling systems in summer in their infancy or not. There was no significant inter-group differences in physiological responses during immersion in the hot water bath. It is found that the ability of Japanese children to tolerate heat was not reduced distinctly by the frequent use of an air cooling system in infancy.
Journal of Thermal Biology, 18(5-6) 633-637, 1993 Peer-reviewed1. 1. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of thermal radiation and wind on thermal responses at rest and during exercise in a cold environment. 2. 2. The experimental conditions were radiation and wind (R + W), no radiation and wind (W), radiation and no wind (R), no radiation and no wind (C). 3. 3. The air temperature was -5°C. Thermal radiation was 360 W/m2. Air velocities were 0.76, 1.73 and 2.8 m/s. Rectal and skin temperatures, heart rate and oxygen consumption were recorded. Thermal and comfort sensations were questioned. 4. 4. There are no significant effects of thermal radiation and wind on the physiological responses except the mean skin temperature. There are significant effects on the mean skin temperature (P < 0.01) and thermal sensation (P < 0.05). © 1993.
Journal of human and living environment, 17(2) 65,71-71, 2010In a pilot study, we observed the state of "heat shock" in elderly persons living in Osaka and Akita by means of simulating bathing and excretion in winter. Furthermore, using data on indoor thermal environments collected nationwide, we investigated relationships between heating equipment and air temperature in bathrooms and toilets, temperature differences from living rooms, and thermal sensations for the elderly. The pilot study showed that differences in air temperature between living rooms and other rooms were larger in cold latitudes, where there was a subject with remarkably increased blood pressure when moving from the living room to the bathroom or the toilet. According to data from our nationwide survey, temperature differences between living rooms and bathrooms or toilets were the highest around eight o'clock in the evening. Despite similar thermal sensations, actual air temperatures in bathrooms and toilets were lower than those in living rooms. Elderly persons seemed to be tolerant to cold in bathrooms and toilets, although they might be stressed physically. Differences in temperature between living and bathrooms have a tendency to correlate with death rates from bathing.
Journal of human and living environment, 14(1) 11-16, 2007A survey on thermal conditions of houses was carried out on 331 houses in 11 regions (Sapporo, Akita, Sendai, Chiba(north), Chiba(south), Shizuoka, Toyama, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka and Kagoshima) from December, 2004 to March, 2005. The air temperatures in the living room, bathroom, dressing room, toilet, corridor, bedroom and outdoor of houses were measured evety minute for 7 days. The water temperatures of bath during bathing were also recorded. The thermo-recorders which measured air temperatures at a height of 0.6-1.1m were kept out of the sun. The following results were obtained. (1) The room temperatures in Sapporo were kept above 15℃ in all rooms in winter. On the other hand, only living rooms were kept warm in the rest of regions. (2)The room temperatures in dressing rooms and/or corridors were vety low in all regions, except in Sapporo, (3)The mortality rate ofdrowninginthe 11 regions was correlated withthe room temperature in the dressing room.
Books and Other Publications
7Research Projects
Apr, 2019 - Mar, 2023
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2004 - 2008
Jun, 2006 - Mar, 2007
Dec, 2005 - Mar, 2006
Apr, 2004 - Mar, 2005