
Yozo Takino

  (瀧野 揚三)

Profile Information

Professor, Division of General Education, Osaka Kyoiku University
Master of Education(University of Tsukuba)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

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Research History







  • 瀧野揚三
    月刊学校教育相談, 38(9) 106-108, Jul, 2024  InvitedLead author
  • Yozo Takino, Masahiro Iwakiri
    International Journal of Psychology, 58(S1) 1031-1031, Dec 30, 2023  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 大岡, 由佳, 岩切, 昌宏, 瀧野, 揚三, 浅井, 鈴子, 毎原, 敏郎
    学校安全推進センター紀要, 1 43-54, Mar, 2021  
    type:Article トラウマは、当事者の口から語ることが容易ではないことから、適時適切なケア・関わりが届きにくい現状にある。本稿では、アートという媒体と通して“こころ"や“人生"のテーマで絵を描いてもらうワークショップを実施する中で見いだされた、子ども時代のトラウマに着目した。子ども時代のトラウマは、自他ともに気づかれないまま放置され、現在の生きづらさにつながっていた。無理強いしないアートという方法で、子ども時代のトラウマに気づくことが、トラウマを過去のものとして、未来に進んでいける一歩になる可能性を秘めていた。海外では盛んな、地域におけるトラウマインフォームドな実践の一例を報告した。 Trauma Informed Care refers to support based on trauma understanding. Understanding trauma-informed care begins with recognizing some of us who may be traumatized. This paper is a report of "Kokoro Art Expression Project" in 2019. It is an effort to have the picture express one's difficult experience and difficulty living in the mind. In a safe and secure space, we aimed to support empowerment by allowing individuals to face memories that cannot be translated into language, and in the process, to be aware of the power hidden in them and to take new steps, to enhance the resilience of such people. The target is those who want to express themselves in art. As a result, 40 mentally handicapped people, their families, and supporters participated. We found trauma in many of the works we were asked to write about one's life. When categorized, it became mal-treatment, grief, trapping, and so on. In this paper, we discussed paintings depicting childhood traumas. By drawing a picture, an unconscious childhood trauma emerged, and being aware of it led to the empowerment of the person. It was confirmed that it was necessary to respond sensitively to people who might have trauma.
  • 瀧野 揚三
    公認心理師, 2(2) 89-99, 2021  InvitedLead authorCorresponding author
  • 瀧野 揚三, 岩切 昌宏
    トラウマティック・ストレス : 日本トラウマティック・ストレス学会誌 = Japanese journal of traumatic stress : official journal of the Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies / 日本トラウマティック・ストレス学会 編, 18(2) 195-199, Dec, 2020  InvitedLead author



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