Osaka Kyoiku University Researcher Information
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Curriculum Vitaes
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Education, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Degree
- 教育学修士(静岡大学)
- Researcher number
- 60241197
- 200901013380233242
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000131869
- External link
Research Interests
6Research Areas
2Research History
Apr, 2012
Apr, 2007 - Mar, 2012
Apr, 2004 - Mar, 2007
Apr, 1998 - Mar, 2004
Apr, 1996 - Mar, 1998
3Committee Memberships
2019 - Present
Sep, 2017 - Present
Jul, 2019 - Jun, 2023
2014 - 2019
2013 - 2017
School Education Research of Osaka Kyoiku University, 21 1-5, Mar, 2023 Lead author
生活文化研究, 60 15-28, Feb, 2023 Lead authorCorresponding author
生活文化研究, 60 39-46, Feb, 2023type:Article 本論文では、特別の教科「道徳」における消費者教育の展開に向けて、授業実践からの省察としての課題の抽出と、その克服への展望を試みた。具体的には「多すぎたお釣りをどうするか」という実践を複数学年にまたがって実践し、また、生活場面での実態のアンケート結果との比較検討から、発達段階と社会的背景を踏まえた分析を施し、今後の展開の方向性を模索している。
60(2) 57-63, 2012 Lead author
Journal of Life Cultuer, 48 31-41, 2009
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics, 42(42) 140-146, 2008
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics, 42(42) 129-139, 2008There are a lot of various, social family problems like decrease the number of children, aging, domestic violence, uneasy child care, and others in Japan. We consider that it is possible and necessary to contribute to the society as a mission original of home economics that improves the quality of family life in the future. In this study we examined the issues about "Family Life Education" in Taiwan as a basic research to establish family life education based on home economics in Japan. The resullts are below; 1. Taiwan has a long history of "Family Life Education." It has started since 1945. 2. After lifting martial law of 1987, many issues about females and families appeared due to rapid social and economic changes in Taiwan. That was a time to start searching new approach of "Family Life Education" based on Home Economics. 3. In 2003 The Family Life Education Act and in 2004 The Certificated Family Life Educator & Training Act were constituted in Taiwan. The acts are strongly influenced by NCFR programs, yet these keep their own culture and traditions. 4. "Family Life Education" in Taiwan was founded on rapid social changes and Confucian family convention which are different from Japanese settings.
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics, 42(42) 140-146, 2008
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics, 42(42) 129-139, 2008There are a lot of various, social family problems like decrease the number of children, aging, domestic violence, uneasy child care, and others in Japan. We consider that it is possible and necessary to contribute to the society as a mission original of home economics that improves the quality of family life in the future. In this study we examined the issues about "Family Life Education" in Taiwan as a basic research to establish family life education based on home economics in Japan. The resullts are below; 1. Taiwan has a long history of "Family Life Education." It has started since 1945. 2. After lifting martial law of 1987, many issues about females and families appeared due to rapid social and economic changes in Taiwan. That was a time to start searching new approach of "Family Life Education" based on Home Economics. 3. In 2003 The Family Life Education Act and in 2004 The Certificated Family Life Educator & Training Act were constituted in Taiwan. The acts are strongly influenced by NCFR programs, yet these keep their own culture and traditions. 4. "Family Life Education" in Taiwan was founded on rapid social changes and Confucian family convention which are different from Japanese settings.
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics, 41 42-45, 2007
Human Perspectives on Sustainable Future, (99) 77-84, Nov, 2006 Peer-reviewed
Social Contribution in the Field of Home Economics : a View and Cases of Actions to Promote in AAFCSJournal of the Principles of Home Economics, 40 1-12, 2006
Social Contribution in the Field of Home Economics : a View and Cases of Actions to Promote in AAFCSJournal of the Principles of Home Economics, 40 1-12, 2006
Joensuun YliopistoHuman Perspectives on Sustainable Future, (99) 77-84, 2006
The 13th Biennial International Conference of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics Congress Proceedings, 401-410, Aug, 2005
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University 2 Social science and home science, 54(1) 47-60, 2005This research aims to reveal the movements and characteristics of child research in American home economics. It has analyzed 274 papers, categorized into child research, out of the 6,799 papers published in 890 copies of the American Home Economics Journal and the Home Economics Research Journal from 1909 to 2000. At the beginning of the 20th century, child research centered in the areas of "sanitation" and "child care, nursing and education". In the late 20th century, "development" became a central theme, and recently "child care, nursing and education" and "welfare and the environment" have become major research areas.
