
Wataru Noda

  (野田 航)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Division of General Education, Osaka Kyoiku University

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  • Keiichi Kurose, Wataru Noda
    Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31(1) 46-57, Feb 25, 2022  Peer-reviewed
  • Ohkubo, K., Tsukimoto, H., Otsui, K., Tanaka, Y, Noda, W, Niwayama, K.
    International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support, 12 4-18, 2022  Peer-reviewedInvited
  • 野田航
    教育実践研究, 16 1-12, 2022  Lead author
    type:Article 本研究の目的は、公立小学校において学校規模ポジティブ行動支援(SWPBS)第1 層支援を実施し、その効果および社会的妥当性を検討することであった。介入手続きとしては、まず、全教職員が協議してポジティブ行動マトリクスを作成し、その中から挨拶行動と話を聞く行動を目標行動とした。次に、各目標行動に対する行動支援計画を作成し実行した。AB デザインによって介入効果を検証した結果、学年毎の効果の違いはあるものの、全体として各目標行動が増加した。また、社会的妥当性に関する質問紙調査の結果、目標行動・手続き・介入効果について一定の妥当性が示された。今後の課題として、より厳密な研究デザインによる効果検証や実行度データの収集、簡便な行動観察方法の開発等が示された。 The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect and social validity of the Tier 1 intervention within the framework of the school-wide positive behavior support(SWPBS)in a Japanese public elementary school. A public elementary school implemented SWPBS for two years in collaboration with an external consultant. As a Tier 1 intervention, school teachers developed a behavior matrix and selected the target behaviors(greeting behavior for first year, and listening behavior for second year). Then, they developed and implemented each behavior support plan. A single- case AB design was used to evaluate the effect of the Tier 1 intervention on each target behavior. The homeroom teachers observed the students' greeting behavior in their class and support staffs observed listening behavior during class. Results showed that greeting behavior and listening behavior were increased and maintained, although there were differences in the effect by grade level. In addition, homeroom teachers rated the social validity of the Tier 1 intervention(target behaviors, procedures, and intervention effects) as highly acceptable. Implications for future research were discussed, including the verification of the reliability of behavioral data, use of more rigorous research design to evaluate the intervention effect, measuring fidelity of the procedure, and the development of a simple behavioral observation method.
  • Otsui, K, Niwayama, K, Ohkubo, K, Tanaka, Y, Wataru, N
    International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support, 12 19-28, 2022  Invited



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