
Yasuhiro Kozaki

  (小崎 恭弘)

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Professor, Division of Health and Safety Sciences Education, Osaka Kyoiku University

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小﨑 恭弘
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兵庫県西宮市初の男性保育士として施設・保育所に12年勤務。三人の男の子それぞれに育児休暇を取得。それらの体験を持ちに「父親の育児支援」研究を始める。テレビ・ラジオ・新聞・雑誌等にて積極的に発信を行う。父親の育児、ワークライフバランス、子育て支援、保育研修等で、全国で年間60本程度講演会等を行う。これまで2000回の公演実績を持つ。 NHKすくすく子育て、視点・論点、たすけて極めびと、ビビット等出演 朝日新聞、読売新聞、毎日新聞、神戸新聞等でそれぞれに連載を持つ。 NPOファザーリングジャパン顧問 ・NPOファザーリング・ジャパン関西理事、顧問


  • Kunihiko Takamatsu, Kunisaki Tion, Kenya Bannaka, Katsuhiko Murakami, Takafumi Kirimura, Ryosuke Kozaki, Sayaka Matsumoto, Aoi Kishida, Hibiki Ito, Yasuhiro Kozaki, Shotaro Imai, Yasuo Nakata, Masao Mori
    IIAI Letters on Institutional Research, 4 1-1, 2024  
  • Yasuo Nakata, Kenya Bannaka, Ikuhiro Noda, Katsuhiko Murakami, Yasuhiro Kozaki, Kenichiro Mitsunari, Masato Omori, Kunihiko Takamatsu
    Proceedings of 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, 729-735, Sep, 2023  Peer-reviewed
  • TAKAGI Etsuko, KOZAKI Yasuhiro, AGAWA Yuuta, TAKEHARA Kenji
    Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi(JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH), 70(8) 483-494, Aug, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    Objectives This study aimed to examine the status of implementation and details of population-based approach projects that primarily target fathers nationwide. It also seeked to discuss the possibility of providing childcare support to fathers in the community. Methods This study analyzed the overall results of two surveys undertaken. The primary survey was conducted between December, 2020 and February, 2021 by administering a mail questionnaire within 1,741 municipalities across Japan. A secondary interview survey was then conducted from August to September, 2021, among the municipalities that responded that they are “implementing projects mainly for fathers,” and those that obtained consent to participate in this survey. Results The 837 municipalities (response rate = 48.1%) that responded to the primary survey were included in the analysis. Many municipalities provided paternal and family support in addition to childcare support for mothers, at the time of issuing maternal and child health handbooks and in parent classes. This support was inclusive of distributing leaflets and pamphlets for fathers (P=0.036), encouraging fathers to participate in parent classes (P<0.001), setting dates and times that are easy for fathers to participate in (P<0.001), and including content for fathers (P<0.001). There were significantly more responses from local governments of the municipalities with a total population of 70,000 or more. The number of municipalities that “implemented childcare support that primarily targeted fathers instead of mothers” was 54 or 6.5% of the total. However, about 70% of the municipalities that had not implemented such programs recognized the need for their implementation. In the 21 municipalities where the interviews were conducted, there were 10 projects implemented during pregnancy, 12 during the childcare period after delivery, and 1 implemented across both. The contents of the implemented programs varied widely, with each municipality devising its own programs based on regional characteristics, which had generally favorable evaluations from the participants. In contrast, many municipalities mentioned that the small number of participants was an issue. Conclusion Although fathers are encouraged to participate in childcare and housework within households, it is rare for them to be given opportunities to gain the required knowledge and skills. Most projects provide support for fathers as supporters of mothers. Going forward, in addition to surveys targeting fathers, there is a need to present project models that can be implemented by the local governments.
  • 小崎 恭弘, 城戸 楓, 小崎 遼介
    大阪教育大学紀要. 人文社会科学・自然科学, 71 35-43, Feb 28, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    type:Article 本研究の目的は、保育施設の運営と保育士等の働き方と満足度について明らかにすることで、保育施設におけるより良い働き方や保育の取り組みのあり方を検討することである。質問紙調査では、職務への満足(調査では職務不満度)と保護者との人間関係に起因する要因として、労働条件・職場での人間関係・キャリア教育・WLBの4因子を取り上げ、共分散構造モデリングを用いて各因子の職場への満足および保護者との関係に対する影響力を分析した。この結果、労働条件は職務不満を引き下げる影響力を持っていたが、保護者との関係には影響はなかった。また他の3因子では職務不満度を引き下げ、保護者との関係を良好にするというポジティブな影響力を持っていた。 The purpose of this study is to clarify the child care facility management and the working styles and satisfaction of childcare workers, and to examine better ways of working and childcare initiatives in childcare facilities. The questionnaire survey addressed four factors attributed to job satisfaction (job dissatisfaction in the survey) and relationships with parents: working conditions, workplace relationships, career education, and WLB, and analyzed the influence of each factor on workplace satisfaction and relationships with parents using structural covariance modeling. The results showed that working conditions had an influence on lowering job dissatisfaction, but not on the relationship with parents. The other three factors had a positive influence on lowering the level of job dissatisfaction and improving the relationship with parents. Finally, as a strategy to support these four factors, an analysis of variance was conducted to determine how the use of ICT equipment affects each factor. The results indicated that the use of "automatic e-mail delivery to parents" and "SIDS check during sleep" may improve working conditions, but no association was found between the other factors or ICT equipment.
  • Kunihiko Takamatsu, Ikuhiro Noda, Kenya Bannaka, Katsuhiko Murakami, Yasuhiro Kozaki, Kenichiro Mitsunari, Masato Omori, Yasuo Nakata
    We propose a novel concept of digital transformation, institutional research, and information and communication technology based on Eduinformatics. Digital transformation was proposed by Prof. E. Stolterman and Prof. A. C. Fors in 2004. Eduinformatics is a new interdisciplinary field that includes informatics and education. Eduinformatics analyze data of students and develop novel analytical methods. In our article, we set research questions on how to link digital transformation and education to refine higher education. We indicate some examples in a Japanese university. From these examples, we conclude that Eduinformatics is the key to linking digital transformation and information and communication technology and institutional research in higher education.



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