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, 56 88-88, 2004【目的】家政学は、専門的な研究を深めるだけでなく、その研究成果を個人・家族・地域社会の発達を促す社会的活動へ生かしていくことが、学問としての重要な使命のひとつである。本研究ではこれを「家政学者の社会貢献」としてとらえ、その実態を把握し、家政学者がいかに社会貢献すべきか検討する。本報では、日本家政学会に所属する会員に対して行った実態調査に基づき、家政学会員の社会的活動の実態を明らかにする。<br>【方法】質問紙による自記式アンケート調査(無記名・郵送法)を行った。調査期間は2003年5月から6月、調査対象者は日本家政学会に所属する会員で、名簿から無作為に1,000名抽出した。回収率は32%、有効回答数は300であった。調査項目は1.属性、2.家政学会員の研究・教育における社会的活動の実態、3.家政学(社会貢献・アイデンティティ等)に対する意識、4.家政教育に対する意識等である。本報では1・2について報告する。<br>【結果】回答者は女性7割、男性3割で、50歳代が最も多く3分の1を超えた。出身学部・大学院は多様であるが、約半数が家政系学部・大学院出身者であった。専門領域は、「食物」が約6割を占め、「家政学原論」は1.7%と極めて少なかった。企業・行政・地域社会において何らかの活動を経験している会員は、6から7割であった。国際的・学際的な研究・教育活動も同程度の回答があったが、家政学内での分野を超えた連携は相対的に少なかった。また、8割の会員がメディアを通した活動経験を持つが、専門書や新聞・雑誌等の依頼原稿の執筆経験が3から4割であるのに対し、ホームページを公開したり、教育関係で取材を受けたりする経験はその半数程度であった。
Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics, 56 103-103, 2004【目的】本研究では、大学教育における家政教育カリキュラムの内実と今後の展望を明らかにすることを目的とする。具体的には日本家政学会員に行った調査結果を手がかりとして、「家政教育」についての概念認識を明らかにするとともに、大学・学部における「家政教育系」開講科目・テーマ の現況と家政教育の発展のための今後の方向性を展望する。【方法】郵送法・質問紙自記式調査を平成15年5月下旬_から_6月中旬に日本家政学会会員1000名を対象に実施、有効回収率30%であった。調査内容は_丸1_「家政教育」の概念認識_丸2_大学・学部の一般(教養)・総合・専門教育の「家政教育系」開講科目・テーマの現況_丸3_今後の研究・教育上の連携必要領域・カリキュラム等の三点である。また、現況・展望については併せて、改組前後の大学教育のカリキュラムの実際を事例的に考察する。【結果と考察】「家政学教育」と「家政教育」の概念認識は66.4%が差異を認識、教育の「対象」と「志向性」の認識に違いが見られた。「家政教育系」開講科目・テーマの現況は、専門教育では「食物」・「被服」領域が多く、「原論系」の名称は「生活科学原論系」が「家政学原論系」を上回る傾向であった。一般(教養)・総合等の「家政教育系」の開講状況は1999年の研究と比較した結果、「家政系学部」「教員養成系学部」では「家政学」領域が減少、「環境」「消費経済」「福祉」領域が増加、「一般系(家政系以外の学部)」では「家政学」領域の増加の傾向がみられた。「家政教育」の推進発展にむけて今後は、多領域を架橋する教育上・研究上の連携とカリキュラムの開発の必要性が示唆された。
Journal of Home Economics of Japan, 51(12) 1105-1113, 2000This research aims to examine how the administrators of the Home Economics-related academic units in American universities and colleges have responded to the 1993 Scottsdale Conference's resolution to change the name of the profession and what problem areas they find with respect to the field of Home Economics.<BR>According to the questionnaire survey we conducted with the cooperation of the American deans and administrators of these courses in September 1995, 61.0% of the respondents supported the name change of the profession from Home Economics (HE) to Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS). The follow-up research in 1998 showed that the number of the academic units at the university/college level employing the terminology, FCS in their names had increased from 20 (1995) to 46 (1998), with the number of the academic units using nomenclature of HE, decreasing from 60 to only 28.<BR>It appears that trends in the field of HE in the United States toward addressing the long-seated problems in terms of professional recognition and identity have been the driving force towards supporting the name change of the profession.
Journal of Home Economics of Japan, 51(12) 1105-1113, 2000This research aims to examine how the administrators of the Home Economics-related academic units in American universities and colleges have responded to the 1993 Scottsdale Conference's resolution to change the name of the profession and what problem areas they find with respect to the field of Home Economics.<BR>According to the questionnaire survey we conducted with the cooperation of the American deans and administrators of these courses in September 1995, 61.0% of the respondents supported the name change of the profession from Home Economics (HE) to Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS). The follow-up research in 1998 showed that the number of the academic units at the university/college level employing the terminology, FCS in their names had increased from 20 (1995) to 46 (1998), with the number of the academic units using nomenclature of HE, decreasing from 60 to only 28.<BR>It appears that trends in the field of HE in the United States toward addressing the long-seated problems in terms of professional recognition and identity have been the driving force towards supporting the name change of the profession.
Books and Other Publications
ARAHE 2019, Aug 21, 2019, アジア地区家政学会
Professional Memberships
6Research Projects
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2022 - Mar, 2026
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2020 - Mar, 2024
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2019 - Mar, 2023
科学研究費助成事業, 日本学術振興会, Apr, 2019 - Mar, 2023
2020 - 2023